Lotusphere 2012

by Volker Weber


In January there will be another Lotusphere. That's right. Lotus-phere. The sphere logo is gone, but nobody dared killing the word "Lotus". Alongside there will be a two day conference "IBM Connect 2012" on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then IBM will slowly shift weight from Lotusphere to Connect. IBM always likes to take the band-aid off ever so slowly.

Since this will be my 19th Lotusphere (if I may count three events in Berlin), or my 16th (if I may not), I will be looking forward to seeing you all there. Who else is going?


I am coming too, but it is just my 14th or so :)

Andy Brunner, 2011-11-01

I'll be there. Looking forward to it, no matter how much IBM wants to yank that band-aid off.

Ben Langhinrichs, 2011-11-01

Yup, I'll be there. 8th/10th for me.

Stuart McIntyre, 2011-11-01

I hope to be there. Will be my 15th consecutive Lotusphere (16th counting LS97 in Nice).

Karl-Henry Martinsson, 2011-11-01

Oh, I'll be there. Not so much for either the "Lotus" or "IBM" thing, but rather to discover your new photography angle of the attendees first hand.

Gregg Eldred, 2011-11-01

Don't know yet. Waiting for the HP/Autonomy smoke to clear a bit before I find out. It will be my 18th, if I make it.

Richard Schwartz, 2011-11-01

I'll be there for number 13 I think. Tickets and flights already paid for!

Matt White, 2011-11-01

Yes, us HADSL chappies are going, sponsoring UK Night, going on the Hog Ride, and I've even submitted some abstracts for speaking (Here's hoping that some get selected).

---* Bill

Bill Buchan, 2011-11-01

I too will be there for my tenth.

Andy Donaldson, 2011-11-01

We will be there, also to prepare our annual Lotusphere Comes To You in Frankfurt/Main.
If I count correctly it should be my 10th US Lotusphere, plus 3 in Berlin, and I also attended the pre Lotusphere Europe ("Lotus European Technology Conference" at Maastricht, 1996 I think...). I feel old, but there are higher numbers out there ;-)

Hans-Peter Kuessner, 2011-11-01

@Hans-Peter: Yes, it was in 1996. I was there as well, so including that one it would be 17 for me this year...

Karl-Henry Martinsson, 2011-11-01

Me too. I'll be there for my 7th. Seems like I'm the greenhorn regarding your numbers.

Thomas Lang, 2011-11-01

Looking forward to it - flight, room and registration paid.
@Thomas - it's only my second.

Sam Sawatzky, 2011-11-01

Got to submit my abstract this week. If it is accepted I'll be there for the first time.

Bert Oberholz, 2011-11-01

I believe this is my 14th including one in Berlin. Can't remember. So many backpacks that my wife forced me to give some away. Too bad. I was hoping to take a picture of all of them together. The bags that they gave away before the backpack I did not like at all. Still the best Lotusphere was the one in Berlin.

Richard Moy, 2011-11-01

Hope to be going... would be #15

Thomas Duff, 2011-11-01

Unlikely ;o)

Darren Adams, 2011-11-01

I will make the drive northwards. 3 Berlin and 12 US I think it is.

Keith Brooks, 2011-11-01

Darren, you could be looking for customers. ;-)

Volker Weber, 2011-11-01

Going, will be #15, though not in a row. May well be the last.

Rob McDonagh, 2011-11-01

I'll be there again. It will be very interesting to see the angle taken in light of the IBM Information On Demand conference I just attended in Las Vegas. With the restructuring of the brands, there is definitely a stronger cross-brand focus within IBM as it relates to the conferences.

Daniel Lieber, 2011-11-01

Nah. Only ever done two. Plus Berlin in 2000. But that is all ancient history. Onwards!

Ben Poole, 2011-11-02

im going (and sulking that Ben is not), will be 4 for me

mark myers, 2011-11-02

I'll be there for my third. I'm on an even year attendance schedule, it seems... 2008, 2010, 2012

Steve Breitenbach, 2011-11-02

Last year was my 16th. Not sure if I will make it to 17 this year.

Roy Rumaner, 2011-11-02

#10+2 for me. Flights and hotel are booked, really looking forward to going again.

Jens Polster, 2011-11-02

I'll be there. 7th in Orlando. 8th if you count Berlin. 9th if you count the not-quite-Lotusphere in Nice.

Julian Woodward, 2011-11-02

I´ll be there... Glad to see more from "Project Vulcan" ( or whatever it will be called ) and Connections 4.x... It will be my 5th appearance...

Rainer Brandl, 2011-11-02


Volker Weber, 2011-11-02

Would be my 13th but I am not going this year.

Bob Balfe, 2011-11-02

@Rob Mcd - don't you mean 14.5 ? :-P

My sweet 16.

Rob Novak, 2011-11-03

@RFN - No, that would be 15.5 - I wasn't counting Spherus-Interruptus...

Rob McDonagh, 2011-11-03

Me too. CU there Volker :-)

Thomas Landgraf, 2011-11-03

It's easier for a Microserf than a Loti, isn't it? ;-)

Volker Weber, 2011-11-03

I guess that the number of Microserf attendees is declining overall. Most work is done :-)
Volker, will you attend Connect or Lotusphere during the overlap? Where do you think is the innovation?

Bernd Vellguth, 2011-11-04

I haven't decided yet. Let's look at the program first.

Volker Weber, 2011-11-04

I stopped counting. I have always been there in Orlando plus Maastricht plus Brighton plus Berlin. I like these buttons of Bob Balaban and I have always been proud to pick the highest number.

@Bernd, don´t be too cocky. There is no reason to lean back. Maybe topics are changing, but IBM should always be able to bring up a new challenge for guys like you.

Jörg Allmann, 2011-11-04

Update: looks like the abstract will be accepted. Make sure to hear about our success story of social networking and collaboration of an early adopter in a dual vendor environment. It will be my first lotusphere but with an invite :D

Bert Oberholz, 2011-11-04

Update: looks like the abstract will be accepted. It will be my first lotusphere but with an invite :D

Bert Oberholz, 2011-11-04

@Jörg: I only started to be coocky since I know you really started to be holistic, helping customers to move to the dark side too. Thanks, by the way!

Bernd Vellguth, 2011-11-05

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