Freedom Flier

by Ragnar Schierholz

Gee, that's an interesting project: the folks over at IDP : Identity Project are asking U.S. citizens to try entering domestic flights without showing ID. It seems, U.S. law actually gives travellers the choice to "either present identification or be subjected to a more extensive search". Now the IDP people are gathering experiences of what happens to people who actually choose "extensive search".

One thing that strikes me though is the last sentence:

"Note: we will not redistribute your information in any way."

Ok, they openly state that they would ultimately submit that information to court, so I guess, that is not included in their sense of "redistribute". But wouldn't it be interesting for the general public to read what could happen if you chose an optoin guaranteed by law? Wouldn't it be possible to spark a public discussion if this was made public in a more visible media? Gee...


Sounds interesting, but the extensive search might be done in Guantanamo.

Joerg Michael, 2006-03-07

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