Longest 404 page ever

by Volker Weber

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No longer than the xml needed to configure the application server, I suspect ;-).

David Richardson, 2006-04-19

Maybe, but its a STANDARDS BASED 404 message, and because they used Portal Technology, they were able to surface their old 404 message tools within the page so that they integrated at the glass, thus providing a mutlifold ROI gain on this critical transaction processing site. Oh, and it scales really well too.

Andrew Pollack, 2006-04-19

Zumindest wurdest Du nicht als Deadlockopfer ausgewählt.

Alexander Hauser, 2006-04-19

Ah, it's an error...

I thought it was the new product name, then I realised that "workplace" wasn't in it ;-)

Ben Rose, 2006-04-19

Nah! c'mon!

Let's see the glass half full instead of half empty. At least she knows for sure *where* is the error.

Long life to

} catch(ProperExceptionClass e){



Alex Hernandez, 2006-04-19

sure, it just subtracts all the places where the error ISN'T.


Andrew Pollack, 2006-04-19

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