April 2002

Goldgräber in der Datenmine

by Oliver Tunnat

Gute Kunden, schlechte Kunden: Mit Data-Mining lassen sie sich automatisch sortieren. Aber auch Terroristen sollen damit aufgespürt werden.

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Per Zeitmaschine in die Vergangenheit

by Oliver Tunnat

Das amerikanische Internet-Archiv hat seine Webseiten-Sammlung jetzt auch für private Surfer zugänglich gemacht

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vowe is out of the office

by Volker Weber


I will be in San Diego and San Franciso for a few days and return on my birthday. If you don't know when that is, you don't care anyway. Yes, there will be some sort of party in the early evening. Jetlag, what jetlag?

It there is urgent stuff, please send a message to my mobile. If you don't have the number, you also don't have stuff I regard as urgent. :-)

Weather in SAN and SFO

Lotus Developer Domain is up and running

by Volker Weber

And this time, they have done a very good job. Congratulations !

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I think I found a bad bug with encrypted attachments

by Volker Weber

The error message says: "You must supply the bulk encryption key ..."

Steps to reproduce:

1. Send yourself an encrypted Notes message with attachment.
2. Open the message.
3. Actions/Copy Into/New To Do
4. Open To Do.
5. Detach the attached file. Bang.

Workaround (insert steps):

2a) Go to edit mode.
2b) Open Delivery Options.
2c) De-select Encrypt.
2d) Escape, "Save only"

Now you can detach the file in step 5.

Find a copy of the test database with descriptive subject lines here: http://vowe.de/download/BugInCopyToNewToDo.zip

Note: You must apply the R5 Mail Template to display the documents.

Lotus Developer Domain >

Groove's competition

by Volker Weber

Our competition is the current/traditional means of collaboration, which is a centralized approach.

Collaboration is largely asymmetric: functional needs and membership change on a day-by-day basis. People swarm around a process, practice, opportunity, or issue, assemble tools, pulse, and disband. Our customers have told us that web-based collaborative technologies haven’t delivered on the promise of "working the way that people work", for a number of reasons, each of which lends credence to the need for decentralized smart clients. Consider:

1) People want to work on the plane at 30,000ft, but also outside of the office in hotels, at home, or at customer sites. Groove allows connected or disconnected access to collaborative shared spaces. All data in Groove’s secure shared spaces persist, meaning I can access them anywhere-anytime, with or without network connectivity.

2) People don’t always assemble in real-time: Groove’s real-time features (synchronous) will deliver a positive impact on travel costs, but the real benefit is that the Groove platform also supports different-time (asynchronous) collaboration. For companies trying to attack the challenges that geographic and time-dispersion create, Groove delivers both modes of collaboration in a single package.

3) People don’t use the same tools each time they embark on a collaborative activity: Because web services are centralized, a vendor must deliver a common denominator set of functionality which ultimately forces everyone to work within that framework. Unfortunately, collaborative activities are amorphous, largely unstructured, and change every time they are executed. Groove was built from the ground up to facilitate just-in-time, adaptive, collaborative activities and communications.

4) Resilience and availability: Decentralized services have no single point of failure. Groove clients synchronize in the background automatically and without user intervention. If one client is destroyed, others can reinvite the new device. If Relay goes down, Groove clients will "fetch" messages that were lost on the Relay Service from the other peers.

5) Scalability: Groove was built to scale to the size of the internet, not a server farm.

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by Volker Weber

I've been fascinated by the development of Mozilla, the open-source, start-from-scratch, Netscape-redux browser. It's recently become my primary surfing and development browser because of four features:

1. Outstanding DOM support
2. the Javascript console
3. a no pop-ups preference setting
4. and tabbed browsing

Full disclosure: I tend to browse from Windows 2000 and I really like Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6 very much. (Certain security vulnerabilities notwithstanding.) IE is a superb piece of software and my switching to Mozilla isn't an anti-Microsoft gesture. Mozilla just better caters to my needs. Three of the four features I listed just aren't (yet) a part of Microsoft's browser.

Very well said >

Groove opening up to SOAP

by Volker Weber

Meanwhile, I've been working on this special project using SOAP for Groove Networks. Dave Winer has mentioned us a few times and complains that we're a closed box. I'm going to change all that in a few months.

Initially I was interested in a way to get Groove running on PDAs. But porting our transceiver didn't seem feasible for me to accomplish in my lifetime. So I proposed that we try using SOAP as a way to communicate with a Groove account at some well known endpoint. We showed a working prototype using the .NET Compact Framework at the Microsoft PDC last October. And now I'm building the real thing!

