February 2014

Die Tops und Flops des Mobile World Congress

by Volker Weber


Schöne Zusammenfassung der Kollegen auf heise online. Einige Einschätzungen teile ich, einige nicht.

Aus Europäischer Sicht geht es immer noch um besser, schneller, toller. Aber das Wachstum schwächt sich ab. Ein Samsung Galaxy S5 ist nur etwas besser als ein S4 und das ist nur wenig besser als ein S3. Alle drei sind vollkommen tauglich als Smartphone für jedermann. Am oberen Ende des Marktes sind alle Geräte supergeil.

Ich finde es viel spannender, was sich am unteren Ende tut. Smartphones für hundert Euro, die man auch nutzen will. Nokia verkauft dieser Tage Lumia 520 unter hundert Euro, der Hälfte des Listenpreises und immer noch 30% unter den üblichen Marktpreisen. In Barcelona haben sie den Preis gekriegt für das tollste, beste, schönste Budget-Smartphone, oder so. Und dann stellen sie auf dem MWC ein Android-Phone in dieser Preisregion vor. Die Kollegen sind enttäuscht, weil diese Geräte nicht gegen die Top-Androids von Samsung und LG antreten. Kann Nokia keine Top-Androids bauen? Andersrum gefragt: Warum sollten sie das nicht können?

Mein Horizont ist nicht weit genug, um den Weltmarkt einschätzen zu können. Ich weiß ja nicht mal, warum Nokia in Italien einen größeren Fortschritt macht als hier. Wie soll ich die Wachstumsmärkte beurteilen, in denen viele Menschen noch gar kein Internet-Terminal haben und erst noch ein Smartphone anschaffen werden? Die werden sich kaum zwischen 5S und S5 entscheiden.

In dem Sinne meine Tops und Flops:

Und da war dann noch das dicke Hype-Thema Wearables. Jeder hat was, jeder arbeitet nur mit den eigenen Smartphones. Soll der Kunde alle halbe Jahre was neues kaufen, wie die Leute, die sich vor ein paar Monaten ein Galaxy Gear haben aufschwätzen lassen? Bei mir löst das noch keinen Haben-Wollen-Reflex aus.

Die Use Cases sind alle noch sehr verworren. Brauche ich eine CreepyCam am Handgelenk? Einen Heartrate-Sensor? Muss das richtig wasserdicht sein, wie Armbanduhren seit 30 Jahren (früher waren sie das nicht)? Wie lange muss der Akku halten? Handys waren schon bei einer Woche, heute reicht ein Tag.

Auf Anhieb gefällt mir nur eine Hardware: Samsung Gear Fit (siehe Bild oben). Das ist schon mal ein Anfang, da muss noch Software folgen, die mit allen Smartphone redet. Und Updates für ein paar Jahre und nicht Monate.

Was würde ich mir wünschen auf den Smartphones? Weniger Crapware bei Android, mehr (Entwicklungs-)Tempo bei Windows Phone, und ein Überleben von BlackBerry. Und bei der Hardware? Akkulaufzeiten von mehr als 24h, Kameras auf dem Niveau der 20MP-Pureviews, und vor allem robuste Geräte, die nicht kaputt gehen, wenn sie in die Wanne oder auf den Boden fallen. Und was ganz toll wäre: wenn man zum Tablet nicht noch ein Telefon braucht.

Einen Megaflop habe ich noch: Die Carrier. Die gucken ängstlich auf Zuckerberg und machen nichts.

Ich möchte einen festen Preis bezahlen für meine Internet-Nutzung. Egal ob zu Hause, unterwegs in Deutschland oder im Ausland. Kein Roaming, keine Drosselung. Und wenn ich sparsam bin, dann könnt Ihr mir was gutschreiben. Ich will nicht vorher 200 oder 300 oder 500 oder 1000 oder 5000 MB kaufen. Ihr guckt einfach am Monatsende nach, ob ich ein guter Kunde war, und dann zahle ich im nächsten Monat weniger. Und meine Güte, soviel bin ich nicht im Ausland. Die anderen auch nicht. Das werdet Ihr doch wohl rechnen können.

Nostalgia :: Eye of the Tiger

by Volker Weber

Technically, that is not correct

by Volker Weber


BlackBerry has been trying for more than a day to fix this.

I hope @thurrott is wrong

by Volker Weber

Unfortunately he has a very clear view of Microsoft.

iPhone 5c

by Volker Weber


I haven't really looked at an iPhone 5c. Now that I did, I like it a lot. It plays on the Nokia design theme with two beautiful colors: blue and white. The others aren't vibrant enough. The material isn't as nice as Nokia's but it's way better than most of the cases you wrap your iPhone 5S in. It's thinner and lighter than an iPhone 5(S) with a case, and it holds much better than an iPhone 5S without a case.

