Change your Facebook privacy settings now

by Volker Weber


Log into Facebook, go to Privacy Settings and then continue into "Customize settings".


There you disable a feature that lets others check you into places. You can still decide whether you like to to check yourself in, but at least you stay in control.


Für alle mit deutschem Interface:
Privatsphäre-Einstellungen -> Benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen -> Dinge, die andere Personen teilen -> Freunde können angeben, dass ich mich an einem Ort befinde -> auf gesperrt setzen.

Michael Klüsener, 2010-08-19

I don't get this setting. Why on earth would you want other people to say where you are? Is that a feature on foursquare (which I don't use).

Latitude is the product that follows me. I use that.

Paul Mooney, 2010-08-19

Bin ich froh, dass Facebook solche Entscheidungen immer für mich trifft :(

Joerg Hochwald, 2010-08-19

Paul, same for me. The idea behind this feature is that you can check yourself in and your peeps, without each one of them having to whip out their phone. You can check in your friends only while checking yourself in.

Volker Weber, 2010-08-19

There is another setting that should be unchecked (=disabled):

Things I share - Include me in "People Here Now" after I check in (Visible to friends and people checked in nearby)

Thank you Facebook, I am considering to leave you forever since we are playing this game for too long now.

Axel Koerv, 2010-08-19

Erledigt! Danke Volker für den Hinweis, prinzipiell eine interessante Idee, aber doch irgendwie fahler Beigeschmack

Andreas Heinz, 2010-08-19

For me there's a third setting "Auswählen" (english probably "choose"). As far as I understand this lets me acknowledge every check-in by other people. So you also stay in control and can let one friend check in all others on a bbq party.

Oliver Regelmann, 2010-08-19

Danke für den Hinweis. Wie gut, dass Du das alles schön für uns überwachst und jeweils auf Änderungen hinweist ;-)

Thomas Lang, 2010-08-19

In meinen Privatspähre-Einstellungen finde ich den Punkt "Benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen" gar nicht. Kann das sein?

Christian Just, 2010-08-19

I just pressed the "like" button under your post ;)...

Ingo Seifert, 2010-08-19

"Fixing Facebook Privacy Settings" is the new "Installing Windows Security Patches"

Andreas Schödl, 2010-08-19

@Ingo - the important thing is where you were when you did it ;-)

Julian Woodward, 2010-08-19

More importantly, when I first looked at these new settings:
- 'Places I check in' was set to 'Friends only'
- the 'Include me in "People here now" after I check in' was NOT checked
- 'Friends can check me into places' option was neither 'Enabled' nor 'Disabled' but was asking me to choose.

The first two are exactly what I would want. But I wonder what the third one means: until I made a choice, how would Facebook have treated it?

Julian Woodward, 2010-08-19

@Julian: actually, it does not matter since I pressed both ;))))

Ingo Seifert, 2010-08-19

Julian: According to Facebook:
"When a friend tags you through Places, you will receive a notification on Facebook and on your mobile device. The first time this happens, you'll be given the choice to allow your friends to check you in to places."

I assume this is the "Choose" setting. And my above assumption was wrong when I thought I could choose this everytime.

Oliver Regelmann, 2010-08-19

Thanks Volker! Done.
Thanks to Axel too ("Include me in "People Here Now" after I check in (Visible to friends and people checked in nearby)"). Done.

Markus Merz | Hamburg St. Georg, 2010-08-19

wow - when were they going to tell us about this setting? I don't even see how you would check-in anyway, so maybe it will never be used. hahaha

Chris Reckling, 2010-08-19

vowe, you might want to add "Places I've Visited" within the "Info accessible through your friends" setting behind "Applications and Websites" which has been enabled by default for me.

Oliver Regelmann, 2010-08-19

we cover this, how it works and why in the podcast last night. Listen it to Episode 28 of TheSocialGeeks.

Chris Miller, 2010-08-19

Also interesting, what Spiegel Online da gefunden hat. Offenbar sind die Voreinstellungen nach irgendeinem Muster von den bisherigen Einstellungen abhängig. Quasi nach dem Motto: wer sonst nicht viel preisgibt, kriegt auch hier defensive Einstellungen voreingestellt - aber offenbar nicht ganz konsquent und erst recht nicht transparent. Ganz unbedacht kann man aber neue Orte anlegen und für sich beanspruchen - wie sollte Facebook das auch sinnvoll & plausibel sowie in sinnvoller Zeit überprüfen...

Ragnar Schierholz, 2010-08-19

Danke für den Hinweis!

Helmar Steinberg, 2010-08-20

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