July 2002

Windows 2000 SP3 online


Nach über einem Jahr wurde heute endlich das Service Pack 3 für Windows 2000 online gestellt.

Interessant vor allem zwei Dinge:
1. Einige wichtige Hotfixes scheinen trotzdem zu fehlen
2. Mit dem SP wird das automatische Windowsupdate mitinstalliert. Dazu steht in der EULA der brisante Passus, dass Daten an Microsoft übermittelt werden müssen. Dieses lässt sich aber die Systemsteuerung auch wieder abschalten.

Auf meinem Testsystem war die Installation problemlos möglich. Das System lief die folgenden Stunden gleich stabil - jediglich der IE 5.5 SP1 neigte zu leichten Verzögerungen.

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Das Diktat der Schwatzköppe

by Volker Weber

Ist der ideale Kollege wirklich extrovertiert und eloquent? Ein Plädoyer für den "autistischen Nerd"

"Der ist ja autistisch" - so fluchte ein Ex-Chef über einen Mitarbeiter, der eher unauffällig war. Sicher übertrieben, doch wird die Arbeit fleißiger, aber stiller Menschen tatsächlich meist weniger gewürdigt als die der herumblökenden Dampfplauderer.

"Computernerds" - den Ruf haben Computerfachleute weg, seit es sie gibt: "Anständige Leute beschäftigen sich doch nicht mit so Technik-Kram." Erst seitdem auch Sexkontakte online möglich sind und sich das vor allem auch überall herumgesprochen hat, stürzen sich plötzlich auch die BMW-Fahrer ins Netz.

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IBM to acquire PwC Consulting

by Volker Weber


ARMONK, N.Y. AND NEW YORK--IBM and PricewaterhouseCoopers today announced that IBM would acquire PricewaterhouseCoopers' global business consulting and technology services unit, PwC Consulting.

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Ein Alligator von Welt

by Volker Weber

Er spielte hoch und verlor: der Führungswechsel im Hause Bertelsmann offenbart den Sieg der Solidität über die Strategie des ungestümen Wachstums.

Die Wände holzvertäfelt, ein schwerer Konferenztisch, sehr viel Auslauf. Ganz hinten eine Nasszelle mit Dusche und Klo. Das Büro des Bertelsmann-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Thomas Middelhoff in Gütersloh erinnerte an die riesigen Stuben der Stahlbarone an der Ruhr. Der Konzernchef hatte das Kontor im November 1998 von seinem Vorgänger Mark Wössner übernommen und er hat es nie gemocht. Es verströmte den eigentümlichen Geruch alter Herrenzimmer, in denen oft kalter Zigarrenrauch hängt. Auch die Knöpfe unter dem Tisch, mit denen man Sekretärinnen rufen kann, hat er nicht benutzt.

Wenn Middelhoff ans Fenster trat, sah er das Gebäude der 1977 gegründeten Bertelsmann-Stiftung, auch sie sehr ehrwürdig. Nur wenn er aus dem Haus ging und nach oben blickte, war er frei – am Himmel zogen die Flugzeuge nach Irgendwo, am besten weit weg. Zwei Wochen im Monat arbeitete der Manager in einem hypermodernen Büro im 24. Stock des Bertelsmann-Towers in New York nahe am Times Square, dann war er da, wo das Herz der Medienindustrie schlägt. Mindestens einmal im Quartal jettete er im Firmenflugzeug nach Asien.

Thomas Middelhoff, 49, hat die Zerreißprobe zwischen Gütersloh und Manhattan, zwischen Provinz und Weltliga, zwischen Scholle und Globalisierung nicht bestanden.

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To R6, or Not to R6?

by Volker Weber


With the release of Lotus Notes/Domino 6 imminent, when are you going to take the plunge and migrate?

If you were among the customers who felt burned by upgrading too early from Notes/Domino R4 to R5, it still stings. R5 was released to meet a target date, not feature and quality standards. IBM says this won't happen again, and promises Notes/Domino 6 will be released "when it's ready."

But by also saying "Notes/Domino 6 will be released in Q3 2002," can IBM keep both promises? Based on evaluation of the current Pre-Release 2 (PR2), there are conflicting opinions about whether the gold release of Notes/Domino 6.0 will be safe and smart to deploy.

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ABC Clinton Interview

by Volker Weber

CLINTON: I don't think I should offer an opinion on that. I think its a mistake for them to try and blame us for it though, because we actually have a clear and unbroken record of trying to clear up a lot of these corporate abuses. We started back in '98 warning about the accounting problems and when my Securities and Exchange Commissioner tried to stop the Enron accounting practice of accountants being the consultants, the other party stopped us, and their main lobbyist was Harvey Pitt, who is now head of the SEC.