I'm looking for some help from willing parties in the developer community. My initial release will be a public beta that will let people access information in their Groove workspace via "Web Services". Since Dave, and potentially other Radio heads out there have been asking for something like this for a while, I'd like to know what exactly you would like to see?

— John Burkhardt

Go read his weblog >

Google, Dave, and Ozzie

by Volker Weber

Eine höllisch interessante Geschichte von Steve Gillmor, die von SOAP, Google, Groove und Weblogs erzählt. Sehr schwer zusammenzufassen. Read the whole thing.

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Lotus Developer Domain ersetzt Notes.net — Anfang Mai

by Volker Weber


Iris Sandbox - ZapNotes 3.3

by Volker Weber

Now people from around the world look forward to their Notes client crashing! :)

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Iris Sandbox - Domino JSP Tags conversion Kit

by Volker Weber

This package contains all the files needed to convert Domino views and forms into a JSP containing Domino JSP Tags. The JSP will display the Domino data in a format that closely mirrors the display in the Notes client (within the limitations of HTML, of course). The result can be deployed for viewing, or used as a learning tool for how custom tags should be laid out.

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Steinchen-Stunde für die Chefs


"Spielerisch lernt der Mensch am schnellsten" - Unternehmensberater schleppen neuerdings Lego-Koffer in Manager-Büros. Die Edition "Serious Play" ist ein Volltreffer - Firmen wie Nokia und Eon setzen die Bausteine bei Strategie-Besprechungen ein.

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New: vowe galleries

by Volker Weber


Happy birthday: Lotus turns 20

by Volker Weber

Some interviews with Lotus senior management in e-Pro magazine. Nobody is being hurt.

David Lorden, director strategy: New Lotus technology can reduce costs. Blair Hankins, director of messaging and wireless: Domino’s future is as brilliant as the stars. Michael Loria, director of advanced collaboration: collaboration is embedded in the future. Jeanette Horan, vice president of worldwide development and support: Innovative research is a continuous journey. Ken Bisconti, vice president of channels and alliances: business partners benefit from IBM connection. Steve Robinson, director of IBM software services for Lotus: Lotus services after 20 years.

While searching the publication for interviews I found this intersting piece from January 2001: A Conversation with Cliff Reeves

PS: Happy Birhday, Bob. I am not telling anybody what you are turning today. :-)

Microsoft Office effektiv nutzen

by Volker Weber

Sehr geehrte Kollegen,

eine Analyse Ihrer Daten hat ergeben, dass Sie die Fähigkeiten Ihres Office-Paketes nur in geringem Maße ausnutzen. Bitte bedenken Sie, dass durch die Lizenzierung von derart umfangreicher Software enorme Kosten für die Firma entstehen. Eine Amortisation ist nur dann zu erwarten, wenn die reichhaltigen Features, die dieses Paket bietet, auch genutzt werden.

Bedenken Sie bitte ferner, dass sich durch konsequente Nutzung der angebotenen Leistungsmerkmale Ihr Arbeitsalltag wesentlich effektiver gestalten lässt.

Wir bitten Sie daher, künftig alle Features Ihres Office-Paketes zu nutzen.

Ihr Office - Team

(siehe Bild)

A Busy Developer's Guide

by Volker Weber

Cool Google search query from a cool site.

IBM drops Internet patent bombshell

by Volker Weber

A recent IBM patent claim could threaten royalty-free access to a key Internet standard protocol backed by the United Nations. The standard--called ebXML--is an XML-based set of definitions for electronic transactions and business collaboration.

IBM's patent claim was made in an intellectual property disclosure filed in late March with the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).

Executives from both the United Nations and OASIS said they expected the ebXML specification to be royalty-free and unencumbered by patent claims. Both said they were surprised by the sudden appearance of the disclosure.

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Die Geschichte von MS Windows


Wie war das noch damals 1984, Microsoft versuchte sich eine Position in der Entwicklung von grafischen Benutzeroberflächen zu verschaffen. Wer sich mal wieder ein bisschen Nostalgie um die Nase wehen lassen möchte, sollte sich einfach die Geschichte von Microsoft Windows anschauen.

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Der Spiegel übt

by Volker Weber


MS, IBM, Verisign team on Web services security


Microsoft Corp., IBM Corp. and Verisign Inc. have devised a way to add integrity- and confidentiality-checking capabilities to upcoming Web-services applications, a first step in a broader joint effort to secure Web services, the companies said Thursday.

