Werner Vogels: 10 Lessons from 10 Years of Amazon Web Services

by Volker Weber

The epoch of AWS is the launch of Amazon S3 on March 14, 2006, now almost 10 years ago. Looking back over the past 10 years, there are hundreds of lessons that we’ve learned about building and operating services that need to be secure, reliable, scalable, with predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. ... I have picked a few of these lessons to share with you in the hope that they may be of use for you as well.

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Such valuable information. Thank you.

Sometimes I look at all their services and well... I just find AWS very daunting.

Ian Bradbury, 2016-03-14

I agree with Ian. For every cloud oriented guy a 'must read'. Thanks for sharing!

Ingo Seifert, 2016-03-15

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