February 2002

You have two cows ...

by Volker Weber

You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.

You have two cows.
You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows.
The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells, the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company.
The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more.
Sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States, leaving you with nine cows.
No balance sheet provided with the release.
The public buys your bull.

You have two cows.
You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
You are surprised when the cow drops dead.

You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want three cows.

You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
You then create clever cow cartoon images called Cowkimon and market them World-Wide.

You have two cows.
You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.

You have two cows.
Both are mad.

You have two cows, but you don't know where they are.
You break for lunch.

You have two cows.
You count them and learn you have five cows.
You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
You count them again and learn you have 12 cows.
You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.

You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you.
You charge others for storing them.

You have two cows.
You worship them.

You have two cows.
You have 300 people milking them.
You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers.

So, there are these two Jewish cows, right?
They open a milk factory, an ice cream store, and then sell the movie rights. They send their calves to Harvard to become doctors.
So, who needs people?

You have two cows.
That one on the left is kinda cute...

The Awful German Language

by Volker Weber

by Mark Twain

I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German. I spoke entirely in that language. He was greatly interested; and after I had talked a while he said my German was very rare, possibly a "unique"; and wanted to add it to his museum.

If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art, he would also have known that it would break any collector to buy it. Harris and I had been hard at work on our German during several weeks at that time, and although we had made good progress, it had been accomplished under great difficulty and annoyance, for three of our teachers had died in the mean time.

A person who has not studied German can form no idea of what a perplexing language it is. (via Schockwellenreiter)

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by Volker Weber

dummy.gif Ob das wohl so bleibt?

Kopf an Kopf mit Schumi

by Volker Weber

"Was ist der Unterschied zur Formel 1?", versucht der Beifahrer das Gespräch fortzusetzen. "Nicht zu vergleichen, gar nicht zu vergleichen, schauen Sie, zum Beispiel der Bremsweg." Hier unterbricht der Mitschnitt auf dem Band. Kurz vor einer, nein eigentlich schon in der Kurve tritt Schumacher in voller Fahrt auf die Bremse. "Schauen Sie, im Formel-1-Wagen wäre der Bremsweg 100 Meter kürzer." 100 Meter kürzer? Der Maranello schneidet gerade die nächste Kurve. Das Heck bricht aus. "Etwas nass hier", sagt der Weltmeister und steuert - nach ein paar kurzen Ruderbewegungen mit dem Lenkrad - mit 240 Stundenkilometern auf die nächste vom Regen dunkel gefärbte Stelle des Parcours zu.

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Did I say I want a Nikon?

by Volker Weber


Death Of A Content Management Start Up

by Volker Weber

This is a story about a company. A company that was profitable from Day 1.

A company that built products that were useful to many other companies. A company that had ethics, that treated the breadwinners (programmers) with respect, a company that could afford to help people and give away software and training, while still having enough left over to grow and save a few $million in the bank.

That is, until the venture capitalists arrived on the scene.

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New Groove ID

by Volker Weber

digitalfingerprint.gif The current Groove client has no way to remove tools that you may have injected. I wanted to start from scratch, so I have retired my old account. If you would like to inject my new Groove vCard, click on the picture above. If my card in your contacts shows a different digital fingerprint, you may be wating forever to see me online. :-)

Quote of the day

by Volker Weber

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

— Paul Dirac

Windows XP Home cannot join a domain, or can it?

by Volker Weber

Normally, Windows XP Home Edition cannot join network domains, simply peer-to-peer workgroups. However, there is a fix which can solve the problem and allow WinXP Home Edition to join a domain. Microsoft wanted to cripple Windows XP Home Edition so that it could not be used on domains, which would force many to upgrade to the more expensive Windows XP Professional Edition simply to join a network domain. However, it -is- possible to get on a domain using Windows XP Home Edition.

This can also be accomplished with the free and widely available Xteq X-Setup 6.1 by navigating to the "Network \ Auto Login \ Windows NT/2K/XP \ Settings" option within X-Setup. Simply enter the appropriate information and click "Apply Changes" - upon your next reboot, you can then join domains with WinXP Home Edition. Problem solved. X-Setup includes many other useful Windows XP tweaks / hacks / etc. for Windows XP as well, all free for personal use.

Download here »

Dan Bricklin: Observations From a Weblogger

by Volker Weber

When I write, I think that I'm writing to peers and to friends who are regular readers, as well as to people who are looking to learn something from a link they've followed provided by someone else whom they trust.

