Quote of the day

by Volker Weber

We will be dimming the cabin lighting, as it greatly improves the attractiveness of your in-flight crew.
— Flight attendant on JetBlue flight, JFK


Reminds me of my Southwest flight to Orlando annoucements: "Though we don't anticipate a change in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will fall. If you have a child, place your mask over yourself first, and then the child. If you have more than one child, decide which one has the more promising future, and place the mask over that child first..."

Jess Stratton, 2006-08-02

That's my favorite thing about some of these 'low cost' airlines - they have a sense of humor. Delta's Song flights are funny, too. There are plenty of things about flying that are either incredibly boring or extremely frustrating, and it's nice to see that *some* people have figured out that making a few jokes can be a differentiator. Give me a choice and I'll pick the flight involving jokes - even if they're bad ones - every time.

Rob McDonagh, 2006-08-02

I heard this on a Delta Connection:

Place your mask over yourself before helping small children and husbands.

Volker Weber, 2006-08-02

On Southwest:

"On behalf of our entire flight crew, I'd like to welcome you to Chicago. What? You thought this was the Orlando flight? Really? Well, fortunately for you, the pilot thought so too. So on behalf of our entire flight crew let me welcome you to Orlando... But I'd like to welcome you to Chicago some other time. It's a nice place. You should fly there with us sometime, because nobody loves you, or your money, as much as Southwest."

Richard Schwartz, 2006-08-02

Doesn't Southwest have the A&E show Airline ( http://www.aetv.com/airline/index.jsp ) - makes me wonder if the "comedy" isn't a result of either rolling cameras or an attempt to get them rolling in the FA's general direction.

'course, they could just be happy at work...

Chris Toohey, 2006-08-02

Welcome to this no-smoking, no-whining flight...
Please fasten your seatbelts because we're gonno go waay waay faaast!
Yes, these too are from the 'Luv Airline' with the most studied business model in the world.


Frans Swarte, 2006-08-02

(sorry, only german)
"Und wenn mein kleines Töfftöff am Anfang des Zuges den vor uns liegenden Hügel schafft, dann kommen wir gleich in Bochum-Wattenscheid an." Eine von vielen "interessanten" Haltepunktansagen während einer S-Bahnfahrt von Bochum nach Dortmund. Der Lokführer war bekannt unter S-Bahnfahrern im Kohlenpott...

Kai Scharwacht, 2006-08-02


Reminds me of a flight with United where I guessed that they hired Grandma´s Air Catering Service to compensate for a strike of the flight attendants. But they haven´t been on strike ;-)

Armin Auth, 2006-08-03

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