Error 500 issue resolved

by Volker Weber

Stefan Funke alerted me about the fact, that was sending out Error 500 messages. It turns out that they were actually 403 messages (forbidden) that could not be served because the they were unaccessible.

It turns out that 1&1 may have switched off the ability to compress the traffic with gzip, presumably to take load of the CPU. Unfortunately they did not tell me. I have removed the compression now and everything should be back to normal. When I get back home, I will investigate further.


>> It turns out that 1&1 may have switched off the ability to compress the traffic with gzip

If so, then they haven't done it globally - I have been using gzip compression since I switched to WordPress without any problems. But it's good to know what to look for, just in case it happens to me in the future. (Not that I will ever generate the same CPU load as you!)

John Keys, 2005-03-10

Volker, I hope he did not alter you ;-) he probably alerted you, right?

Stefan Heinz, 2005-03-10

No, I am still genuine. ;-)

Volker Weber, 2005-03-10

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