Notes sucks
by Volker Weber
Says Stowe Boyd, who has run a weblog for about half as long as, has about the same traffic as (we shared the same geo locator for a few days), is much higher on the Technorati food chain, has a Lotusphere PC bag, and since he is wearing a hat he probably has a similar haircut as I have. Oh, his openBC picture proves the point. What else have we got in common? He likes Basecamp, uses Plazes and a Mac.
But we don't agree on the Notes thing. I mean, yes, Notes sucks. But for different reasons. ;-) And so far nobody has invented anything that sucks less and does the same thing.
So how about a new Vowe t-shirt:
"Notes: It Doesn't Suck So Much!"
That's the basis for the Notes ecosystem: an emerging force of smaller companies that make it suck less.
couldn't that be said about the ISV ecosystem for almost any enterprise software?
Actually, I started blogging in 1999, but the service was shut down by investors and padlocked one fateful day and I lost all my content (check out Message From Edge City in the Internet Archives). I have been writing about the same stuff since, first at Timing, and then at Get Real. I wrote a column for Lotus Developer Journal for year, too. And I used Notes for years.
"And so far nobody has invented anything that sucks less and does the same thing."
That is probably the best sentence to describe it.
I just had it again the other day. Server Down ... Windows 2000 Server completely screwed. Installed a new Server, transfered all the data, got it online. All System running and NO DATA LOSS and that within a couple of hours.
I challange anyone to do the same with an Exchange Server.
Yes, the interface is sometimes trying and yes, sometimes it does do strange things and it is not the fastest I have ever seen.
But in terms of what it all can do and in terms of system administration, show me something that is faster and easier to handle.