Search not working in Notes 8.5? It will be fixed in 9

by Volker Weber


After installing beta 2 we've got some trouble with searching. The full-text index of databases gets really huge (DB Size 256 MB, index size 479 MB) and searching in attached documents (PDF for example) does not work.


It will be fixed in Mac Notes 9


It’s printing all over again…

Ben Poole, 2008-09-08

v9 is not acceptable - as I commented on the forum entry, this is a regression bug, and needs to be fixed in 8.5.1 at the very latest...

Stuart Mcintyre, 2008-09-08

Stuart is absolutely right. This is core functionalitiy and I can't understand why this should take so long?!

Thomas Lang, 2008-09-08

-Stuart is absolutely right. This is core functionalitiy and I can't understand why this should take so long?!

3rd party compoment handling it could be a reason

Flemming Riis, 2008-09-08

I would be laughing, if I would not had to support the Notes Clients on the Mac. So sad.

Gregory Engels, 2008-09-08

What I don't understand, the Mac 8.5 Client is still in Beta. Doesn't that imply they are still working on bug fixes? I would consider the local indexer problem a bug.

But more importantly, why is local Full Text indexing not supported on the Mac?

Ken Porter, 2008-09-08

Let's make our voices heard, and head over to the beta 8.5 forum and politely make absolutely clear that we cannot wait for this bugfix.

Lars Berntrop-Bos, 2008-09-08

I've posted a response in the forum to this issue and am waiting for it to replicate out. Please revisit the main thread for my response.

The gist of the issue is that full text indexing of Notes content is absolutely supported on the Mac, however full text indexing of attachments is not. This is not a new limitation in 8.5 More information is available in the posting.


Sarah Lachance, 2008-09-08


maybe it is not new, that searching attachments is not supported on the Mac and so I have to ask two questions:

Why is the option there in the UI to index attachments? Not to confuse end-users, I hope?!
As Stuart wrote in the forum we all thought that version 8.5 will be the one where Mac, Windows and Linux are at the same eye level. If you (IBM) have known about the problem and that it wouldn't be fixed in 8.5, you should have informed the customers.

I really, really hope that you will fix it earlier than in version 9.

Thomas Lang, 2008-09-08

search doesn't work on the forum either !

search for x pages gives

HTTP Web Server: Unknown Command Exception

Select a view from the Browse By list, on the right, to return to the forum views.

Sean Cull, 2008-09-08

@Sean, I've informed IBM about the forum search bug several times over the years through the feedback button - every time they have responded politely but never fixed it.

Hans Bornich, 2008-09-08

Ben, printing is still broken... in fact it is more busted in 8 than it was in 7.

Adam Osborne, 2008-09-09

Adam, I know, hence my comment. Painful so it it.

Ben Poole, 2008-09-09

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