Quick, write some comments

by Volker Weber

My mailbox is currently being flooded with three spam messages per minute. I desperately need some ham. :-)

And since we are at it, thank you Bill for putting a computer without security on everybody's desk. It has been a great help for building botnets.


... your wish is my command ;) just for the "ham" of it. -- And BTW, in a few weeks you can find me "just around the corner", geographically speaking.

regards, Nils

Nils Heeren, 2007-05-23

Well, it's a good thing I don't keep kosher, otherwise I couldn't participate.

Richard Schwartz, 2007-05-23

That's a good opportunity to make you aware of a small problem with the poll on your site:

After voting, the results show up with a nice fade-in effect. Unfortunately, they do so every time I load vowe.net time, making it almost impossible to scroll until the effect is complete (G4@1,33GHz).

It's a minor issue, but it actually made me stop voting. It would be better to show the results immediately on subsequent views.

Timo Stamm, 2007-05-23

...your wish is my "comment", too :-)))))

Markus Jabs, 2007-05-23

poll-related: und ohne js geht da gar nichts ...

Nils K. Windisch, 2007-05-23

@Nils: that’s because the poll is built with Javascript. @Timo: you need a faster machine :o)

Ben Poole, 2007-05-23

Ben, I'm with Timo - I'm still with G4@1,33GHz and scrolling indeed is impossible.

However, I finally have found a good cause to buy a new Mac. No, it's not Leopard, it's all about Hunting Kerrigan. 8-)

Philipp Sury, 2007-05-23

A propos "ham" ... just had some Nasi Goreng.

Björn Haferkamp, 2007-05-23

Aahh, Nasi Goreng; delicious! Add a bit of atjar tjampoer, some pisang goreng and a dollop of ketjap manis, and I'll join you.

(I do hope Volker doesn't mind this bit o' spam too much)

Jan-Piet Mens, 2007-05-23

Rhabarber, Rhabarber, Rhabarber ...

Cem Basman, 2007-05-23

Wie wärs mit Nudelsalat?

Luis Folch, 2007-05-23

your ham sir. hehe.

is that noodle salad? or something more interesting? ;-)

John Vaughan, 2007-05-23

he he


Alex Hernandez, 2007-05-23

Re: fade-in effect
No problem here with a G4@876MHz (and 896MB RAM). The fading takes about half a second.

Thomas Griesbaum, 2007-05-24


(for our English fellows: Rhabarber = rhubarb)

Philipp Sury, 2007-05-24

Good find, Philipp! *LOL*

For our english speaking friends: In theater or film industry if you want to simulate the sound of a large crowd you mumble "Rhabarber, Rhabarber, Rhabarber ..." all the time. I don't know the the equivalent in English.

Cem Basman, 2007-05-24

LOL! Bizarrely, you do the same thing in the UK. Mumbling “rhubarb, rhubarb” is also used to indicate displeasure at what a public speaker is saying.

Ben Poole, 2007-05-24

@Thomas: Try that again with a few heavy apps running in the background and roughly a dozen other web sites open.

I've just had a look at the source and found the cause: The JS function setTimeout is called with a timeout of 1. This is stupid because the resolution of this argument is milliseconds. This means that the animation runs with 1000 frames per second.

For smooth animation, you only need about 25 frames per second. So the argument to setTimeout should be 40 (1000ms/25frames). If you want to control the animation speed, do not tweak the argument to setTimeout.

Timo Stamm, 2007-05-24

Sorry, couldn't resist to fix that:

var renderSpeed = 5; // smaller is faster
var pollScrollSpeed = 1000 / 25; // render with 25 frames per second

function slideVotes(pollId,currentPercent) {
    currentPercent = Math.min(100, currentPercent/1 + renderSpeed);
    for(var prop in pollVotes[pollId]){
        var targetPercent = pollVotes[pollId][prop];
        var renderPercent = Math.min(targetPercent, currentPercent);
        if (renderPercent <= targetPercent) {
            var obj = document.getElementById('result_voteTxt' + prop);
            obj.innerHTML = renderPercent + '%';
            obj.style.width = Math.round(renderPercent/100*graphMaxWidth) + 'px';
    if(currentPercent < 100) {
        setTimeout('slideVotes("' + pollId + '","' + currentPercent + '")',pollScrollSpeed);

Timo Stamm, 2007-05-24

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