The jointly developed specification, dubbed WS-Security, defines a set of SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) extensions and describes how to exchange secure and signed messages in a Web-services environment, providing a foundation for Web-services security, Microsoft, IBM and Verisign said in a joint statement.

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Google News Search - Beta


With little publicity or fanfare, Google has added a new search box that allows you to pull up recent stories culled solely from newspapers and magazines around the world.

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First formal review of Groove v2.0

by Ulli Müller

Using Groove 2.0 will be a déjà vu experience for those who have used or managed Lotus Notes. And although Groove becomes more Noteslike in this version, it stays focused on the small teams that are collectively the engine of the knowledge economy. More often than not, these teams transcend companies and their IT infrastructures.

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The new spam buster?

by Ulli Müller

Ray Ozzie hates spam just as much as the next guy. But unlike that next guy, he's offering a potential way out for corporate-networking chiefs troubled by unsolicited e-mail.

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How to get the full Groove installer

by Volker Weber

Do one install. After it has finished downloading, it will ask you to start installing.

Take a break here. Find a file called TempGrooveWorkspacePreview.exe. Make a copy of that file. It is the full installer.

If you are trying to upgrade an existing installation it will download a file called GrooveUpgrade.exe. Again it will ask for confirmation to start the upgrade. If you make a copy of that then you have both.

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Groove Explorer

by Volker Weber


In Groove version 2.0 try this: right click the Groove system tray icon and select "Open Explorer...". You'll like it! :-)

IT-Markt: Nichts Neues nirgends

by Oliver Tunnat

Im IT-Markt wird es vor dem Jahr 2005 keine umwälzenden Neuerungen geben. 70 Prozent aller technisch erfolgreichen Projekte in Europa werden innerhalb des ersten Jahres nicht zum gewünschten Return on Investment (ROI) führen. Das trifft auch für die zum „Megatrend“ stilisierten Web Services zu, wie das Marktforschungs-Unternehmen Gartner meldet.

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n + 3 Groove Spaces

by Volker Weber

Sehr interessante Information aus einen Support Forum bei Groove. Ein Nutzer einer Preview Edition kann in drei neue Spaces aufgenommen werden. Installiert man einen neuen Account, bedeutet dies exakt drei Spaces. Bei einem Upgrade von 1.3 aber wird das Limit auf n+3 gesetzt, wobei n die Anzahl der bereits bestehenden Spaces ist. Wer also noch kein Upgrade installiert hat, der installiere sich erst einmal gaaaanz viele neue Spaces und mache danach das Upgrade. Dann kann er die Spaces wieder löschen, weil n+3 in den Account gestempelt wurde.

Das war defintiv falsch. Habe es mit Utes Preview Version mal versucht. Man muss die alten Spaces bestehen lassen. Man kann gerne alle Tools entfernen, aber nicht die Spaces selbst.

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IBM Web Services Toolkit updated

by Volker Weber

Version 3.1: Web Services Security Specification implementation, BuyerSeller demo, Business Explorer for Web Services, Web Services Management, WSDL Explorer, New Utility Services, WSIL4J, and use of UDDI v2 registries.

Web Services ToolKit for dynamic e-business is a software development kit that includes a run-time environment, a demo, and examples to aid in designing and executing Web service applications that can automatically find one another and collaborate in business transactions without additional programming or human intervention. Simple examples of Web services are provided, as well as demonstrations of how some of the emerging technology standards, such as SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL, work together.

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by Ulli Müller

Intel has a new section on its website called collaboration, located in the business products & services section. Groove Networks is all over the site. Check it out.

IBM Backs Australian Web Outfit

by Volker Weber

IBM has announced a global alliance with a little-known Australian software company, Presence Online. The deal was revealed by IBM Australia and NZ CEO Phil Bullock at yesterday's IBM Focus 2002 gabfest in Sydney.

Presence Online has developed a Web content management application called Aptrix which it says can deliver services across any platform. IBM has not taken equity in the privately owned Australian company. But Presence Online has already had venture capital injections from Deutsche Bank and Rothschild.

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Groove Workspace 2.0 ist raus

by Volker Weber

Nun ist es schon etwas schneller als erwartet passiert - die neue Groove Version ist da. Und Vorrrsicht:

Beginning with the release of Groove Workspace v2.0, Preview Edition users are limited to creating a maximum of three new shared spaces. Some feature restrictions apply as well.

Das heisst also: Wer kein Geld ausgeben will, ist mit der 1.3 besser bedient !

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Und wieder jemand auf dem XML / SOAP / WSDL Hype


Diesmal hat es auch PHP erwischt. Ein Sourceforge Projekt hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt einen XML-RPC Server und Client Framework zu erstellen.

