Message from RIM

by Volker Weber

We are making every effort to fulfill our commitment in providing you with your new BlackBerry Bold that you chose onsite at the conference. Delivery of your smartphone is being conducted as expeditiously as possible, but at this time we realize we are not going to make our committed timeframe. ... In light of this situation, I wanted to let you know we will now be sending you a BlackBerry Remote Stereo Gateway in addition to your new smartphone.

BBDevCon ended eight weeks ago. Shipment was promised within 30 days. Well, can't complain about a free Bold and a free Bluetooth Gateway.


Man ... I've got to start going to these things!

Tim Lorge, 2008-12-20

Hi Volker,

I share your frustration. After trying 6 Vodafone outlets here in Barcelona without success, I ordered online on 26th November. I am still waiting for my Bold. I am just hoping it arrives before I leave for Lotusphere.

I doubt Vodafone Spain will be sending me a free gift :(


Ian Armstrong, 2008-12-22

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