Installing RedHat 9 - part one
by Volker Weber
I tried to install a second HD into Twin and failed miserably. Still don't know why it did not work. Finally I decided to put the disk into Kermit. I also decided to get a new Redhat release. The last one I had was 8.0, so I started downloading the new release, three ISO images.
After two images completed I started to think about burning them to CD. Wanted to do that on the Mac where you will mostly see .dmg or .toast images. After I asked Bill Schindler, Esther's husband, I realized it was again much easier than I thought. Enter a blank disk, select Diskcopy when prompted, select ISO file when prompted. Hit burn.
I quickly booted from CD#1, partioned the second HD and answered a few questions. 36 minutes later I had all of the selected packages installed. Well, almost all. For the very last package the installer asked for CD #3 - and that is still downloading. Don't want to wait another 90 minutes for that to complete its download. Will go to bed now and then insert the last disk tomorrow first thing in the morning.
Good night, folks.
Don't know why but I had some strange problems with my HP machines, too. For example I'm not able to install a new primary HD and boot from that. Still have to use the original ones and install disk space upgrades as secondary drives. I'm also not able to convince my Vectra VL400 to boot from SCSI instead of IDE.