Nice try

by Volker Weber


Look at the frequency of this spam attempt. One every second. The site was hit by 1800 distinct users in a 10 minute time frame, for which I reset the counters to monitor the strength of the attack. After checking a few of the sites coming in here, I found them all running various versions of Windows. I guess I have to thank Microsoft for providing this network of unsecure PCs on the Internet.

The attack lasted for well over an hour, but nothing was hurt, there were no noticeable slowdowns. Just a few tens of thousands of page impressions extra.

Not a single spam comment was successfully dropped off. Thank you, Jay Allen.


Damn, since I installed MT-Blacklist I received not one more spam attempt ;)

Maybe because I phoned the people whose websites were advertised and they told their SEO partners?

sascha, 2004-07-30


There are the same IP address used to spam, see here


Gaston, 2004-07-30

I've had lots of CGI Limits reached messages yesterday and noticeable slowdowns. But of course this could also be your usual traffic (but I think this is the first time I saw it here).

Heini, 2004-07-30

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