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How do people collaborate?

by Volker Weber

There is seemingly a disconnect between how organizations envision "collaboration" happening, and how real people actually do it. The vast majority of collaboration solutions are process intensive. By their very nature, process-oriented activities require forethought and planning. The problem is that people don't have explicit "I need to collaborate..." thoughts. They just do it, without a moments notice, as a means to accomplish whatever needs to get done (the real work).

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Too Easy to Collaborate?

by Volker Weber

We were meeting with the IT folks and things were going really well until we got to the use case and the types of things the highly strategic LOB in this biotech wanted to do. "You mean that one of my supply chain people could share our schedule data with a supplier?" he asked. "Sure, but they could do that with email, or the phone too. Heck, they could do a screen shot of their SAP GUI and fax the thing too couldn't they?" I offered.

"Are you telling me they could also have persisted discussion around it? Work together on 3D molecular modeling tools in your product?" the lead IT guy continued. "Uh, yes. That is the technology and human design goal. To make people effectively collaborative, by offering secure ad-hoc group creation, contextualization, and different-time/different-place capabilities," I replied.

The IT guy concluded that, "You guys are making it way too easy to share with others." And then he dropped the bomb: "Listen, our business users are stupid, we have to help protect them from themselves."

Many years ago, IBM's Lou Gerstner briefed a group of us on the things he worries about most. At the top of the list was the "10 guys in a garage in Cleveland." With the advent of the internet, they had equal access to the world markets, and they could innovate faster than he could. Why? Because there were no barriers between these people and their ideas or their value chains.

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Current weather in Frankfurt

by Volker Weber

The WeatherPixie

.Net Insecurity Day

by Volker Weber

Some guys have all the luck. And then there's Bill Gates. With all of the money in the world, he can't buy a break.

Bill says, "Trust us -- we're going to change the world. Trust us -- we're laser-focused on preserving your privacy. Trust us -- we're making it easier to write .Net-aware apps."

But backstage it's a different message: Microsoft .NotYet. Trust us -- we're patenting the HailStorm schemas. Trust us -- but we're not rewriting our apps in .Net. Trust us -- we're locking you in with licenses for upgrades that will never happen because -- trust us -- we're going to change our minds.

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Treiberzertifizierung für Win98/Win NT eingestellt


Seit diesem Monat zertifiziert Microsoft keine neuen Hardware-Teiber für die Betriebssysteme Windows 98 und NT mehr.

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Knoppix 3.0 released

by Volker Weber

Knoppix is a fully functional and usable Linux system running completely from a single bootable CD without requiring a hard disc or hard disc access due to on-the-fly decompression. It "can be customized as rescue system, security scanner, platform for presentations and demos, or as a productive environment" and is very helpful when it comes to "'How can I test Linux without having to change anything on my computer?''

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A special day, once a year, to acknowledge the worthiness and appreciation of the person occupying the role, especially as it is often this person who really keeps the wheels of your company turning.

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Blick in die Zukunft: So stellt sich Microsoft Ihren Desktop vor


Egal welche Auflösung der PC-Anwender benutzt, nie ist genug Platz auf dem Desktop um alle wichtigen Informationen zu platzieren. Mit diesem Problem setzt sich auch Microsoft auseinander und entwickelt Pläne, wie der Desktop künftig aussehen könnte. Die Devise dabei: so viele personalisierte Informationen wie möglich und das im ansprechenden Look.

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Die schlimmsten Bandfotos aller Zeiten

by Volker Weber


Gates Neustart von .Net

by Volker Weber

Wenn bei Windows was hakt, dann gönnt man dem System am besten einen "Reboot". Das, meint Bill Gates ungewohnt selbstkritisch, könnte auch die .Net-Strategie von Microsoft vertragen. Da habe man doch viele Fehler gemacht.

Es gibt zu viele Produkte, die .Net genannt werden und dies gar nicht verdienen. Das meinen nicht nur viele Kunden, die inzwischen etwas ermüdet auf die vor zwei Jahren von Bill Gates verkündete Computer-Revolution warten, sondern auch Gates selbst. Ungewohnt selbstkritisch setzte der sich vor Presse und Investoren, um sich dort ausgiebig "mea culpa"-skandierend vor die Brust zu schlagen: "Wir haben strategische Fehler gemacht".