While you might think that it says 'I cannot afford an iPhone 5S', I read it more like a smart buy. However, at current Amazon prices, that Nokia 1520 in the photo is in very close range of a 32 GB iPhone 5S.

IBM does not fire people

by Volker Weber

IBM has funky names for firing their employees. Workforce balancing or resource actions, just to name two of them. In any case, it's a person with a spreadsheet that needs to get that earnings per share a little higher. A person you don't know and who does not know you.

You cannot opt out of @MailChimp mails

by Volker Weber

Hi Volker, subscription preferences are handled on a per-list basis and there's not a global unsubscribe option at this time. If you'd like to be removed from any given list, you can click on the Unsubscribe link within a received campaign which will immediately and automatically remove your email address.

If you don't want them stuffing your inbox with future mailings, you have to automatically filter their mail and declare it as spam. You train the system.

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How to opt out of @sendgrid mails

by Volker Weber

I asked on Twitter and got a quick reply. Email abuse@sendgrid.com and ask to be put on the list. Don't know what sendgrid is? Look here.


by Volker Weber

Apple document :: iOS Security :: February 2014

by Volker Weber

This document provides details about how security technology and features are implemented within the iOS platform. It will also help organizations combine iOS platform security technology and features with their own policies and procedures to meet their specific security needs.

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Porsche Design BlackBerry P'9982

by Volker Weber


Recently I have been asked by an iPhone user which BlackBerry I would recommend to buy. Technically, the answer is very simple: a Z30. It is the best BlackBerry currently on the market. But I don't like to make broad recommendations. For somebody who only texts and places phone calls, the Q10 is superior.

Why would an iPhone user want a BlackBerry? There are technical reasons, like having a better phone-phone. The Z30 fits this bill since it has a superior antenna. And then it comes with Bluetooth SIM Access Profile, which lets some cars use their own antenna and radio instead of the phone's.

And there is something else, that people don't like to talk about. Status. Everybody has an iPhone or a Samsung. If you want to stand out, you need something else. And the ultimate status phone in a business context is a P'9982. Because it is rare, and expensive, and secure.

How expensive? 1650 €. That's a lot of money for you? Well, there you have it. Status.

WhatsApp is hosting on IBM SoftLayer

by Volker Weber


WhatsApp is hosting on IBM SoftLayer. As do Yelp, Fitbit, tumblr and Dropbox.

Nick Bilton :: The Messaging App Wars Are Just Getting Started

by Volker Weber

There are 24 different ways for me to message someone from my phone right now. All for no additional charge beyond my existing cellphone bill. ... It's slightly overwhelming just thinking about which one to use.

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This is not a zero sum game

by Volker Weber

After Facebook bought WhatsApp, there have been many comparisons between usage numbers from the likes of KakaoTalk, Line, Viber, WeChat. Many of the small players often mentioned in Germany like ChatSecure, Threema, surespot, Telegram also reported tremendous growth rates (from a very low starting population). The game in on. All numbers are up.

Two things to keep in mind:

  1. This is not a zero sum game. I am registered on many platforms without using them.
  2. Monthly active users and messages are meaningful benchmarks. Registered users are not.

The big loser in this game is SMS. Paying by the message is a business model on its last legs.

A New Car UI :: How touch screen controls in cars should work

by Volker Weber

heise Security :: RSA-Boss: 'Ja, wir haben mit der NSA zusammengearbeitet'

by Volker Weber

'Hat RSA für die NSA gearbeitet? Ja. Aber diese Tatsache ist seit einem guten Jahrzehnt öffentlich bekannt'. Dies war einer der deutlichsten Sätze aus Coviellos Eröffnungsansprache zur RSA Conference 2014.

>> PUFF <<

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Wer spricht mit Siri?

by Volker Weber


Habe gefragt: 'Benutzt Ihr eigentlich Siri, und wenn ja, was sagt Ihr zu ihr?'

Einige interessante Antworten:

Ich benutze Siri nur zum Diktieren. Das liegt wohl daran, dass ich parallel verschiedenste Handys benutze, bei denen das Diktieren ähnlich, aber die Assistenz sehr unterschiedlich ist.

Die Herde bestimmt den Kurs

by Volker Weber

Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system

Warum fällt es den Leuten so schwer, Facebook zu verlassen? Es liegt nicht daran, dass es keine besseren Alternativen gibt. 'Aber alle meine Freunde sind da', ist noch die passendste Antwort. Darum kann es passieren, dass Menschen in bester kognitiver Dissonanz sich von WhatsApp abwenden, ohne Facebook aufzugeben. Und vermutlich zurückkehren, wenn sie merken, wie viel bequemer es ist, einfach zu bleiben.