Nachdem ich ohne größere Schwierigkeiten das Paket auf einer Windows 2000 Box unter IIS installiert hatte, war ich sofort im Stande, einen beliebigen WebService aufzurufen.

Mal sehen, wie lange es dauert, bis die Benutzer von PHP aktivierten Homepage Paketen, die Google Suche über den Beta WebService anbieten. Ich denke ich werde das am Wochenende mal testen. :-)

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Groove V2 kommt

by Volker Weber

Groove Networks wird ab 15. April eine neue Version des Groove Clients herausgeben, dann Groove Workspace genannt. Erstmals wird es eine Möglichkeit geben, das Produkt als Endanwender zu kaufen. Es wird zwei Versionen geben: Eine Einsteigerversion für $49 und eine vollständige für $99. Die freie Preview Edition wird wirklich nur noch als Testversion taugen.

Bevor ich die 2.0 nicht selbst gesehen habe, würde ich zur Empfehlung neigen, erst mal die 1.3 sorgfältig aufzubewahren. Für Groove Networks geht es langsam um die Wurst. Entweder Geld verdienen oder ...

Ich bin sehr gespannt, ob das funktioniert. Mit der Preview Version lässt sich die kritische Masse sicher nicht mehr erzeugen. Mogeln funktioniert auch nicht, weil die Lizenz an Personen und nicht die Software gebunden ist. Und für einen Key Generator, der für eine illegale weite Verbreitung später konvertierbarer User sorgen könnte, ist Groove bei weitem zu unpopulär.

Und hier wird es passieren >

Develop Your Own Applications Using Google

by Volker Weber

With the Google Web APIs service, software developers can query more than 2 billion web documents directly from their own computer programs. Google uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET.

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Fehler im System

by Volker Weber

Es rauscht und rauscht. Manchmal spricht jemand, wie durch einen Nebel. Manchmal ist kein Wort zu verstehen. So gruselig war es sonst nur bei Rainer Holbe, als der noch bei RTL eine Sendung zu Übersinnlichem bot. Seine Gäste bauten gewaltige Apparaturen auf, aus denen dann ein einziges Rauschen, gemischt mit unverständlichen Silben und Konsonanten, drang. Um solche "Stimmen aus dem Jenseits" zu hören, braucht man heute nur ein ganz normales Handy mit Mailbox - und schon sammelt sich Unheimliches auf dem Band.

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George Soros: The sound of one billionaire lashing

by Volker Weber

Some billionaires, like Warren Buffett, are known for their investment philosophy.

Some billionaires, like Bill Gates, are feared for their market dominance.

And some billionaires, like George Soros, can sound more like revolutionaries than pinstriped denizens of Wall Street.

At the University of Pennsylvania yesterday to promote his new book, George Soros on Globalization, Soros lashed out at the Bush administration's foreign policy. The President has fallen into a trap set by terrorists who wanted this country to go to war and sow the seeds for further acts of terrorism, he said.

"If we assess the foreign policy accomplishments of the Bush administration since Sept. 11, the scorecard is quite dismal," Soros said. "There are some people in the Bush administration who have the same mentality as Arafat or Sharon. I can name names, like Ashcroft, Cheney and Rumsfeld, although that is considered impolite."

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Hupps, wo war noch mal die Handbremse?

by Volker Weber


The hailstorm is over

by Volker Weber

Microsoft has quietly shelved a consumer information service that was once planned as the centerpiece of the company's foray into the market for tightly linked Web services. The service, originally code-named Hailstorm and later renamed My Services, was to be the clearest example of the company's ambitious .Net strategy.

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OO Rules of Thumb

by Volker Weber

The following list is essentially the table of contents for my book Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot (McGraw-Hill, 1995). The book was written with C/C++ in mind, but most of the rules apply to programming in general and OO programming in other languages (such as Java) in particular. You should go get the book if you want to see why the rules are what they are and to see detailed explanations for each rule. Bear in mind, though, that all of these are just rules of thumb. There are always exceptions.

1 The essentials of programming: No surprises, minimize coupling, and maximize cohesion
2 Stamp out the demons of complexity (Part 1)
2.1 Don't solve problems that don't exist
2.2 Solve the specific problem, not the general case
3 A user interface should not look like a computer program (the transparency principle)
4 Don't confuse ease of learning with ease of use
5 Productivity can be measured in the number of keystrokes

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Wieso mailt der Koch?

by Volker Weber

Viele Lehrer beschäftigen sich mit englischen Geschäftsbriefen. Doch was ist mit E-Mails? "Business Spotlight"-Chefredakteur Ian McMaster schildert die typischen Fehler und Stolperfallen im E-Mail-Verkehr mit englischen Geschäftspartnern.