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by Volker Weber


Microsoft: IBM and Linux our biggest threats

by Volker Weber

IBM and Linux combined represent a threat and inspiration as Microsoft Corp drives into enterprise computing, top company executives said yesterday.

Computing giant IBM wages war against Microsoft in lucrative corporate accounts while Linux, the low-coast threat to Windows, wins supporters in fertile developer communities.

Speaking at Microsoft's 2002 Financial Analysts Day yesterday, executives heading-up Microsoft's developer and enterprise server divisions spoke with frankness. They also revealed product and strategic initiatives to combat the double-headed threat.

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BMW Allergie

by Volker Weber

Der bekannte bayerische Autohersteller BMW hat eine Groß-Umfrage unter seinen 3er-Kunden durchgeführt. In Folge dieser 3er-Fahrer-Umfrage wird BMW in Zukunft versuchen, stärker auf die individuellen Wünsche und Bedürfnisse seiner Kunden einzugehen.

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Jedem sein Unternehmens-Portal

by Volker Weber

Das Intranet kann Mitarbeiter zufriedener und Unternehmen reicher machen. Doch bis dahin ist es ein weiter Weg: Bei der Einführung gibt es vieles zu bedenken.

Lufthansa-Stewardess Andrea Kern würde gern mal wieder auf der Strecke nach Spanien eingesetzt werden, um an ihrem freien Tag in Madrid einkaufen zu gehen: "Die Stadt ist großartig." Doch dafür noch heute aus Tokio zu nachtschlafender Zeit in der Frankfurter Einsatzleitung anrufen? Nur um zu erfahren, dass dienstältere Stewardessen mit ihren Wünschen mal wieder schneller waren?

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by Markus Nolte

Sie mögen Nierentische und Ganzkörper-Waschmaschinen? Sie wissen schon: die Art Innovation, über die man nach ein paar Jahren brüllend lacht. Hier ist eine neue: Der tragbare Computer, der die Erinnerungsfunktion Ihres Hirns übernimmt.

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Binary people

by Volker Weber


Der kraftlose Riese

by Volker Weber

Die Telekom gab den Deutschen die Hoffnung auf Börsengewinne für jedermann. Inzwischen sind die Visionen einer neuen High-Tech-Welt verflogen, die Kurse abgestürzt. Die Volksaktionäre glauben den Schuldigen zu kennen: Ron Sommer, der Vorstandschef. Innenansicht eines Konzerns in Not.

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Neuer 3D-Webstandard


Die Spezifikation des neuen Webstandards X3D ist vom Web3D Consortium fertiggestellt worden.

Das Web3D Consortium gibt die Spezifikationen ihres neuen 3D-Webstandards X3D (Extensible 3D) bekannt. Dieser soll die bereits etwas veraltete Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) ablösen. VRML wurde 1997 als offener Standard für 3D-Objekte und interaktive Benutzerumgebungen im World Wide Web anerkannt und wie HTML als Beschreibungssprache konzipiert. Mit X3D sollen 3D-Szenen nicht mehr nur auf leistungsfähigen Desktop-PCs, sondern auch auf PDAs dargestellt werden können. Zudem unterstützt der Standard neuere Websprachen wie XML.

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Sicherheit im WLAN


Selbst Laien können mit einfachen Tools in Funknetze eindringen. Speziell wenn es um sensible Daten geht, muss man Vorkehrungen treffen, die das Abhören und unerlaubte Nutzen des WLANs erschweren.

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Nicht ohne mein Backup


Ein bedürfnisgerechtes Konzept für die Sicherung hilft im Ernstfall vor Datenverlust.

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Mozilla Skin of the Day Department

by Volker Weber


This one looks really nice ...

Die Glücksmaschine

by Volker Weber

Es ist ein Gefühl, als würde dich der Chef schon loben, wenn du morgens einen Stift in die Hand nimmst. Als würde er vor Begeisterung juchzen, wenn du den Rechner startest. Als würde er dir beim Eintippen der ersten E-Mail-Adresse die Füße küssen, dir bei der Formulierung eines kleinen Gedankens das Gehalt erhöhen und dich auf dem Weg zum Mittagstisch befördern. Ha, lacht der Leser bitter, der vielleicht einmal im Jahr von unmaßgeblicher Seite ein gequältes Lob abbekommt. Jibbet doch gar nicht! Ich aber sage: Jibbet! Nicht den Chef. Das Gefühl.