WhatsApp ist nicht die einzige Weide. Andere Herden weiden auf Line, Kakao, QQ etc. Der Umzug einer ganzen Herde ist allerdings so gut wie unmöglich. Das sieht man sehr schön bei Google+.

Pure Android

by Volker Weber

Motorola did a Q&A via Twitter. Here is a question that interests me:

Q: True Android experience is clear in both Moto X and G and you went for pure approach. Why? A: This approach allows us to create , simple, meaningful experiences - like provide software updates quicker than competitors

I hope Motorola continues on this path after being acquired by Lenovo. And I would love the Lenovo Yoga Tab even more, if it ran pure Android.

Back to front

by Volker Weber

This will be a movie to watch: petergabrielbacktofront.com
Peter will be performing this concert tour in Europe: petergabriel.com/live

The difference between water resistant and waterproof

by Volker Weber

Windows Race to the Bottom

by Volker Weber

The problem for Microsoft is that lowering costs is the only strategy that makes sense, given how the market is changing. This decision was forced by competitors of the company: Unable to compete with Apple at the high end, Microsoft will now take on Android and Chrome OS for the masses instead.

Paul Thurrott isn't happy.

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Try this with an iPhone

by Volker Weber

This Vine has been recorded with a Lumia 1020. The Boombox is playing at level 5. It goes to 11. 5 is already loud enough to make the Lumia vibrate. You turn the sound on, if you like. At this volume, the sound coming from an iPhone is completely distorted. The Lumia can record at higher volumes than I dare to expose my ears to.

And yes, I should use Vine more often. I am vine.co/vowe.

So Google, dann lass mal diesen Mist

by Volker Weber

Das Landgericht München hat heute ein Urteil im Rechtsstreit der GEMA gegen YouTube um die Verwendung der sogenannten GEMA-Sperrtafeln verkündet. Die Sperrtafeln auf YouTube sind illegale Anschwärzung und Herabwürdigung, so das Landgericht München.

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Are you wearing anything?

by Volker Weber

Wearables are all the craze in Barcelona at the MWC 2014. Engadget went so far as to headline 'BlackBerry currently has no plans for a wearable device' as if that was BlackBerry's most pressing problem. But is it anybody's most pressing problem?

Samsung just replaced the Galaxy Gear with three different wearables. Remember, the Galaxy Gear is just five months old. Are you supposed to buy a new wearable twice a year, or will you just wait it out?

Strong design

by Volker Weber


I find the Nokia design quite amazing. I had not seen the color before, and this is almost a rectangle. But when I saw this device, I knew it was a Nokia before reading the label. This becomes even stronger if you look at any of these devices from an angle.

BlackBerry is on a roll

by Volker Weber


BlackBerry is announcing quite a number of things at MWC in Barcelona:

  1. BES 12 to manage old BlackBerrys, new BlackBerrys, Android, iOS and Windows Phone. One Server.
  2. BBM Protected, an enterprise BBM suite.
  3. BlackBerry Z3, a sub-$200 touch BB 10 device, to be introduced in Indonesia.
  4. BlackBerry Q20, a keyboard BB10 device, which brings back BB7 features: 'Menu', 'Back', 'Send' and 'End' buttons and the integrated trackpad
  5. New pricing for BES.

All of these address specific pain points. It's incredible how fast BlackBerry is correcting its path now that the management team has changed. They are not blaming anything on previous management, but they are changing course very quickly.

Well, IBM, that's a first

by Volker Weber


BlackBerry is doing the right thing

by Volker Weber


This is a move that BlackBerry should have made many years ago. They are bringing BBM not only to iOS and Android but also to Nokia X (now) and Windows Phone ("in the summer"), as Nokia's Steven Elop just announced.

Nokia X :: A fourth platform

by Volker Weber


Until now, Nokia had three platforms: entry level feature phones, Asha and Lumia. Now they are adding a fourth platform: X.

X is built on top of AOSP (Android Open Source Platform). That is the open part of Android, a melting iceberg, because Google moves ever more software into the closed GWS part of Android. Other vendors using AOSP are BlackBerry or Jolla. AOSP runs Android apps, but not all of them.

X comes with Microsoft and Nokia services (and apps): Onedrive, Outlook.com, HERE, Mixradio, Skype. You can add apps from the Nokia store, many other (Android) stores as well as sideload via .apk files. The user interface has tiles and looks similar to Windows phone and it has Fastlane, an Asha feature.

There will be three models: the 4" X and X+, plus the 5" XL. The X should be available immediately, X+ and XL will follow in the second quarter. Their suggested retail prices are 89€, 99€ and 109€, excluding taxes and subsidiaries.

In other news, Nokia also announces an entry level 220 for 29€ and a new Asha 230 touch device for 45€.

KitKat will make your SD Card completely useless

by Volker Weber

KitKat will make your SD Card completely useless: per the Android API specification, apps can no longer write files to your SD card.  And Samsung is following it. This only applies to dual-storage devices, i.e., devices with a user-writable internal flash storage AND a removable SD card.