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Your files on my website

by Volker Weber

No, don't be afraid, I DO NOT have a copy of your files! You can trust Microsoft, or can't you?

Wie Sie den Kulturwandel effizient blockieren und dabei Karriere machen

by Volker Weber

* Lächeln Sie über die These: "Veränderung ist möglich!"
* Regen Sie sich über Details auf
* Sagen Sie immer, daß Sie offen sind...
* Stellen Sie das heraus, was sich bewährt hat
* Betonen Sie Ihren Kooperationswillen
* Fragen Sie nie "Wozu?", sondern immer "Warum?"
* Verweisen Sie sofort auf die Kosten
* Halten Sie den Aspekt vernünftiger Planung hoch

aus: Uwe Klein, "Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht....", mvg-verlag, Landsberg 1998, ISBN 3-478-81194-5

Ein Taschenbuch für zwischendurch. Und für alle, die entweder Veränderungen mit aller Macht blockieren wollen, oder halt für solche, die trotzdem etwas erreichen wollen ! 64 definitive Tips für das-haben -wir-schon-immer-so-gemacht-Anhänger ! Aber immer auch die Strategie dagegen.

Witzig geschrieben, locker zu lesen - und ungemein informativ in Hinsicht auf die subtilen Spielereien, die jeglicher Veränderung immer wieder die Energie entziehen und sie letztlich zum Erliegen bringen. Und ein Fundus an Ideen für alle, die trotzdem etwas erreichen wollen.

ACME License Maker

by Volker Weber


Online diarists rule an Internet strewn with failed dot coms

by Volker Weber

A few months ago, I was at the Camden Pop!Tech conference, and the guy sitting next to me was typing incessantly into his wireless laptop, making notes on the speakers, finding relevant links and then hitting the send key - instantly updating his Web site. No sooner did he do so than he would get responses back from readers around the country. He was a blogger.

Bloggers are turning the hunting and gathering, sampling and critiquing the rest of us do online into an extreme sport. We surf the Web; these guys snowboard it. Bloggers are the minutemen of the digital revolution.

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Nachtrag zu SPIEGEL e-Business

by Volker Weber

Nun haben Sie es doch gemerkt. Das klappt nun so nicht mehr.

Windows Media Player spioniert


Der mit Windows XP ausgelieferte Windows Media Player 8.0 protokolliert, welche DVDs mit der Software auf dem eigenen Rechner gesehen werden. Dann werden die Daten an Microsoft weitergegeben. Das wurde jetzt über die Mailingliste BugTraq bekannt, wie Golem Network News berichtet.

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Distribution and Decentralization Change Everything

by Volker Weber

We believe once a network has a critical mass of users with decentralized collaboration software, the productivity gains will be too large to ignore.

— Chris Kwak and Robert Fagin, Bear Stearns

This comprehensive report examines the "impact of distribution (of assets and resources across geographies) and decentralization (of a network's assets and resources outward toward 'edge' devices) on the Internet.

The report also highlights Groove Networks and other companies that are "...taking advantage of these trends and pushing the Internet toward its next phase..." which the authors call Internet 3.0.

Download report

Get the T-Shirt

by Volker Weber

errorwear.jpg This looks like the perfect T-Shirt to get before attending a Microsoft event. Roll your own or get it here.

Der SPIEGEL übt e-Business

by Volker Weber

Schon lange nicht mehr so gelacht. Der SPIEGEL veröffentlicht seit letzter Woche Artikel gegen Bezahlung von 50 Euro-Cent. So sieht ein typischer kostenloser Link aus: http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,184056,00.html Und das ist einer, für den man bezahlen soll: https://premium-link.net/newauth/http://premium-link.net/$24274$0$/0,1518,pkt_5_00050-184042,00.html$$$http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/ Was kommt wohl raus, wenn man im ersten Link 184056 gegen 184042 oder gar druck-184042 tauscht? Oder noch wichtiger - was ist strafbarer: Denken beim Lesen oder dumm sein beim Entwurf eines Shops? In diesem Sinne: spiegellogo.gif

Bill Is Everywhere

by Ulli Müller

Microsoft's Bill Gates endorses the Foveon X3 technology and announced that Microsoft is working with Foveon to provide native support for X3 RAW images from within Windows XP.