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by Volker Weber

pwalker.gif LinNeighborhood is free software under the terms fo the GNU General Public License for browsing MS machines and mounting SMB filesystems.

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Blogs as Disruptive Tech

by Volker Weber

Watching the Content Management Sales Guy on the convention floor, it was pretty clear that he'd faced this situation before: a potential client who was unwilling to pay full price for a mid-range CMS solution. So he did what most traditional companies do: he walked away from the revenue opportunity.

He was doing exactly what he'd been trained to do... which is exactly what convinced me that Weblog Software was a disruptive technology that would eventually end up putting his company out of business.

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Scharping ist nicht der erste ...

by Volker Weber


Seattle Times: Thorny issues alter briefings at Microsoft

by Volker Weber

It used to be such a love fest when Microsoft held its annual briefing for analysts and media, as it will again later this week.

Reflecting on the previous year's sales growth of 50 percent or so, and looking ahead to more of the same, those who attended the sessions never had much to debate. Everything was upside, even if Chief Financial Officer Frank Gaudette was sure to proclaim that trees don't grow to the sky.

But it's a different Microsoft this year -- and a different computer business in a vastly changed economy. Even if Microsoft is the world's richest company, there are some thorny issues confronting the Redmond giant.

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Groove Workspace to Be Integrated With SharePoint Team Services

by Ulli Müller

Microsoft Teams Up With Groove Networks to Provide Customers With Better Access to Business-Critical Information.

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Objects in the mirror ...

by Volker Weber


... are closer than they appear.

Dave Winer on Paladium ...

by Volker Weber

in particular and Microsoft in general:

I got a briefing yesterday from some Microsoft people on Palladium. It was an interesting but depressing meeting. They're putting a lot of effort into something that no one I know wants. There are few if any developers to validate the idea. Any developer with a mind is going to stay out of Microsoft's program, remembering this is the company that cuts off the air supply of its successful developers. This is a tragedy, because MS is a PR-conscious company, that at its core probably wants developers, but in the heat of their war with Netscape and Sun, and then the DOJ, forgot their mission and lost their way. Now the software business is a wrecked landscape. They're producing products as if it were not. That won't work.

Net-net, if you want developers, you have to work really hard over a long time to get some trust so there can be some triangulation on your ideas. As it stands, there's no way to know if the claims MS makes are credible. Absent any way to know, I'm going to assume the worst. Unfortunately, based on the history of the last ten years, that's the only reasonable assumption one can make about Microsoft.

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Vorbis.com - Open, Free Audio

by Volker Weber

A funny thing about demo pages; about a year ago when Microsoft put up a demo page trumpeting how the newly released WMA 8 beat Real 8 in 64kbps quality, they included a number of samples purportedly demonstrating that WMA was now clearly superior. I read the page at that time, shook my head and thought to myself, "Poor Real. Microsoft finally caught them." I didn't even listen to the samples, but I left the page with a clear idea in my head that WMA 8 really was better than Real.

Odd thing, though; a few months later I finally listened to those demo samples side by side... and was actually surprised to find that Real was clearly superior in every featured demo comparison. It wasn't even really close, and these were samples hand picked by Microsoft to show off WMA.

The slick page had suckered me-- ME-- of all people, and I obviously like to think I'm smarter than that.

So, I beg you, gentle visitor, to listen to the below comparisons and not just take my word that Ogg Vorbis 1.0 wins the comparison. Put on some good headphones, let the cat out and have some fun with it.

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by Volker Weber

Now, that is an interesting web site.

Bubble Shooter again

by Volker Weber


As long as you can keep two colors on the board, you can play forever.

OpenOffice 1.0.1

by Volker Weber

OpenOffice.org 1.0.1 is the result of development on the cvs branch tagged "OOO_STABLE_1". Some builds have already been released from this branch, namely OpenOffice.org 1.0.0, and earlier the snapshots 641, 641C and 641D. Development was focussed on bug fixes.

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InfoWorld Readers' Choice Awards 2002

by Ulli Müller

Groove Workspace came in second for "Best Collaboration Product" in InfoWorld's annual Reader's Choice Awards. Novell's Groupwise had the most votes with 56%, while Groove had 23%.

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Amazon goes Google

by Volker Weber


This is one of the neat things you can do with the Amazon Web Service - build a Google-like interface. Way cool!

