Park your car
by Volker Weber
Here is a little contest. How long does it take you to parallel park your car? Carl says 2.9 seconds. I stopped at 42.
parking diagonally in a parallel universe.
somehow i am unable to park that thing, glad i have other types of parkinglots at my house ;)
2hrs 37min - no fuel left - what now?
no wonder, vowe's preferred urban transportation vehicle (say "car") is a Smart... He's able to park ANYWHERE :-))
21 sec. - after i realized that full contact parking is possible. before that shortest was about 30 min.
Full Contact Parking aka Parisian Parking? :-)
I hate parallel parking!
Can't do it in real life and didn't manage in this game.
but you get points off for hitting the cars... i got down to 14 seconds with 7 hits after my 4th try or so, but then i figured this would suck up the entire day.
I don't know HOW Carl got 2.9 seconds...
My best was 3.96 with a score of 117.45. Now, I haven't been successful at this, but has anyone tried to park the car facing in the opposite direction?
Maybe it was 3.9? I've managed in the fours plent of times, but never a 2.9 again, I am beginning to doubt myself now.
No it was 2.9 just managed it once more, the key is to get it to reverse in so you don't have to drive forward again, and also a key is that you don't need full lock.