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Die musikalische Klon-Parade

by Volker Weber

Wenn am Ende der Party das netteste Kind den Preis bekommt, dann war es ein Kindergeburtstag bei den Antroposophen oder die deutsche Vorentscheidung zum europäischen Schlager-Grand-Prix. Trotzdem hat Corinna May verdient gewonnen, sie kann singen. Und dass die alte Rock-Kanone Joy Fleming auf den zweiten Platz kam, spricht ebenfalls für den Sachverstand des Publikums.

Dennoch bleiben viele Fragen offen. Wie kam es, trotz der Änderung des Reglements, zu dieser Ansammlung von Peinlichkeiten? Wie kommt die Auswahl für die Vorauswahl zustande? Schaut sich eine Jury die Videos an und wenn einer der Juroren einen Herzstillstand bekommt, wird der Einsender eingeladen?

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Groove Networks and Autonomy


Autonomy and Groove Networks will provide a joint solution that enables cross-company teams to work more efficiently by automatically connecting the right people, information and tools so projects can be completed on time and within budget.

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Answering the age-old question

by Volker Weber

hefjet.jpg Who was Playmate Of The Month when you were born? (via NTK)

The Other Road Ahead

by Volker Weber

You may not believe it, but I promise you, Microsoft is scared of you. The complacent middle managers may not be, but Bill is, because he was you once, back in 1975, the last time a new way of delivering software appeared.

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Three new MS security holes - two nasty

by Volker Weber

Those with IE versons earlier than 5.01 SP2 are completely out of luck. You'll have to upgrade.

How about to Linux?

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Apple: Introduction to CSS Layout

by Volker Weber

There aren't many web developers who have not at least tried using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define typography and simple page attributes such as background and text color. These days more and more developers are pushing CSS even further, eschewing tables and embracing CSS as a web page layout tool. In this article I'll explain why CSS is in many ways preferable to using tables for layout, and then I'll show you some CSS layout techniques using a complete re-coding of the Apple Internet Developer home page as an example.

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SOAP is three different things

by Volker Weber

There are three major usage modes or ways to think about SOAP.

1. as a very generic messaging framework, as described in part one of the specification.

2. as a remote procedure call mechanism as in Part 2, Section 5.

2 a) An encoding for parameter values
2 b) A method calling syntax

3. as an extension mechanism for HTTP, as discussed in 6

Unfortunately, communication between developers or between customers and vendors is hampered by the different levels of interoperability implied by these different usage modes.

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I want a new camera

by Volker Weber

NikonD100.jpg More >

Wishful thinking

by Volker Weber

IBM's Lotus Software division may have been testing the market when it announced last month that it was yanking its Java Server Pages (JSP) engine, known as Garnet, from the upcoming finished version of Domino 6. Some users and analysts now think the company hasn't actually decided what, if any, Java development environment it will include in the final release, due later this year. (Thanks, Marco)

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Die Mitfahrzentrale


Playstation, Platz und jede Menge Erdnussflips! Von München nach Berlin in 8,2 Sekunden

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by Volker Weber

Note to self - check out:

Image Slicer
phase 5

Linux for the paranoid

by Volker Weber

Last weekend's CodeCon conference in San Francisco saw the launch of Tinfoil Hat Linux, a self-proclaimed "exercise in over engineering" and security.

What started out as a secure, single floppy, bootable Linux distribution for storing PGP keys, and encrypting, signing and wiping files, turned into a useable Linux distribution for the totally paranoid.

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Creating a Cross-Browser (DOM) Expandable Tree

by Volker Weber

As a user interface designer for Web applications, I find that there is a constant need (read: demand) for certain UI components across the board. The most commonly requested component is an expandable/collapsible tree, often referred to as an explorer tree (referring to its use in Microsoft Windows Explorer).

Previously, it could take a lot of time and effort to create a tree that could work in both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. With recent improvements in Internet Explorer and Netscape, however, it is possible to make an expandable tree without needing any browser detection whatsoever.

This article will focus on building a JavaScript tree. The target browsers for this tree are Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape 6.1 (Netscape 6.0 had many bugs that could affect the proper display of the tree). This tree will be built with cross-browser code that works on both IE5 and NS6, so that the code requires no browser detection to work on these two browsers (note that if your users may still be using IE4 or NS4, you will need to do an additional browser detect to see if you can use the code in this article).