Oops. You may want to hold off your KitKat update, if this turns out to be the case.

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My favorite Android device gets an upgrade

by Volker Weber


Ever since I got my Lenovo Yoga Tablet, all other Android devices have taken a backseat. Now Lenovo has announced a Yoga Tablet 10 HD+. This is the same body, long battery life, but with a full HD (1920x1200, up from 1280x800) display and Snapdragom 400 chipset. Want!

Just today I checked for a software upgrade, which has been sitting there since December. It contains a new software, that Lenovo is only showcasing in Barcelona. SHAREt is supposed to share files over WiFi-direct between Android, iOS and Windows (computer, not phone).



by Volker Weber

Some people think that Microsoft is good at marketing. I call b/s on that. "Windows 8.1 Update 1", that's a move from the book which calls products 9.0.1 and 9.0.1 IF1, 9.0.1 IF2, 9.0.1 IF3, followed by -- gasp -- 9.0.2. Not announced, no no.

This Windows 8.1 Update 1 will be "become available in the spring", much like Windows Phone 8.1. You can't really say, because there is a Microsoft conference in the beginning of April, which is also in spring, almost at the beginning of spring. But when something becomes available in the spring, that might also be in late June. And then it needs operator approval and OEM testing and what not. So it might also be available to you when there are no leaves on the trees anymore.

Just take your time, Microsoft.


by Volker Weber


If you install enough messengers, you can potentially reach all your friends. Unfortunately, the battery will be dead.

The Sonos Addiction

by Volker Weber

My home is legitimately more pleasant than it was before Sonos. And I'm not the only one who notices.

This past weekend I had a friend in town who, after experiencing how simple and amazing my speaker setup was, asked me to send him links about how to get started with Sonos. He isn't the first person who’s been to my home and left wanting to buy a system of his own.

Same thing here. Our home has become a Sonos showroom that sells.

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Threema Warez

by Volker Weber

Der um seine Sicherheit besorgte Android-User ist ja eher sparsam. Für ihn gibt es nun Threema auch vom Laster gefallen:



Tweet des Tages

by Volker Weber


by Volker Weber


Während man in USA darüber nachdenkt, wie die Übernahme durch Facebook WhatsApp weiter beflügeln wird, sind die Deutschen in heller Panik. Eine Alternative muss her, aber so-fort.

Warum ist WhatsApp eigentlich so erfolgreich?

Das ist heute immer noch so. Aber Facebook wird das bestimmt vermasseln, nicht wahr? So wie sie auch schon Instagram vermasselt haben. Äh, haben sie gar nicht?

Facebook and the social graph

by Volker Weber


Facebook really wants your phone number. And they want a messaging service like WhatsApp that uses the phone number as an identifier. When Facebook has both, they know your real social graph. Not the list of 'friends' you have accumulated.

Simple solution: Facebook does not need your phone number.

iPad mini vs Nexus 7

by Volker Weber


iPad mini und Nexus 7 leben einträchtig hier in vowe's magic flying circus. Das iPad mini ist täglich im harten Einsatz und sieht immer noch aus wie am ersten Tag. Das Nexus 7 wird nur noch für Softwaretests benutzt und ist rundum abgeschubbert. Abstimmung mit den Füßen sozusagen.

Nokia Reading/eBooks

by Volker Weber

Nokia hat einen wunderbaren Bookreader, mit dem ich schon zahlreiche Bücher auf dem 920/1020 gelesen habe. Nokia hat auch ein tolles Lumia 1520, das ideal wäre, um Bücher darauf zu lesen.

Leider bekommt Nokia diesen beiden Dinge nicht unter einen Hut. Die App unterstützt die hohe Auflösung nicht.

Finally a Windows Phone setting to disable vibration feedback

by Volker Weber

You need to update the touch settings panel.

Libratone ZIPP

by Volker Weber


The Libratone ZIPP is long overdue for a test flight at vowe's magic flying circus. It's a very stylish speaker built for Apple customers. It plays music over WiFi and AirPlay, and you don't have to be at home to use it. Once you have completed your setup, it will show up as an AirPlay device in iTunes or on your iDevice. On top of that, I was able to make it work with my Lumias. More on that further down.


While I am very satisfied with my Sonos, there is one limitation: Sonos is built for your house, but not for mobile use. It does not work without a power outlet, and you really want access to a WiFi router. The Libratone works with both, but does not require them.

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When I almost joined an IBM webcast, again

by Volker Weber


Same procedure as last time. This time however I got this:


It's pretty clear that I am too stupid to attend IBM webcasts. I am only able to attend events that don't rely on IBM dogfood.

