STFUs of the day

by Volker Weber


Hallo, Mein Name ist Alexander Rjanow. Ich bin Direktor der Konsultantsgesellschaft "SIDCON", die auf den professionellen Beraterservice auf dem Gebiet des Business und der Leitung sich spezialisiert: ... Treten Sie bitte in Verbindung mit uns per E-Mail fuer folgende Information


Hey, I really enjoyed reading some of your blogs (though I must admit my German is a bit rusty). I thought that sometimes adding a poll to a blog here and there would definitely be a cool addition to your site. Come check out AirHead's new poll widget!



Benjamin Stein, 2007-06-21


Volker Weber, 2007-06-21

Last I checked, STFU = Shut The F*ck Up

Kurt Higley, 2007-06-21

Last time I checked the * was a u. :-)

Helmar Steinberg, 2007-06-21

Thanx for enlightening me. vowe is always so efficient. Next time I can look up strange acronyms myself.

Benjamin Stein, 2007-06-21

Look up my name :)

Timo Stamm, 2007-06-22

No, look up my name :)

Ralph Unden, 2007-06-22

The least said about mine, the better... ;o)

Ben Poole, 2007-06-22

I can't believe he benned in the bathroom!!


Volker Weber, 2007-06-22

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