"We at Amazon.com want to see Web services work. We believe they are important to the future of the Internet. To help stimulate Web service innovation, we now offer software developers the opportunity to integrate Amazon.com features and content directly into other web sites using either SOAP or XML over HTTP. Partner with the leader in e-commerce and join the Web services revolution today! "

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The enemy of my enemy is IBM

by Volker Weber

In the computer industry, the prevailing wisdom is that my enemy's enemy must be my friend and IBM is now friend to everyone. But with friends like IBM, none of these vendors need enemies.


Shocking: Britney exposed

by Volker Weber

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Ballmer: We haven't figured out how to be lower priced than Linux

by Volker Weber

Windows is a lot more expensive to run than Linux, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has finally confessed. Despite Redmond's heroic efforts to defeat common knowledge with elaborately-rigged total cost of ownership 'studies', innuendo, FUD and outright distortions, the rhetorical power of common experience has become too powerful, even for a marketing behemoth like MS.

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by Volker Weber

Alkohol_Sie.jpg Alkohol_Er.jpg

Danke, Siham :-)

Jim Manzi

by Volker Weber

What is Jim Manzi doing these days? Very funny resumé: "At Lotus, I was often in charge of advertising and made some sales calls."

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eRoom without a window

by Volker Weber

Following its foray into Web services support for its collaboration software, eRoom Technology is building a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) version of its software to complement the Windows server edition. By delivering on top of Java and Windows environments, eRoom expects to create a new software layer between applications and application servers to serve as an XML-driven integration layer between people and enterprise apps. Although a good idea, this project has been borne of necessity. Prior to its alliance with Groove Networks, Microsoft relied on eRoom as its primary collaborative application partner to counter Lotus Notes. Microsoft now seems focused more on embedding Groove in the next iteration of Office to entice people to upgrade Office clients than it is on its eRoom partnership.

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IT-Profis müssen das Bewerbungs-Einmaleins lernen


Selbst gestandene IT-Spezialisten tun sich bei der Bewerbung schwer. Nicht nur die schwierige Situation auf dem Arbeitsmarkt macht den Erfolgsverwöhnten zu schaffen. Was den meisten fehlt, ist die Kunst, ihre potenziellen Arbeitgeber mit den richtigen Argumenten zu überzeugen. Bei einigen hapert es auch schon beim Bewerbungs-Einmaleins.

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by Volker Weber

Sun has finally launched a new Java homepage. Much better ...

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In Kopenhagen wenig Neues: OracleWorld 2002


Gegen zehntausend Teilnehmer vernahmen ende Juni an der weltweit grössten Veranstaltung zum Thema das Neueste rund um die Oracle-Datenbanktechnologie.

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Boys need toys

by Volker Weber


Groove Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET

by Volker Weber

"The text-based approach to developing tools and applications for Groove is just too cumbersome for most developers," said co-founder Jack Ozzie. "With our support for Windows Forms, and the development of our Groove Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, we will cut the time it takes developers to build Groove tools or applications by 75 percent, or more. " This is more than true. We actually have it down, in the simple case, to less than 4 minutes end to end and the touch of a few buttons! The XML files that were previously hand-edited quite tediously are now generated all behind the scenes for you automatically.

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Oldie but Goldie, with one addition

by Volker Weber

Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs Italian, the mechanics German, the lovers French and it is all organized by the Swiss.

Hell is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss, and it is all organized by the Italians.

Addendum: In hell the attorneys are American. In heaven there are none of those.

Wichtige Bilder in der DigiCam gelöscht?

by Volker Weber

Digital Image Recovery is a data recovery tool for digital images. The program is designed for media used by digital cameras. Common media types are: Flash Card™, SmartMedia™, SONY Memory Stick™, IBM™ Micro Drive, Multimedia Card, Secure Digital Card and Compact disc.

How much does it cost? That's the greatest! Nothing. This program is Freeware. That means you are allowed to and should pass on this program to your friends.

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Technology Confined Collaboration?

by Volker Weber

I have seen a large number of collaboration installations. Never, had I seen an environment that thrived as much as this one. Every division was using web collaboration products to further the corporate mission. I had to ask the question: "So, how many of these virtual web places do you have running?" -- Pause -- "Today, or yesterday?", came the reply. "Pick the high water mark from the last 6 months," I replied.

"Four...", said the IT person.

After the CIO picked himself up off the floor, we spent the next 15 minutes talking about why so few. It wasn't culture. It wasn't anticipated reciprocity. The IT lady summed it up best when she said, "web collaboration doesn't work the way people do."

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Free Download: IBM Directory Server

by Volker Weber

IBM® Directory Server V4.1 provides a powerful Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) identity infrastructure that is the foundation for deploying comprehensive identity management applications and advanced software architectures like Web services.