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BlackBerry Z10 erhält iF Design Award

by Volker Weber

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Wir beginnen die Woche mit einer guten Nachricht: Das BlackBerry Z10 wurde mit dem iF Produkt Design Award 2014 in der Kategorie Telekommunikation ausgezeichnet. ... Seit 60 Jahren gilt der iF Produkt Design Award als angesehene Auszeichnung für außergewöhnliches Design und die Marke iF hat sich zum Symbol für herausragende Design-Leistungen entwickelt.

Interessant vielleicht die Zahlen 3.249 Einreichungen in 17 Kategorien, davon 1.220 Awards (iF label). Einer davon für das Z10. 2013 hätte er wohl mehr bewirkt als dieses Jahr.

OneDrive is here

by Volker Weber


Microsoft had to change the SkyDrive branding and found a much better name: OneDrive. I have been using the service for a while as a central storage for my camera roll. No matter which device I use, photos end up in the same place. When you sign up, you get 7 GB of free storage, plus another 3 GB if you back up your photos as I do.

Finally, you get another 500 MB for signing up through this link >

Gravierende Sicherheitslücken in Belkins Heimautomation

by Volker Weber

Die auch in Deutschland vertriebenen Heimautomationskomponenten der Wemo-Serie können laut IOActive nicht nur von Fremden übers Internet ferngesteuert werden, sondern durch ein bösartiges Firmware-Update auch zur Schnüffelsonde mutieren.

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Zurück aus München

by Volker Weber


Zum zehnten Mal war ich in München auf der Edcom Nachlese. Zum ersten Mal nicht bei Tech Data, sondern im Konferenzzentrum des Novotel City. Das liegt in der Hochstraße, ein paar Schritte von meinem liebsten Motel One entfernt. Abends waren wir erstmals im Salvatorkeller, in derselben Straße gelegen. Und am Abend vorher in der Königsquelle. Alles fußläufig, keine Transfers, kurze Wege zum Hotelzimmer. Mit anderen Worten, perfekt.

Dieses Event ist jedes Jahr eines meiner Highlights. Wenn ich es in einem Wort beschreiben sollte, dann wäre das "Umarmung". Ich reise wirklich ungern, aber wenn ich abends ins Bett gehe oder morgens aufwache, dann ist alles richtig und vollständig. Ich bin dort einfach zu Hause.

Danke für alles. Und nächstes Jahr wieder.

Microsoft share of personal computing device sales

by Volker Weber

I bought something I don't need

by Volker Weber


I recently bought an app that I don't need. The only reason was to pay more money for an app that I use a lot.

The white icon is iA Writer ($5), the black icon is Writer Pro ($20). Writer Pro is much more powerful than iA Writer. I don't need any of its functions since iA Writer serves my writing process perfectly. The company just deserves more money for my tool.

Get to know your BlackBerry 10.2.1 Software

by Volker Weber


Apparently not everybody knows, what his BlackBerry is capable of. Here is a reviewer's guide to the rescue. Smart vendors write these things so that lazy reporters "get" it. Rule of thumb: If you don't have anything like this for your product, your company is not smart.

This paper from BlackBerry is a very good example. It's much better than any user documentation I have seen. You may want to read it, even if you don't have a BlackBerry.

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200 million :: do the math

by Volker Weber

200 Million Windows 8 licenses, up from 100 Million ten months ago. That's 10 million a month, about half of what Windows 7 sells.

Love this BlackBerry feature

by Volker Weber

And one more thing: BBM Voice and BBM Video are exceptional. I love to call her Z30 from my Z30 while abroad.

IBM Connect 2014 presentations now available

by Volker Weber

We’re happy to announce that SocialBizUG.org members can now download presentations from IBM Connect 2014! Visit our IBM Connect 2014 community and click the 'Access session materials' links next to the track names to start downloading your session files today.

Membership in SocialBizUG.org is free.

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Sonos - the not so obvious things

by Volker Weber


You have set up your Sonos, connected your iTunes library, and now you are enjoying your music. The music you had before. And it might take a while until you discover the world out there. As Jess wrote on Twitter today:

@vowe I just found out I can listen to my local FM radio stations on @Sonos! It made me so happy, I've had the worst luck getting it before.

Yes, that is the next thing you can do. And then you realize you cannot only listen to your local radio stations but to tens of thousands of radio stations all over the world. One of my favorites is from Moscow. You can even listen to specific radio shows without waiting for them to be on.

Are you a sat radio subscriber? SiriusXM is available. Not only that, you can add lots of music services like Spotify, Beats Music or Rhapsody. As you add those, you may discover a little button called "Sonos Labs". There are even more Music Partners. 8tracks, HypeMachine, you name it. My lastest craze is Shuffle.fm. Bought any MP3s or CDs on Amazon? They should be available through Amazon Cloud Player. Just add the service and enter your Amazon credentials.

