Zitat des Tages/Quote of the day

by Volker Weber

Ich bin gerade von einer vollkommen sinnlosen 2-tägigen Veranstaltung mit dem Titel "Technical Workshop: Getting Started with IBM Lotus Workplace" im IBM SPC in Hursley/UK zurückgekommen. Da hat alles gepasst: ein beschissenes Produkt, ein beschissener Kurs, ein beschissener Trainer und die englische Verpflegung in der IBM Kantine.
— Anonym

Quick translation to English:

Just returned from a completely useless 2-day event at the IBM SPC in Hursley/UK called "Technical Workshop: Getting Started with IBM Lotus Workplace". Everything was a perfect fit: shitty product, shitty event, shitty trainer, and the English food at the IBM canteen.
— anonymous

Sorry, Ed, you were so happy that this was in German - I had to translate it just because. :-)


I'll be the last to know whether the original author meant shitty or godawful and hard to tell the difference... I'd say, that beschissen is worse than shitty :-)

Anybody know a good combination of shitty and godawful ?

Jan-Piet Mens, 2004-01-09

fully agree to "shitty product". seems that lotus goes on the way like documentum (means complexity of the product, not the delivered features) BUT this was ever hard to implement......


Ingo Harpel, 2004-01-09

Ah canteen food: why do English companies find catering so hard?!?

Ben Poole, 2004-01-09

They don't find it hard Ben, they just don't care. There's a difference....

Chris M, 2004-01-10

Be careful - Ed will call you, sorry, anonymous a troll :-)
Anyway I think I know what's happening ... IBM is doing all of the usability testing of Workplace on Linux, and is finding its easy to install, relatively compact and very popular with IGS

Buga Difino, 2004-01-11

Buga, just because you chose to fuck up my site with a bogus URL, I feel inclined to disclose who Buga really is. Just did a quick fact check on who you are and I think it would be a terrible idea to disclose your name. On the other hand, why do you put yourself in this danger?

Volker Weber, 2004-01-11

we agree 100% this event was shitty.

anonym2, 2004-01-12

Oh yes this was a really bad event, so we considering to freeze all our investments in Lotus Workplace until version 3.1. May be the marketing is ready for production, but not the product, the trainer and the features!

anonym3, 2004-01-12

please send me documents.

abdul rauf shahzad, 2004-01-29

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