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Himmel und Hölle

by Volker Weber

Wie lebt man mit einem Beruf, in dem ein einziger Fehler viele Menschen das Leben kosten kann? Ein ehemaliger Fluglotse erzählt:

Zweimal ist mir das passiert: Eine Caledonian Airline und ein Starfighter F104 flogen aufeinander zu. Ich habe ihre Punkte auf meinem Schirm gesehen, und ich wusste, dass beide Flugzeuge auf gleicher Höhe waren. Der Militärflieger sollte runtergehen. Kein Problem normalerweise. Aber dann habe ich einen Fehler gemacht. Und dann schoben sich die Punkte auf meinem Schirm plötzlich übereinander. Die Caledonian Airline und die F104. Das war ein Albtraum.

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Orchestrate services

by Volker Weber

Two proposed XML grammars for describing the orchestration of Web services -- Microsoft's XLANG, used by BizTalk, and IBM's WSFL (Web Services Flow Language) -- were widely expected to have merged by now into a joint World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) submission. That hasn't happened. Meanwhile, Sun, BEA, SAP, and Intalio have introduced a third candidate: WSCI (Web Service Choreography Interface). The relationships among these three proposals -- and others, including Intalio's BPML (Business Process Markup Language) and ebXML's BPSS (Business Process Schema Specification) -- are murky.

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Bubble Shooter

by Volker Weber


Current highscore: 685380 - Highly addictive !

Bareley Managing - Martha Stewart's Recipe for Disaster

by Markus Nolte

Martha's stock-trading scandal shows what can go wrong when a company's intellectual assets get too concentrated.

Martha Stewart's investing acumen makes me look like George Soros. As the entire world now knows, the chief, cook, and bottle collector of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSO) sold 3,928 shares of ImClone (IMCL) stock on Dec. 27, pocketing $227,824, a day before the company announced that the government had denied approval for its drug Erbitux. ImClone stock promptly dropped about $12 a share. It has since fallen much lower, but on Dec. 31, Stewart could have sold her stock and collected $180,000 without anyone batting a legal eyelash. That's just 48 grand less than she got.

As it is, the aroma from Stewart's fortuitously timed trade resembles something that comes from a room other than the kitchen. That's because she is a good friend of the then-CEO of ImClone, Sam Waksal, who has since been charged with insider trading. On July 1, MSO closed at $11.50, down from its high for the year, $20.01. According to the proxy statement, Stewart owns almost 31 million shares. If we can ascribe all of the stock's loss to her malodorous misadventures, Stewart's $48,000 gain has already cost her $261,371,672 (plus legal fees).

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Helicopter rescue needed for driver with stuck finger

by Volker Weber

A German driver has been rescued by helicopter after getting his finger stuck in the neck of his petrol tank.

He was refuelling at a garage in Hamburg when he slipped his finger in to help fill the tank by letting out air. But the 40-year-old's finger got stuck in the safety lid.

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Lego Dilbert

by Volker Weber


Cracking MS SQL Server passwords

by Volker Weber

The inner workings of the undocumented pwdencrypt() hash function in Microsoft SQL Server have been revealed in a paper by security researcher David Litchfield of Next Generation Security Software (NGSS).

Thus security through obscurity fails again.

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Eclipse casts shadows

by Markus Nolte

The IBM-led Eclipse open source tools framework avoids Java's Swing libraries in favor of its own Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), which works especially well in Windows environments. Eclipse also directly challenges Sun Microsystems' NetBeans tools framework, not to mention Sun's stewardship of Java.

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Iss Dich schlau! - Das Gedächtnis ist trainierbar

by Markus Nolte

Das Gedächtnis ist wie ein Muskel, entweder man trainiert ihn oder man verliert ihn. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Forschungsarbeit zur Alzheimererkrankung der Amerikanerin Mary Haan von der Universität Michigan. Man kann sich zwar nicht schlau essen, aber durch die Nahrung seine geistige Leistungsfähigkeit beeinflussen, denn eine Mangelernährung, wie durch einseitige oder unzureichende Kost beeinträchtigt diese negativ, so Sven-David Müller, Sprecher des Deutschen Instituts für Ernährungsmedizin und Diätetik (D.I.E.T.).

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Happy Birthday, vowe dot net

by Volker Weber


vowe dot net completes it's first year of publication alive and kicking. We have plenty of readers but only a few contributors. That would be my wish for next year: Let's hear it from you. I can't feed everybody else all of the time.

