Language lesson

by Volker Weber

I take one every single day. Today's new word:

For what its worth, they seem like right ejits

I did have to look it up.


Correct spelling is eejit :) I have never seen it spelt ejit before. Usage was more common 20 years ago. One of those fading words.

Andy Mell, 2007-03-21

Comment to your comment: "what does he know !!!" (Don't shoot the messenger). :-)

Volker Weber, 2007-03-21

Heres a good definition, and theres some other interesting words to learn too :)

Andy Mell, 2007-03-21

Oh a favorite word if you have any irish in you. Quite familiar with it. Maybe too familiar.:)

The Irish have such an affectionate way of insulting you.

Stephen hood, 2007-03-21

Try bampot for the next lesson.

Armin Grewe, 2007-03-21

Another expression is "Buck eejit", an old phrase meaning a young person with more enthusiasm than sense - frequently causing trouble. Quite mild really for Irish phrases. Eejit is not a fading word back home.

john wylie, 2007-03-21

And from Yorkshire I give you yampy (adjective) as in "he's a bit yampy" and whassock (noun) as in "you are a spawny-eyed, parrot-faced whassock."

(Spellings may vary.)

Chris Linfoot, 2007-03-21

Yep, you get this word a lot in Irish circles (most of the times written with two "e"s). And I wonder if vowe spotted it in the same irish blog I've been reading yesterday...

Jochen Lillich, 2007-03-21

Volker... I'm offeneded. Are you reading another Irish blog? :-)

Paul Mooney, 2007-03-21

Paul, I was wondering how you would wiggle out of being a suspect. :-)

Volker Weber, 2007-03-21

I'm surprised no-one's mentioned eejit in the context:

He's a feckin' eejitI like that. So much more polite, yet you still convey the underlying meaning.

I'm intrigued by the Yorkshire spelling of "whassock". Down my way (south!), it's spelled "wazzock". Meaning is the same though :o)

Ben Poole, 2007-03-21

LOL - my language is never that polite!

Paul Mooney, 2007-03-21

I though someone else might point is out (Bill?), but eejit (never seen it written out, but the ee sound is long) is also in common use in Scotland.

Nick Shelness, 2007-03-23

And as one of my fave Brit jokes goes: "Nelson was a wanker!"

Bob Balaban, 2007-03-24

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