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What Web Services Are Not

by Volker Weber

Web Services are the latest, and perhaps hottest buzz-word in the Web development world. And, as is typically the case with all emerging buzz-words, their exact purpose and definition seem to vary from site to site, and vendor to vendor. To help us unravel the hype, we welcome guest author Sriram Rajaraman, the VP of Engineering at Instantis, who will help us understand what Web services are by explaining what he believes they are not.

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Look Ma, No Tables.

by Volker Weber

If you are looking for help making the transition to CSS layout (that's Cascading Style Sheets), you've come to the right place. I am cataloging here as many useful cross-browser CSS layout techniques as I can find, and some that I made up when I was bored last Thursday. All the examples on this site have been reduced to only their essential code, and you will find the source displayed on each page to hopefully make it quick and easy to understand the inner workings of the CSS. Feel free to steal all the code you find on this site, and consider linking back here on your site or in your source comments.

glish.com : CSS layout techniques


by Volker Weber

Stimmt es, dass man ein Ei nicht in der Hand beziehungsweise in der Faust zerdrücken kann? Muss man hier eigentlich alles selber machen? Also erstens: Nehmen Sie doch einfach ein Ei in die Faust und drücken Sie ...

Und — stimmts? »

Instant-Messaging-Server mit Jabber

by Volker Weber

Jabber ist eine der interessantesten Instant-Messaging-Lösungen. Wir zeigen, wie man einen Jabber-Server samt User einrichtet und die Schnittstellen für die Kommunikation mit anderen IM-Diensten aufsetzt.

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Verwaltung macht Wissen


Theorie und Praxis des modernen Wissensmanagements

Die wichtigste Funktion von Firmen besteht darin, Transaktionskosten zu senken, die für Beschaffung und Verwaltung von Informationen über den Markt, seine Teilnehmer, über rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Produktion und Absatz u. Ä. aufgewendet werden müssen. Somit ist ein kluges Informations- und Wissensmanagement das A und O moderner Unternehmensverwaltung. Was aber ist Wissensmanagement?

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brand eins: Schwerpunkt Kooperation

by Volker Weber

Leben einzeln und frei wie ein Baum und brüderlich wie ein Wald ist unsere Sehnsucht.

— Nazim Hikmet

Der Mensch ist gleichzeitig Individualist und Gemeinschaftswesen. Das ist sein Problem, daraus entstehen Tragödien. Doch viele Tote der Shakespeare-Dramen hätten länger leben können, hätten sie sich besser abgesprochen. Denn Unabhängigkeit und Kooperation sind kein Widerspruch, sie bedingen sich. Man muss sich nur auf die Regeln einigen.

Temporärer Link: brand eins Wirtschaftsmagazin | Ausgabe 01/2002

Outlook Express Vulnerability #3476

by Volker Weber

It is possible to send attachments to Outlook Express users using non-standard attachment techniques. This can be accomplished by encapsulating the data in Carriage Return () specifiers in the Subject line of an email. Upon receiving an email with a subject line containing carriage returns, Outlook Express will interpret the data section of the mail beginning in the subject line. This problem is compounded by the fact that mail filtering utilities do not search the subject line for this type of data, and can allow a malicious file to pass to an Outlook Express user.

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Free Digital Camera Enhancer

by Volker Weber


Digital Camera Enhancer does the hard job of noise reducing and automatic balance control for you. The program works best if you have bad light condition (indoor, shadows etc..) and your image is somehow off. So if some of your images are already fine, you won't see much difference. DCE makes very delicate changes... One thing makes DCEnhancer different from other tools - reducing the noise and skin smoothing algorithm. It makes DCE ideal for making cool portraits and close-ups!

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Quote of the day

by Volker Weber

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?

— Charles M. Schulz

What is JavaCollect?

by Volker Weber

JavaCollect is an RSS headline aggregator written in Java that takes any combination of URLs that point to RSS feeds and transforms them into HTML files.

JavaCollect comes with various templates or themes or can be based on any XSL stylesheets you provide.

JavaCollect utilizes the Xalan XML Parser and the Xerces XSLT Processor to create an easy-to-use custom class (JNewsCollection) for collecting and displaying your news sources.

Growing your own news portal? JavaCollect makes it easy.

