Quote of the day
by Volker Weber
The three things you can’t fake are erections, competence and creativity.
Amen. But you only want to hire me for competence and creativity. ;-)
Given that there is only one reason you would hire someone for the first, is it not redundant to mention it with the second? After all, if one were unable to accomplish the first, clearly the second would be automatically in question.
Whaddaya mean, you can't fake elections?!? Over here in the States, we had a fake one in 2000 and another in 2004. I thought surely you'd noticed...
Ohhhhh, eRections, not eLections.
Errr. Never mind.
After all, if one were unable to accomplish the first, clearly the second would be automatically in question.
True Andrew, but then maybe that's where #3 would come in. Chortle.