Bill Gates schenkt jedem Absolventen dieses Buch

by Volker Weber


Bill Gates:

If you’re getting a degree from a U.S. college this spring, I have a present for you.

It’s a book. (No surprise there. Books are my go-to gift.) It’s called Factfulness, by the late global-health expert and noted sword swallower Hans Rosling, and it is packed with advice about how to see the world clearly. Although I think everyone should read it, it has especially useful insights for anyone who’s making the leap out of college and into the next phase of life.

So I am giving Factfulness to everyone who’s getting a degree from a U.S. college or university this spring. If you’re being awarded an associate’s, bachelor’s, or post-graduate degree, download your free copy of the book below. (Unfortunately, because of international publishing rights, it is available only to graduates from U.S. schools.)

Die Kindle Edition kostet gerade mal zehn Euro >


Und die deutsche Kindle-Edition kostet 23 Euro. So wird gleichzeitig der Ausbau der Sprachkenntnisse subventioniert. Bildet gleich doppelt.

Markus Mews, 2018-06-08

Rosling ist Schwede. Schreiben ist schwieriger als lesen.

Volker Weber, 2018-06-08

Leider muss das inzwischen heissen "Rosling war Schwede". Aber gut zu wissen, das sein Sohn die wichtige Arbeit weiter macht.

Joerg Michael, 2018-06-11

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I explain difficult concepts in simple ways. For free, and for money. Clue procurement and bullshit detection.


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