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Ein guter Ruf löst Kooperationsprobleme

by Volker Weber

Ein Experiment zeigt eine Lösung der "Allmende-Klemme" oder des Umgangs mit Tritrbrettfahrern

Vier Versuchspersonen erhalten ein Grundkapital von 5 Euro. Sie können diesen Betrag teilweise oder vollständig in einen Gemeinschaftstopf investieren, dessen Inhalt vom Spielleiter verdoppelt wird. Sie haben aber auch die Möglichkeit, ihr Geld für sich zu behalten und auf die Einzahlungen der Mitspieler zu hoffen, an deren Rendite sie automatisch beteiligt wären.

Dieses Missverhältnis zwischen Einsatz und Gewinn wird im Fachjargon "Tragedy of the Commons" oder "Allmende-Klemme" genannt und seit vielen Jahren von Wissenschaftlern unterschiedlichster Disziplinen erforscht. Evolutionsbiologen vom Plöner Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie wollen der Lösung des komplizierten Problems nun einen erheblichen Schritt näher gekommen sein. Ihre Experimente scheinen zu belegen, dass ein Gemeinschaftsgut für alle Beteiligten nur dann optimale Erträge abwirft, wenn die Art der Nutzung mit der Reputation der Nutzer verknüpft wird ( Wer gibt, dem wird gegeben).

Sehr interessante Geschichte - so kann man "vowe is a good mother" auch ausdrücken. :-)

Unbedingt lesen »

Aim Ad removal

by Volker Weber

Get it here »

Expert: Microsoft Web Toolkit Has Security Loophole

by Volker Weber

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A security expert said on Thursday that a feature that was added to make Microsoft Corp.'s MSFT.O new Web services development tool kit more secure would actually leave the software open to attack from hackers.

Shock, disbelief ...

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Microsoft Security Patch Said Ineffective

by Volker Weber

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Microsoft Corp. MSFT.O program designed to plug a common security hole is vulnerable to the very attack it was designed to prevent, the Wall Street Journal alleged in a report on Thursday, citing a prominent security consulting firm.

Shock, disbelief ...

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How to Remove Linux and Install Windows

by Volker Weber

This article describes how you can remove the Linux operating system from your computer, and install a Windows operating system. This article also assumes that Linux is already installed on the hard disk using Linux native and Linux swap partitions, which are incompatible with the Windows operating system, and that there is no free space left on the drive.

Hmmh. Usually one does it the other way around. Get rid of Windows and install Linux.

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The Office Suite Wars

by Volker Weber

Long ago, in a galaxy far way, there was a battle of epic proportions fought. I'm not talking about the clone wars--I'll leave that one to George Lucas. This is a battle I actually played a front line role in called the Office Suite Wars. In fact, I was one of the generals for one of the combatants, so you can't exactly consider my opinion on these matters to be objective! In this case, I was Vice President of Engineering for Borland. We had a product called Quattro Pro, that was a spreadsheet. The other three contestants were Microsoft, Lotus, and Word Perfect. If you know enough about computers to be reading this web page, you probably know who won.

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Lotus Developers May Build Garnet Alternative


Momentum is building in the Lotus Domino developer community for a new, open-source initiative to create an alternative Java application development environment for the forthcoming Domino 6.

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HP World: Wizards and Windows

by Volker Weber

XP and Linux Go Head to Head on Two HP OmniBook 6000s

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Alien Skin Software : Eye Candy 3 Giveaway

by Volker Weber

Here's your opportunity to get Eye Candy 3, one of the most popular Photoshop filter sets, for free. Simply choose your platform below to start the download.

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Naughty Nurse

by Volker Weber

Our nurse is as naughty as they come. Your temperature is bound to go through the roof as you spy her black lace bra peeping out of her nurses uniform. Just be careful that she doesn't give you a cardiac arrest when she bends over to give you that essential bed bath!

Click me :-)

Ed's redirect of the day

by Volker Weber

Check out where http://www.trustworthycomputing.com takes you.

"Wissensmanagement heißt Enteignung der Experten"

by Oliver Tunnat

Wissen, so hört und liest man überall, ist die wichtigste Ressource der Zukunft. Doch wie zapft man diese Quelle an? Gerade in großen Unternehmen sind nur wenige bereit, ihr Wissen zu teilen. Warum auch? Sie würden nur ihren Job gefährden, denn wer austauschbar ist, sitzt auf wackligem Posten. Daher müssen Unternehmen erst eine Kultur des Vertrauens aufbauen, ehe sie Wissensmanagement-Konzepte umsetzen können.