Blind deer

by Volker Weber

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?

A: No eye deer.

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?

A: Still no eye deer.

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs having sex?

A: Still no fucking eye deer.

Inside the Apple iPod Design Triumph

by Volker Weber

Steve Jobs is recognizably the top cheerleader for Apple's products. And the inventor of such hyperbole as "insanely great" has not abandoned that characteristic for the company's iPod MP3 player.

"With iPod, Apple has invented a whole new category of digital music player that lets you put your entire music collection in your pocket and listen to it wherever you go," the Apple CEO said when he introduced the product in October 2001. "With iPod, listening to music will never be the same again."

Although no one could accuse Apple, let alone Jobs, of being shy about product promotion, it's a different story when it comes to its engineering and building processes. The company has always been tighter lipped than the Pentagon when it comes to releasing design chain details.

But that hasn't prevented some companies from satisfying their curiosity about what's inside the advanced MP3 player. Some serious reverse engineering and discussion within the electronics industry unearthed unusual details of Apple's development process.

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Mac OS X 10.2 Rendezvous or ZeroConf

by Volker Weber

When Jobs announced the availability of a technology called 'Rendezvous' in the next version of Mac OS X (code name Jaguar), It was said that rendezvous was Apple's attempt to introduce AppleTalk ease-of-use into the IP-network world. And indeed, Rendezvous is nothing less than ZeroConf in disguise.

ZeroConf is a working group of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). The ZeroConf group isn't really very new. It was chartered in September 1999. However, the group did start working rather late. It held its first official meeting in November last year.

The charter of the ZeroConf group is to enable Zero Configuration IP networking. This means the group wants to make it possible to have small IP-networks without any intervention of humans. Take for example two laptop computers and connect them with a crossover Ethernet cable. They won't communicate sucessfully using IP without someone setting up the 'network' so the two computers know of each other's existence.

ZeroConf wants to make it possible the two computers do 'see' each other on the IP network without any intervention or setup, much like the AppleTalk protocol worked before Mac OS X came along and made AppleTalk obsolete. The ZeroConf group doesn't want to limit the network to just two hosts, but such a simple network is taken as a starting point.

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Brazilian B-Team ?

by Volker Weber


Not work safe >

Future plans for IBM Lotus Extended Search

by Volker Weber

As mentioned in the LDD Today article "Introduction to Lotus Extended Search," the Lotus Extended Search development team is working towards the next release, IBM Lotus Extended Search 4.0. That release will support several key new search links including:

* Lotus Discovery Server
* Lotus QuickPlace
* WebSphere Portal Search Index

Also in the works is search results integration with Lotus Sametime, allowing instant messaging and chat responses to be included with content source search results. Stay tuned to the LDD Extended Search forum for details about Beta availability for Lotus Extended Search 4.0 later this year.

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Lotus Developer Domain: A preview of Sametime 3.0

by Volker Weber

What's new in the upcoming Sametime 3.0? Everything from Sametime Connect client enhancements to new tools for system administrators to new server features. Several new toolkits will be part of the Sametime Software Development Kit (SDK) with this release. In this article, we'll provide an overview of enhancements and features in each of the major areas: the Sametime Connect client, system administration, the Sametime 3.0 server, and the toolkits. This article assumes that you are familiar with the Sametime Connect client and the Sametime server.

Moore >

The Matrix: Reloaded

by Volker Weber


View the trailer >

Did you know?

by Volker Weber

1. In Japan they eat very little fat and have much less heart attacks than England and the US.

2. In France the food is saturated with fat and still they have much less heart attacks than England and the US.

3. In India they drink very little wine but report much less heart attacks than England and the US.

4. In Spain they drink lots of wine and still have much less heart attacks than in England and the US.

5. In Algeria they have little sex and record much less heart attacks than in England and the US.

6. In Brazil they enjoy sex a lot and still record much less heart attacks than in England and the US.

So what is the conclusion?

Eat, Drink and Fuck as much as you like - what kills you is speaking English!

Danke, Wolfgang :-)

Small is beautiful

by Volker Weber

andyswarbs: 'I have recently been privilidged to partake of very serious intense, productive dialogue over Groove between some UK and US groovers. The efficacy of the activity in the space is truly awesome. Such "events" show how short Groove Networks sell themselves completely when they claim that "Groove is 10 times better than email" (even though I appreciate the under-selling). This is not the first time I have experienced such delights - but it is by far and away a most exemplary example. And I hope others have such experiences themselves, or will do soon.'

