Testing international calls with Voice over IP

by Volker Weber


Kevin Savetz, a freelance writer based in California, asked me whether I would test a few VoIP providers internationally. I was on a regular phone and he used his VoIP phone.

The really interesting part however was, that we used iChat AV as permanent channel. And that worked very naturally on first contact. We both could see what we were doing over an extended period of time. Absolutely free.


Will you share your results (beside the embedded recommendation to use iChat)?

Stephan H. Wissel, 2004-06-06

Is the headphone for iChat or VoIP or both?

Michael Braly, 2004-06-07

The headsets were for the phones. We both used iSight cameras that don't need a headset.

Volker Weber, 2004-06-07

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