And those trusty old CDs you haven't ripped? Connect a player to Line-In* and then even play it in a different room. Same goes for your TV. Have a Playbar and a game is on? Group all Sonos players in Party Mode and hear the game commentary in all rooms. Bathroom time-out!

Last not so obvious hint: I have an Apple Airport Express Line-Out wired to a PLAY:5 Line-In. I have programmed this Line-In to autoplay in my Office. If I am sending audio from my office iMac to my Airport, it comes out of the Sonos in my office.

*) Line-In is available on PLAY:5, CONNECT and CONNECT:AMP.

Aldi Talk schafft ab 3. März Roaming-Kosten in der EU ab

by Volker Weber

Für Telefongespräche in allen EU-Staaten gelten ab 3. März die gleichen Bedingungen wie innerhalb Deutschlands im Aldi-Talk-Standard-Tarif. Das heißt, Gespräche zu anderen Kunden des Discounters schlagen mit einem Minutenpreis von 3 Cent zu Buche. Anrufe zu anderen deutschen Festnetz- und Mobilfunknummern kosten 11 Cent pro Minute. Eingehende Gespräche sind ab 3. März in der gesamten Europäischen Union kostenlos.

Das ist schon mal ein guter Anfang. Und wenn dann noch das Data Roaming eines Tages entfällt, dann bin ich zufrieden.

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BBM Voice and BBM Channels Now Available for Android and iPhone

by Volker Weber

WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Feb. 13, 2014) - A new version of BBM will be available later today for Android, iPhone and BlackBerry customers, giving them lots of exciting new features. Android and iPhone customers will now be able to make free voice calls to BBM contacts over a Wi-Fi or data connection with BBM Voice, as well as access BBM Channels. In addition, BBM customers on Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones will have more to chat about with fast one-click sharing of photos, documents, voice notes and more. BBM customers will also be able to share their live location for a specified amount of time with other BBM contacts by using location sharing, powered by Glympse, and will have 100 new emoticons available to help them say what's on their mind.

Almost complete now. Still missing BBM Video, which works really well on BlackBerry.

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by Volker Weber


I am somewhat surprised this still exists.

Two days ago I received a small gift when attending a Lenovo event. This is a step counter. You charge it via USB and set the date and time. Then you just put it in your pocket and forget about it. It will count your steps and keep the data for a week. You can check your steps when you want to know. It will always show today and the last seven days.

And it does not upload the data into the cloud. How cool is that? Quantified self, and you get to keep the data.

Ob das klappt?

by Volker Weber


Gezeichnet von Oldrich Jelinek, mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Computerwoche.

vowe's Top 3

by Volker Weber


Here is my current Top 3 in smartphones. Why does the photo show 4? Wait for it.

  1. The Lumia 1020 is the phone that lives in my pocket. I love Windows Phone and the camera. It's almost perfect for me. My start screen is highly customized to provide all the information I need at a glance. And it changes all the time, depending on my needs.
  2. The iPhone 5S needs no introduction. By now I find it a bit too small. And the all icon user interface does not provide enough information at a glance. The camera is fantastic. Yup. Coming from the Lumia I find it incredibly fast and easy.
  3. The BlackBerry Z30 is the odd one out. If its camera would match the Lumia or the iPhone, then I would use it a lot more. If you are, like myself, not into apps, this can be you perfect device. BlackBerry 10 is extremely effective and speedy. With a few gestures you are on top of everything in your stream of incoming data. Best keyboard.
  4. The Lumia 1520 is the other #1 in this list. Best screen, highest resolution, thinner than the 1020, excellent camera. Frankly I cannot tell the 1020 photos from the 1520 photos. One has a 41 megapixel sensor, the other has 20. Both create perfect 5 megapixel photos. The 1520 has wireless charging without requiring a case. The 1020 has a Xenon flash, which makes all the difference if you do need a flash. And the 1020 provides me with a solid tripod mount through the optional camera grip.

All of these are great devices. It does not really matter which one you have. I find the Nokias to be very robust. Both have survived multiple drops. If I needed to combine the strength of all four into one, this would be it:

A Lumia the size of the 1020 with 1520 screen resolution, BlackBerry's messaging hub and separation of private from business data, with a camera combining the Nokia quality and Apple speed, running on Windows Phone 8.1.

Preparing for edcom Nachlese 2014

by Volker Weber


Sold out. For weeks. Monday/Tuesday we will have another two day event in Munich. There is a lite version in Düsseldorf. But you want the real thing, with 17 invited speakers and no sponsors. ;-)

Shuffler.fm: Radio powered by tastemaker music sites and blogs

by Volker Weber


Shuffler.fm is human powered music discovery. With the help of online tastemakers like magazine editors, music journalists, bloggers, curators and DJ’s, we help you filter the music information overload and bring you the latest and greatest by the web’s leading voices in music culture.