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A moving experience

by Volker Weber

Requires Flash and Javascript

Try it »

CV for a UI goddess

by Volker Weber

Susan Kare invented the iconography of modern computing -- literally. The trashcan, the watch-cursor, the alertbox. Her résumé is both awe-inspiring and daunting. As Patrick says: "It's an understated presentation, but kind of overwhelming. 'Hi, I invented everything you look at all day long. If you're very lucky, you may be able to hire me,' it does not actually say, but might as well." (via BoingBoing)

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Use Web services to integrate Web applications with EISs

by Volker Weber

Web services expose business processes to bolster object-oriented and component-based programming with a services-based model. You can enhance your current programming model to support Web services by adding a service contract. The service contract completely separates a system interface from its implementation. Sun Microsystems' Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Microsoft's .Net frameworks both provide powerful platforms on which to build and support Web services. This article explores how to leverage both platforms to integrate enterprise information systems (EISs) and Java-based Web applications. Find out how Web services, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) all play a major role in this integration game.

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Servlets in Apache Tomcat and BEA Systems' WebLogic Server

by Volker Weber

In this article, Steven Gould reviews the steps involved in developing servlets, then describes how to take the servlet and create a Web application -- in both expanded format and as a WAR. He illustrates how to deploy the Web application in Apache Tomcat -- a widely used, freeware servlet container and the Java Servlet 2.2 Reference Implementation -- and in WebLogic Server 6.0, a full J2EE application server.

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Sicherer Umgang mit E-Mail: Die zehn Gebote für Unternehmen

by Volker Weber

Viren-E-Mails, Spams, schwachsinnige Kettenbriefe: Die Flut scheint unaufhaltsam. Dabei gibt es einige einfache Rezepte, mit denen sich wieder mehr Ordnung in die Datenkommunikation bringen lässt.

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Urban Etiquette: New York City

by Volker Weber

We see all kinds of behavior in New York, and as citizens, we practice our own varieties. Call it research, this constant bumping-into, hustling-over, spitted-on; some people behave well in this city, others don't. Based on good and bad examples of etiquette we've witnessed, this guide has been compiled to help the tourist and veteran alike in navigating New York in the best possible manner.

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Susan Kare User Interface Graphics

by Volker Weber

Susan Kare invented the iconography of modern computing -- literally. The trashcan, the watch-cursor, the alertbox. Her résumé is both awe-inspiring and daunting. As Patrick says: "It's an understated presentation, but kind of overwhelming. 'Hi, I invented everything you look at all day long. If you're very lucky, you may be able to hire me,' it does not actually say, but might as well."

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Practical Internet Groupware

by Volker Weber

When we collaborate online, we find, receive, and create documents, we store them, we reorganize them, we communicate them to individuals and groups. From a groupware perspective, we need to ask ourselves: Who will benefit from my storage or transmission of this document? Does it merit the attention of individuals, or a group? If it should be directed to a group, then which one? From an information-management perspective, we need to ask a different set of questions: In what form should I gather documents? Where do I store them? How should document collections be organized?

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Google Search Appliance

by Volker Weber

googleappliance.jpg Make your company's search capability as good as Google's and just as easy to use. The Google Search Appliance integrates hardware and software to create a plug-and-play solution that takes minutes to install and can be maintained easily by one administrator. More >

One Runtime to Bind Them All

by Volker Weber

The Common Language Runtime is being sold as a libertarian technology that levels the playing field for minority languages. The CLR would offer to all languages a neutral typesystem, a state-of-the-art back-end compiler, runtime and set of enterprise-class frameworks. VisualStudio.NET makes this complete with a first-rate IDE that can be extended to support any language. It would almost zero the barrier to entry for new languages.

The reality looks much darker instead. The CLR is not truly language-neutral, and it will ostensibly favor languages that look a lot like C#. Those not in this group will be severely bastardized, producing dialects which are really "C# with another syntax"; look at ISE's Eiffel# (or even Microsoft's own VB.NET and J#) for great examples. (via Hugh)

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A default Domino server installation leaves some of the installed databases 'world-readable'


DomiLock offers you a free checkup of your Domino server. All known system databases will be checked and a report about the access status be presented.

