Windows FTP Client

by Volker Weber

Please recommend a good FTP client for Windows. Freeware preferred. It has to have a GUI. I was a LeechFTP user but this program is no longer being developed.


FileZilla is my preferred client

I'd advise FileZilla, simple, effective, has all you want.

Pieter Walsweer, 2004-10-05 ?

Beate, 2004-10-05

I second SmartFTP. It isn't perfect but it has one of the better GUIs.

Mike L., 2004-10-05

FileZilla hits the spot. Thank you.

Beate, SmartFTP is Windows hell. Too many buttons, options, functions. Right click a file to download, then Global Quere, Target Directory, Recently Used ... Most annoyingly it prompted me for new options after each restart.

Volker Weber, 2004-10-05

FileZilla, it's fast and simple.

Elton Lima, 2004-10-05

WinSCP never disappointed me (before the magic of destiny beamed me up to a higher world where I can use Fugu.)

Rainer, 2004-10-05

WSFtp? Liked it two years ago or so (ftp is a bit like fax to me :) only use it when I have to or should I rather say if I can't find a workaround ...) :: It's not freeware though.
Nevertheless: IPSwitch
Good Luck - and as usual, let us know what you pick and stick with.

btw; did you find a windows clock as good looking as your *wow*mac*one*?

Florian VOGLER, 2004-10-05

I don't use much FTP, but when I do, its FileZilla for me!


Ken Porter, 2004-10-05

My favourite: FileZilla
very handy, very fast...

Christian Tennigkeit, 2004-10-05

I usually use WS_FTP LE. GUI is not great but it works very well.

Daniel Seiler, 2004-10-05

Another vote for SmartFTP

John, 2004-10-05

and another vote for SmartFTP from me. Nice GUI, very simple.

Roland, 2004-10-05

Another vote for SmartFTP, the single best FTP client for Windows available at this time.

Volker, juts have a look at the Options and you will see that SmartFTP is _very_ customisable and. Sure this takes some time, perhaps 15 minutes for an advanced user, but it is worth every second of it.

Sascha, 2004-10-05

I prefer CuteFTP myself. CuteFTP allows you to upload files from Windows Explorer to any predefined FTP site via a right-click. This is a killer feature for blogger-types who just need to quickly throw an image online as part of a blog entry.

Jeff, 2004-10-05

I used FTP Explorer for a while. Now I am using ws_ftp (the 9.0 just came out) - however it's loehnware 35 Euro ;) - it's better for us who grew up with Norton Commander (sigh :)

TJungbluth, 2004-10-05

On my windows box I use WinSCP all the time, as I have quite a few SSH and (S)FTP sites. And of course Putty.

But I'll definetely check out FileZilla - this is what is great about this site, I learn about new stuff I didn't even know existed !

Alex B, 2004-10-05

yep, FileZilla it is, i use it all the time...oh and putty

mark, 2004-10-06

Yep - FileZilla


ScurvyDawg, 2004-10-06

In former times I used PSftp, but then I changed to SmartFTP and WiseFTP, but now I went back to PSftp. Now it is my favirot.

Now I want to link a item in my weblog about different FTP clients. Perhaps you add your screenshot, I would be very pleased.

Christoph Hörl, 2004-10-06

we are using FileZilla but we changed the ftp prot recently. After that filezilla is not displaying directly listing. Anyone have the same problem?

Sujith M. Nair, 2005-02-10

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