In your Sonos Controller, go to Manage/Service Settings, Visit Sonos Lab. Add Shuffler.fm.

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Save one life, save the world

by Volker Weber

Sir Nicholas Winton who organised the rescue and passage to Britain of about 669 mostly Jewish Czechoslovakian children destined for the Nazi death camps before World War II in an operation known as the Czech Kindertransport. This video is the BBC Programme "That's Life" aired in 1988.

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[Thanks, Amy & Bill]

Spock says

by Volker Weber

When in doubt, don't call

by Volker Weber


My mobile contract contains 100 'free' minutes. This month I have used 2 (two). I simply don't call anyone. Instead I use email.

If you have received email from me, you have seen this footer. I treat all email like SMS text messages. It takes less time to write them, and more importantly, it takes less time to read them. They always fit on a single screen. Quoted text is always below, so you don't have to read anything that you already know. I can easily work through hundreds of these messages a day. Always in bulk, always when otherwise idle.

As a general rule I never stop what I am doing, if a phone rings or an email comes in. My work requires concentration. If I fall out of 'the zone', I may need hours to get back in. How do I avoid falling out? I like to put my phone in silent mode. And if I am not working? Well, how do you figure that out before you call? If you do call, and I can Google the answer for you, you should feel embarrassed.

While I don't call much, I travel around the world to meet people in person. Or invite them to come here. When we meet, there will be no interruption. The person in front of me is always more important than the person who calls.

When in doubt, do write. http://five.sentenc.es/ or less.

Neither Microsoft, Nokia, nor anyone else should fork Android

by Volker Weber

Android isn't designed to be forked. With GMS, Google has deliberately designed Android to resist forking. Suggestions that Microsoft scrap its own operating system in favor of such a fork simply betray a lack of understanding of the way Google has built the Android platform.

I wish more people would understand this.

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Schilda in Darmstadt

by Volker Weber

Darmstadt will jetzt auch eine Umweltzone haben. Nur noch Autos mit grünem Schild dürfen dann dort fahren. Das dient der Verbesserung der Luft. Nun beschweren sich die Landkreise, dass die Stinker dann auf ihr Territorium ausweichen. Darmstadt beschwichtigt: es fahren kaum noch Autos ohne grünes Schild.

Finde den Fehler.

CeBIT 2014 ist gesichert :: Montag und Dienstag

by Volker Weber


CeBIT heißt für mich, Menschen zu treffen. Mit denen ich das ganze Jahr nur Mails austausche. Mit den beiden Terminen steht fest, dass ich Montag und Dienstag da sein werde.

Heise ist dieses Jahr in Halle 9, C59. Für mich ist das links hinten, auf der CeBIT-Karte rechts unten.

Notes Postkorb langsam? Guxtu hier.

by Volker Weber

Er hat meine 1,7GB Box defragmentiert. Ich bin vollkommen perplex, dass aus den 15 Sekunden nun Zehntelsekunden geworden sind.

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SONOS :: Behind the Scenes

by Volker Weber

Sonos does not only make great products. There also also really nice people there. Mieko once made a long trip to meet me in San Jose with a suitcase full of demo gear. And John MacFarlane used to have a very different haircut. :-)

IBM Connect 2014 Attendance

by Volker Weber


There is a German joke that says Europe's highest mountain used to be in socialist East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) because everything went uphill there for 40 years.

We get the same propaganda regarding IBM conference attendance. 6000 people, significantly (20%) up from last year. And we get it each and every year. It's somewhat true, because IBM plans for 6000 people, but never quite makes it. This year IBM started to sell day passes for $99 trying to get those on board who were just in Orlando to meet their friends, without paying for the conference itself.

You don't have to think very hard how to find out the real number; it's available to everyone registered for the conference. In the graph above, I count the attendance that isn't really there to fill up the 6000 as ghosts, it's the grey circle not covered by slices.

How did I get to the graph above? I do some research, combine snippets of information, set press/analyst, put in partners and customers, and reckon the rest is IBM. If you can make a better graph, let me see it.

What IBM needs to work on is to make that lower right slice bigger. Partners can't sell to partners or IBM. As a partner, I would ask IBM to see the real numbers instead of vowe's guesswork. But I am pretty sure, it won't look much different.

What a brilliant ad

by Volker Weber

Ohne Schnur

by Volker Weber


Vorgestern suchte ich eine ganz bestimmte Jeans. Bei Google inklusive Größe eingegeben, schon war ich im Webshop des Herstellers. Sale für 50%. Kein Wunder, dass der Einzelhandel darbt.

I never looked at it this way

by Volker Weber

vowe: "I am shipping the product back to you."
Agency: "Please don't."
vowe: "??"
Agency: "Do you have any idea how expensive product placement is?"

