Just two data points

by Volker Weber

071217browser 071217os

Here in this tiny corner of the web, Firefox is the default browser. And the Mac has captured almost 20% of the site visitors. This data is comprised of 32646 page views on Dec 17.


Do you count Firefox derivatives (namely Flock) as Firefoxes?

Ragnar Schierholz, 2007-12-18

No, that is Firefox straight. Flock is 0.2 %.

Volker Weber, 2007-12-18

What I find interessting is that most Mac user seem to prefere FireFox over Safari.

Wolfgang Schmidetzki, 2007-12-18

Omniweb, anybody? ;-)

Armin Roth, 2007-12-18

Armin - Camino :-)

John Keys, 2007-12-18

It's easier to use Firefox as well at home as on the job, although home is a Mac and job means MS ;)

Steffen Pelz, 2007-12-18

Flock on all platforms for me... The integrated del.icio.us, twitter and facebook are almost more important to me than the browser itself...

Stuart McIntyre, 2007-12-18

Stuart, I second that. While I'm at work, they are not so important actually, but don't bother me either. But at home it's well appreciated. And as Steffen says, having the same browser at home and at work is just more convenient. Especially, when there's a nice add-on that gives you the IE rendering engine whenever you may need it due to corporate "standards"... (i.e. some internal web application which is not standards compliant enough to run in any web browser).

Ragnar Schierholz, 2007-12-18

Well, Omni does it for me at home and at work. I run "work" -what I really must use- on a VM inside a Mac. That definitely does not include any browsing, this is strictly on the Mac side. The work I am doing, I´m doing on a Mac. The other stuff is to please the same people that brought us Lotus Notes *grin*

The most impotant thing for me is to have the same bookmarks and environment in whichever browser you chose wherever you are. The browser flavour is just that: flavour.

Armin Roth, 2007-12-18

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