We survived ...

by Volker Weber

schnippes vowe andreas peter

When I went to bed early this morning I thought I would not be as spent as last time. I should have known better. When the alcohol level went down, the hangover started. Well, another twelve hours later everything is back to normal.

We had a great time, and it looks like we can do another repeat next year.


WOW, ein "optischer flash back" zu alten Heiner Zeiten....

Grüß mal Andreas, Peter und Schnippes! Ob sie sich noch an mich erinnern? Ist lang her (zwischen '89 - '97).

Heiko Müller, 2007-12-02

Sponsored by.... What made them survive... See upper right corner :-)

Wolfgang Schwerber, 2007-12-02

Volker, is this a before or an after picture? When looking at the 4 guys above, I have to admit that you look a bit 'worn out'.

Armin Auth, 2007-12-03

Well, this was "before". You can only imagine ... :-)

Volker Weber, 2007-12-03

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