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Quote of the day

by Volker Weber

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

— Oscar Wilde

Trillian Fights Back as AOL Boots its Users

by Volker Weber

Adding yet another chapter to the seemingly endless battle over instant messaging, AOL has begun blocking Trillian users from accessing its servers, effectively cutting off communication between the independent client and AOL's ad-laden software. Trillian does not provide its own messaging platform, but instead combines the most popular services into a single program and eliminates the need to run multiple clients. The standoff began last week and Cerulean Studios -- developer of Trillian -- continues to issue updates immediately bypassing each new block.

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Lotusphere 2002 Orlando

by Volker Weber

lotusphere2002.gif Heise Online: Erste Vorabversion von Notes 6 und Domino 6 verfügbar Heftige Diskussionen um "Garnet" in Domino 6 iCore gewinnt Beacon Award Lotus entscheidet sich für J2EE Rnext ist tot, es lebe Notes/Domino 6 Lotus Advisor Magazin: Report from Lotusphere 2002, Part 1 Report from Lotusphere 2002, Part 2 Report from Lotusphere 2002, Part 3 Lotus Adopts J2EE 1.3 Standard Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Coming Q3 2002 eWeek: Lotus Developers May Build Garnet Alternative Developers Revolt Over Lotus Plans Lotus Platforms Adopt Java 2 NetworkWorldFusion: Lotus exec sheds light on Domino's future Lotus preps Domino for J2EE transformation Lotus says J2EE is its future for component software Computer Reseller News: Lotus J2EE Stance Sparks Controversy No Surprise: Lotus Embraces J2EE Infoworld: Lotusphere showcases messaging, collaboration wares Lotus generates J2EE adoption controversy Lotus boosts support of Web services development Next Lotusphere: 10-13 Jun 2002, Vienna, Austria 26-30 Jan 2003. Orlando. Florida Next Lotus DevCon/IBM Solutions/IBM Websphere: IBM developerWorks Live! 7-10 May 2002, San Francisco, California Next Advisor DevCon Advisor DevCon on Lotus Domino, Notes & Java, 2002 8 - 10 April 2002, Palm Springs, California

WebSphere and Domino single sign-on


This article introduces an exciting integration point between the IBM WebSphere Application Servers and the Lotus Domino Server that allows for single sign-on across a set of Web servers within an Internet domain. This mechanism is called Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) and is a way for servers to delegate authentication to a common third-party service.

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Hat Tyler Brûlé Stil?

by Volker Weber

Kaum hatte Tyler Brûlé die neue Airline «Swiss» getauft, hielten Journalisten ihm entgegen: «Mit dem Konzept, Fliegen wieder stilvoll zu machen, liegt Swiss nicht im Trend. Die meisten Fluggesellschaften haben Dumpingpreise.» Darauf Brûlé: «Wir positionieren uns anders.»

Knapper lassen sich Mode und Geschmack, Trend und Stil nicht trennen. Trendig ist, wer mit der Mode läuft. Stil hat, wer sich unterscheidet. Was leicht gesagt, mühsam zu leben ist. Wer sich unterscheiden will, braucht ein Leben diesseits der Trends: den eigensinnigen Kopf, das furchtlose Herz, den souveränen Blick auf die Dinge.

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Frequent sex helps cut pregnancy complications

by Volker Weber

Having lots of sex with their partners in the months before trying to conceive a baby can help women avoid some of the complications of pregnancy, Australian researchers say.

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The Blue Marble

by Volker Weber

This spectacular blue marble image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer (.386 square mile) of our planet. These images are freely available to educators, scientists, museums, and the public. Preview images and links to full resolution versions up to 21,600 pixels across are located below.

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Die Zukunft hat vier Knöpfe


Ein Z E I T S P E Z I A L zur mobilen Kommunikation

... auf der Isle of Man funkt das erste UMTS-Netz Europas. Aber noch kämpfen die Multimedia-Telefone von morgen mit den Problemen von gestern

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Ein ganz normales Genie

by Volker Weber

Den Lehrstuhl hat er aufgegeben, die E-Mail-Adresse gelöscht, und besuchen darf ihn nur, wer mit ihm vierhändig die Kirchenorgel spielen kann. Donald Knuth opfert alles dem Werk, das er vor vierzig Jahren zu schreiben begonnen hat: die Bibel der Computerwissenschaften.

In NZZ Folio »

Und eine Stimme sprach zu mir

by Volker Weber

Dieser Japaner erleichtert das Fahren so sehr, dass man sich gehörig auf sein Navigationssystem konzentrieren kann.

