Talk & Blog

by Volker Weber

BlogTalk 2.0 - observations from vowe's magic flying circus:


Well observed, especially point four.


LOL! Thanks, Volker, that made my day! :-)

Christian Bogen, 2004-07-05

GASCH! Auch Du, Brutus-Light?

Wolfgang Flamme, 2004-07-05

And where the hell is vowe ;-)

wonderer4711, 2004-07-06

BTW: Die textverarbeitung wird 40:

Happy birthday!

wonderer4711, 2004-07-06

Yeah, were you there?

Adalbert, 2004-07-06

Nope, vowe's magic flying circus is located in Darmstadt.

Volker Weber, 2004-07-06

Well, though the flying circus has stopped for a day or two at BT2. But Darmstadt is nice too - not so nice as Waldstrasse in Weiterstadt :-)

Adalbert, 2004-07-07

Addendum: I didn´t type, I took notes. I didn´t flatten the WLAN, as I had no laptop, but used my Nokia 6800 to post by email over GPRS. And yes, I have no Mac, just a PC.

Adalbert, 2004-07-07

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