Almost done

by Volker Weber

Valid XHTML 1.0!

Haiko was right. The Validable plugin did the trick. However MT does not behave nicely with block constructs that span paragraphs. It recognizes the opening <blockquote> tag but not the closing </blockquote>. So it encloses that in paragraph tags and thus the code is no longer wellformed XML. Bummer.

There is a workaround: Avoid empty lines in block constructs and put two <br /> tags there, joining all lines.

Instead of doing this:

<blockquote>text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text </blockquote>

You have to do that:

<blockquote>text text text text text text text text text<br /><br />text text text text text text </blockquote>

As I am not going to fix all previous posts, this site will only validate from now on.


Old archive pages

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