Pebble 2.0

by Volker Weber


I have seen Pebble 2.0, the hardware, a.k.a. the Peeble Steel. It's $249 and feels like $24.90. The original Pebble was a hundred Dollars cheaper and a thousand times more iconic. Just borrowed one from Max Bäumle again. I recommend his Smartwatch Pro. I would probably recommend it just to make the kid earn some money, even if it were bad. But it isn't. It's really great. Twitter alerts, reminders, calendar. Control music from across the room, it can even send your own http requests for home automation. If you have a Pebble, go get it. It's the first piece of software I install. And the Futura Weather watchface.

But now there is Pebble 2.0, the software. Pebble on iOS integrates an app store, where you can download watchfaces and apps. The watch will hold up to eight apps. You can have more and keep them in your locker on the iPhone. In this photo I have cached one watchface.

Einschalten ist erlaubt

by Volker Weber


Firma absichtlich geschwärzt.

Peinliches Loch in BlackBerrys Geschäftsdaten-Tresor

by Volker Weber

Beim BlackBerry 10 versagt eine Policy, die geschäftliche Kontakte vor Zugriffen durch persönliche Apps schützen soll. Die Schwachstelle macht persönlichen Android-Apps Namen und Telefonnummern zugänglich.

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heise online :: Neuer Chef von Microsoft ist Satya Nadella

by Volker Weber

Satya Nadella ist neuer Chef von Microsoft. Er löst Steve Ballmer ab, der 2000 die Leitung von Bill Gates übernahm. Nadella soll den Umbau Microsofts zu einem integrierten Konzern für Hardware, Software und Dienstleistungen anführen.

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Aus der Reihe: Pressemitteilung des Tages

by Volker Weber

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass die Spieler des HSV im Zuge der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Verein und BlackBerry vergangene Woche mit BlackBerry 10 Geräten ausgestattet wurden. Somit profitieren die Fußballer des HSVs ab sofort von den leistungsstarken BlackBerry Smartphones, die eine flexible und effiziente Kommunikation von überall ermöglichen.

Der HSV liegt auf dem vorletzten Platz. Sollte er da wieder weg kommen, liegt es bestimmt an der flexiblen und effizienten Kommunikation von überall.

lesen.net :: Neues Adobe DRM ab Juli 2014 alternativlos

by Volker Weber

Der neue Kopierschutz ist nicht abwärtskompatibel zu älteren RMSDKs. Wer ein eBook ab Juli mit einer RMSDK-10-Anwendung autorisiert, kann es nicht auf einem Gerät lesen, dessen Software mit einer älteren RMSDK betrieben wird. Praktische Auswirkungen werden wohl vor allem Besitzer älterer eBook Reader spüren.

Betrifft wieder nur die zahlenden Kunden. Repeat after me: DRM is bad for the customer.

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All the gear I used at IBM Connect

by Volker Weber


I was traveling really light this year. At the end of the week, all of my luggage was still below 20 pounds. Here is what I used:

It's almost all Nokia. And if I had gotten a 2520 in time, it would have been all Nokia. I also brought a power strip, the MacBook Power Supply, s small tripod, and a couple of (tiny) USB chargers, not in the picture. I hook up the DC-50 to a USB charger plugged in on the nightstand. At night, the 1020 recharges on that plate, which itself is being recharged from USB power. During the day, the DC-50 recharges the phone, every time I put it in my bag. The camera grip holds the 1020 and attaches to the tripod. Total Nokia battery power in that photo: 8620 mAh, plus the Macbook and the headset.

I also switched to a Crumpler Light Delight Sling as my go bag. It's so light, that I never had to set it down. I never carried the MacBook and left it behind in my room.


If I want to carry the MacBook as well, I may need the Light Delite Messenger which is still no longer on my wishlist.

Home from IBM Connect

by Volker Weber

The infamous #pretzelcookie measures 5" or 13cm. Photo (C) Volker Weber 2014

IBM Connect, the conference we used to call Lotusphere, always provides a lot of insights. This has been my 18th conference in a row, not counting the three in Berlin. I can't help but compare it to past events and put it in that perspective. While most of the attention is on the Opening General Session, the subtle signals from friends and acquaintances mean a lot more. I am not done putting them all into one picture, but here are a few thoughts:

I am a bit worried about the showcase for next year's Connect conference. Many large exhibitors cater to Notes customers but IBM does little to attract them to the conference.

Read Wall Street Journal for free using Google Search

by Volker Weber

Wall Street Journal publishes very informative articles and most of them are available for paid subscribers. But it is very easy to defeat the pay wall of Wall Street Journal and read the articles for free with the help of Google.

Just used this trick to read this article.

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I explain difficult concepts in simple ways. For free, and for money. Clue procurement and bullshit detection.


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