BumpTop 3D Desktop Prototype

by Volker Weber

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[Thanks, Alex]


I cannot find items on my real desktop, so why should I introduce this on my virtual desktop? I'm lucky with the Windows Explorer views. (Or if you want the Finder views.)

Do I have to be a mac user to understand the benefits of this new desktop?

Do we really remember positions of documents easier then looking them up in a customized ordered list?

Are there studies about effectiveness?

Christian Heindel, 2006-06-21

I agree with Christian. It's not always the best way to mimic the real world for the virtual world. It's like using the filofax metaphor for a calendar application.

Nice work, anyway - but I think it will not be helpful for daily usage.

Georg Ledermann, 2006-06-22

There are no filenames... so, how do you know, which "document" is the right one when you for example want to open the letter to grandma... ;-)

Thomas Langel, 2006-06-22

I agree -- without filenames, enabling such chaos is not going to increase anyone's productivity.

This could be a cute interface for browsing photos online, and for specific tasks, but it isn't going to replace an operating system UI.

Dave Armstrong, 2006-06-22

I am not so sure. Imagine this on a 19" or even bigger screen, I don't see why there shouldn't be a name on those documents. The images and windows are already handled very well.

I can imagine this to be very usable: give me a shell on the bottom of that screen and make the "desk top" behave accordingly to the commands (i.e. when changing folders) given there and I'd be perfectly happy as this would combine the strength of two worlds: very detailed information at your finger tips (like invoking an ls -lh on the shell) and easy selection, grouping and browsing through documents.

Ralph Unden, 2006-06-22

I guess the most important part is to think outside of our behavioral patterns. Of course, we are used to what we have and in such cases you can often find reluctance to new ideas. But someone who needs to learn how to use a desktop environment probably would be way faster with this stuff. Admitted, filenames or preview icons individual for each file would be a must for differentiation. But other than that, I like it. But then again, as vowe already stated not to long ago, engineers build stuff, just because they can (and I might add: they like stuff other engineers build just because they jbiw ut was tough to build it).

Ragnar Schierholz, 2006-06-22

This kind of interface can be useful for certain tasks / information types as Dave Armstrong points out. For example, Mac users should check out Coverflow (Volker has posted about this app) which lets you browse virtual CDs from your iTunes library. A very similar approach to this desktop thing, and works very well. But that's because you identify the music you want to hear via the cover art -- the lack of filenames in this proof of concept makes this less usable.

Interesting though.

Ben Poole, 2006-06-22

I agree that in combination with a little shell window or Explorer/Finder this tool has its eligibility.

To be honest I also don't use the icons placed on my current desktops much. (No matter if Win XP/OS X/KDE)

So it can only get better... :-)

Christian Heindel, 2006-06-22

Boys need toys and that is a nice one. Another advantage may be, that visual impressions stay longer in you mind even if it is proofed that the real desktop is not the best concept for organizing things. Does Microsoft or Apple has an eye on these guys? I guess so.

Frank Stangenberg, 2006-06-22

i dont know, i just wanna try it^^

Chris Maier, 2006-06-23

Lovely. I want it. Not to organize my stuff but just for the fun of it. Anyone know if this will be made for pc?

Jonas Dahl, 2006-09-15

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