Von Wolfram Siebeck, Schreibender Koch »

Ich habe einen Traum

by Volker Weber

In der ZEIT »

Herbert Henzler, 60, arbeitete 31 Jahre für die Unternehmensberatung McKinsey & Company und war dort ab 1985 Chef des deutschen, später auch des europäischen Büros. Seit Anfang dieses Jahres ist er Vice Chairman der Bank Crédit Suisse, wo er unter anderem für die Vergabe von Krediten an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen zuständig ist. Hier träumt er von einem neuen Wirtschaftssystem - und der dazu passenden Mentalität

Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction

by Volker Weber

The goal of this site is to provide an introduction and overview of Extreme Programming (XP). Let's begin with a simple question: What is XP? As you will see, it is a deliberate and disciplined approach to software development. Next we might wonder when to use XP. Risky projects with dynamic requirements are perfect for XP. These projects will experience greater success and developer productivity.

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Der Lattenzaun

by Volker Weber

Es war einmal ein Lattenzaun,
mit Zwischenraum, hindurchzuschaun.

Ein Architekt, der dieses sah,
stand eines Abends plötzlich da -

und nahm den Zwischenraum heraus
und baute draus ein großes Haus.

Der Zaun indessen stand ganz dumm,
mit Latten ohne was herum.

Ein Anblick gräßlich und gemein.
Drum zog ihn der Senat auch ein.

Der Architekt jedoch entfloh
nach Afri- od- Ameriko.

— Christian Morgenstern

How small worlds work

by Volker Weber

We all know it's a small world: Any one of us is only about six acquaintances away from anyone else. Even in the vast confusion of the World Wide Web, on the average, one page is only about 16 to 20 clicks away from any other. But how, without being able to see the whole map, can we get a message to a person who is only "six degrees of separation" away?

A Cornell University computer scientist has concluded that the answer lies in personal networking: We use "structural cues" in our local network of friends. "It's a collective phenomenon. Collectively the network knows how to find people even if no one person does," says Jon Kleinberg, assistant professor of computer science, who published his explanation in the latest issue (Aug. 24) of the journal Nature.

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What is Six Degrees?

by Volker Weber

When software companies say that "their capital assets go home every night," they are serious. Dead serious. And when Quark goes down in flames because the bean-counters pushed out the experienced developers and hired new, cheaper ones 10 time zones away, there will be a great case study in Harvard Business Review to prove it.

There are not a lot of software companies to work for in Denver. So when the key designers of QuarkXPress 5.0 got sick of being treated like interchangable code slaves, they started their own shop and quickly sold it to a smart Vancouver-based company that wrote them a blank check and let them stay in their hometown.

What they came up with is nothing short of a breakthrough in the field of personal knowledge management, an effervescent field that has not quite made it onto the radar of the buzzword maniacs. Six Degrees is gonna be Google for the desktop.

via Joel on Software - January 31, 2002

Working with the Sametime Client Toolkits

by Volker Weber

This Redbook is for developers and architects that want to utilize Sametime functionality in applications whether they are based on Java, C , COM or HTML and JavaScript. We explore capabilities offered by the different Sametime client toolkits. The book is divided in four parts plus appendices.

More @ IBM Redbooks »

Lotus is pulling an interview from Notes.net

by Volker Weber

"This interview discussed features that were being developed and considered for Domino 6 earlier in the development process. Because these features were changed substantially for Domino 6, the contents of this interview have been removed so as not to cause confusion."

Thanks to Google you can still read, what Lotus wants you to forget.

Former IT Factory Head Forms New Partner Network

by Volker Weber

Lars Munch-Johansen, founder and former CEO of recently imploded application development company IT Factory Inc., has resurfaced to head up a consortium of independent IT business partner companies known as Geopaq.

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The Plain Truth About Piracy

by Volker Weber

It's a rare day when a shareware programmer gets firm statistics on the extent of software piracy, but just recently, I got that chance.

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Web Services

by Volker Weber

The Web Services concept being championed by computing giants like Sun, Oracle, HP, Microsoft, and IBM doesn't contain many new ideas, but it is a great step towards simple access to software over the network. By promoting standards-based communication, web services might change the way we build websites.

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Industrious Clock

by Oliver Tunnat

It's not very useful. It's just cool.

Click here »

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