
by Volker Weber


This campaign was so un-PC that Ford had to pull it. Even in the UK, which is used to advertizing which is impossible anywhere else (maybe with the exception of Belgium). You have seen the bird. Now see the cat.

[Thanks, Alexander]


und der Link?

Robert Basic, 2004-04-04

Welcher Link? :-) Fixed.

Volker Weber, 2004-04-04

ok, ich stells dann auf meiner Seite direkt durch aufs Video ... lol.. nein, ok, habs schon gechecked :-)

Robert Basic, 2004-04-04

Er, the bird?

Christian Bogen, 2004-04-04

Guckst Du hier.

Volker Weber, 2004-04-04

Quark. Damit mein Traffic wieder steigt guckst du hier.

Stefan Rubner, 2004-04-04

Yep, those are sick but funny. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Mike, 2004-04-05

Class - but surprised it was withdrawn - I've seen worse adverts than this on our tv screens recently.

People being beheaded by alligators and birds - coca cola having a window dressing scene where all the 'dummies' ended up in s*xual positions - some with the actors - imagine it and they did it - even with our liberal approach to ads - was surprised with that one.

Steve Castledine, 2004-04-05

Hab ich runtergeladen und guck ich in Ruhe daheim, danke! :-)

Christian Bogen, 2004-04-05

"We find this unauthorized ad totally unacceptable and reprehensible and deplore the fact that it has been unofficially issued," Ford spokesman Oscar Suris said.

Geht der Link nicht mehr??? Es wird das Video doch immer mal wieder gesucht...

H. Heigl, 2004-05-06

Das geht ganz wunderbar. Es sei denn, der Browser unterdrückt den Referrer. So wie es Norton gerne macht.

Volker Weber, 2004-05-06

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