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Enterprise Java mit IBM WebSphere

by Volker Weber


Eigenwerbung des Verlags: "Erstellen Sie effiziente J2EE-Anwendungen auf Basis der IBM WebSphere Produktfamilie. Die Autoren führen Sie zunächst in die J2EE-Architektur ein. Darauf aufbauend werden Grundlagen von Servlets, JSP, JDBC oder JavaBeans behandelt. Ein ausführlicher Praxisteil zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die Theorie in die Praxis umsetzen."

ISBN 3-8273-1898-X, 970 Seiten, 2 CDs, Erscheint ca. 30.07.02

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Creating an RSS news feed in Domino R5

by Volker Weber

RSS is a compact simple and easy to use format which is extremely functional. Hopefully using this article you now have the knowledge to create your own feeds and spread the RSS word.

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by Volker Weber

Link your favorite portable music player to your car or homestereo without wires, without headaches. Simply plug the 300W into any audio output source (MP3, CD, cassette player, PC or Laptop), choose one of four FM frequencies, and tune your radio to that frequency. The irock! 300W transmits the audio from your player directly to your home or car FM radio-no wires, no hassle.

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Die Therapiekiste

by Volker Weber

Ein Auto, das aus vernünftigen Männern glückliche Jungs macht - über Risiken und unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen sprechen Sie besser mit Ihrem Seelendoktor.

Meine Psychotherapeutin kommt immer mit dem Fahrrad zur Sitzung. Ich normalerweise auch. Ganz vernünftig stehen dann die beiden Räder hintereinander, in der Einfahrt einer alten Villa in Hamburg. Mintgrün mit einem breiten Einkaufskorb das Hollandrad von Frau M. Dunkelgrün-schwarz mein Kettler City-Cruiser. Ganz vernünftig und ganz ordentlich.

Vorgestern aber! Vorgestern ...

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A Wireless End Run Around ISPs

by Volker Weber

blackbeltjones.gifBroadband subscribers can use simple Wi-Fi gear to share their connections with neighbors -- and "warchalking" spreads the word. Information architect Matt Jones, posted a set of rune-like symbols to his Web site designed to alert Internet users when and where wireless broadband was available. The idea: Create a set of international road signs to the Internet. Two half-moons chalked on a pavement or a wall indicate that a connection is available. A full circle informs would-be surfers that the node is closed.

"We're joking that a piece of chalk could destroy the entire multibillion-pound 3G [third-generation wireless] industry," laughs Jones. But this could be anything but a joke. "The telecom industries are addicted to the one-wire, one-customer philosophy, which means that growth in use directly equates with growth in direct user fees," warns Clay Shirky, a professor at New York University and an expert in network economics. "If it suddenly becomes easy to share broadband with anyone within a [1,000 foot] range, then, as with Napster, you have quickly and easily lowered coordination costs. And it's only coordination costs that make it possible for the big guys to make money of each and every user."

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Der Kanzlergenerator

by Volker Weber

Eigentlich gefallen sie mir alle nicht. Aber Ihr könnt ja man selbst probieren >

Integrating Domino 6 with Tomcat - NotesOSS Project "Crimson"


In the weeks since Lotussphere, the removal of Domino 6's "Garnet" technology has caused quite a stir in the Notes community. One of the most prolific beta testers of Garnet on Notes.Net has been Jurgen Van de Moere of Eurodaq. Only a few hours after the original announcement of the removal of Garnet, Jurgen asked Notes Sauce to support an open source effort to replace the feature set. Without hesitation, we agreed. Since then, Jurgen has produced the first step in NSF-deployable JSPs: detailed instructions for integrating JSP engines with existing Domino 6 servers. There are many more steps to come, including the expansion of nimbus.Development's Bootloader technology, but the very first step in any effort is going to be the adding of infrastructural components for JSP delivery.

So keep an eye out for the release of Bootloader in its source code format in the forthcoming "Crucible" engine which we'll be using to support ongoing open source projects. But in the meantime, here's the first taste of things to come with Jurgen's guide to implementing Tomcat on Domino 6 servers.


Supermodels Are Lonelier Than You Think!

by Volker Weber

Beware: Tabloid style nudies. Still an interesting blog.

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Color picker

by Volker Weber

Genial >

Andale Mono

by Volker Weber

The font formerly known as Monotype.com.

I love this font, when it comes to writing an article. It is so easy to spot typos. Easy on the eyes and generally nice looking.

lorem ipsum.png

Download here >

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