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by Volker Weber

Click me for a LARGE version of this image

Wer stoppt diesen Betrug?

by Volker Weber

Helga F. hatte Pech und einen 16-jährigen Sohn. Der Jugendliche nutzte von Mai bis August 2000 ausgiebig den PremiumRateService eines 0190-Dialers und brachte es auf die stolze Gebührensumme von 17.582 Mark. Durch eine Software-Umstellung beim Telekommunikations-Dienstleister erhielt Helga F. die Mai-Rechnung erst im August, fiel aus allen Wolken und ließ sofort die Schmuddelnummer sperren. Jedoch genutzt hat ihr das nichts.

Wegen des gesetzlichen Minderjährigenschutzes habe die Einwahl des 16-Jährigen nicht zum Abschluss wirksamer Rechtsgeschäfte geführt, argumentierte sie unter anderem gegenüber dem Dienstleister -- ohne Erfolg. Das Landgericht Berlin zeigte sich ungerührt und verdonnerte Helga F. zur Zahlung den vollen Betrages (Urteil vom 11.7.2001 Az: 18O 63/01).

Mehr >

Microsoft Facing Major Backlash To Licensing 6.0 As Deadline Approaches

by Volker Weber

Four months before its new licensing provisions go into effect, Microsoft is still facing a major backlash from corporate customers.

That's according to a recent joint survey conducted by Clearwater, Fla.-based Sunbelt Software and Boston-based Information Technology Intelligence Corp. (ITIC). The survey found that nearly 41 percent of respondents say they do not have the money for the annuity-based licensing even as the July 31 deadline approaches.

Meanwhile, about 36 percent of 1,400 businesses polled said they will not upgrade to the Licensing 6.0 plan and another 38 percent are seeking alternatives to Microsoft products, according to the survey.

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Big E-Learning Buyout Goes Bust

by Volker Weber

The planned acquisition of Centra Software by SmartForce is terminated.

The E-learning market may not be as promising as analysts would have you believe. The planned acquisition of collaboration-software maker Centra Software Inc. by E-learning content provider SmartForce plc was terminated Tuesday in a move as unexpected as was news of the acquisition in January. SmartForce was to acquire Centra in an all-stock transaction worth $284 million, in what was to be one of the largest acquisitions to date in an industry riddled with consolidation. Both companies had warned they would fail to reach first-quarter revenue goals. Centra shares fell more than 30%, and SmartForce shares dropped 20%, in after-hours trading Tuesday.

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New Sony CLIE

by Volker Weber


Prediction: Every manufacturer of handheld computers, whether based on the Palm OS, Pocket PC or other software, will soon be scrambling to copy the design of Sony's latest color Clies.

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Demo >

IBM issues profit warning


IBM's first-quarter results will fall far short of analysts' expectations, the company said Monday, pointing to "a continued slowdown in customer buying decisions."

The company said it expects to post a profit of between 66 cents per share and 70 cents per share, or between $1.65 billion and $1.75 billion, with revenue coming in at between $18.4 billion and $18.6 billion. Analysts were expecting Big Blue to post a first-quarter profit of 85 cents per share on revenue of $19.65 billion, according to First Call.

In the year-ago quarter, IBM reported a profit of 98 cents per share on sales of $21 billion.

IBM's profit warning is notable for a few reasons. For starters, profit warnings from Big Blue are rare. The company last issued a profit warning in 1991, according to a company representative.

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The Niles Monorail: 100 Meter, 5 jahre Bauzeit

by Volker Weber


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by Volker Weber

PHPBeginner.com is not just a simple website. It is completely dedicated to beginners in PHP programming. Our tutorials will teach you the basics and a little after-basics of programming in PHP and will help you to understand PHP right here - with no need of spending hours on the web searching for your answers.

There are no advanced documentations on PHPBeginner.com. Our visitors are mainly the newbies willing to learn PHP and the gurus wiling to teach PHP to newbies - that's how our website works!

Our goal is to bring as many developers to join PHP as possible, because PHP is the world's easiest programming language to learn and yet is one of the most powerful languages ever invented when you deal with creation of interactive and database-driven websites.

We are expecting many of you to contribute here your codes, comments or, even articles for beginners. Anything you think a beginner should know goes to PHPBeginner.com databases. (via Schockwellenreiter)

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IBM Downloads

by Volker Weber


I don't know what IBM uses as a search engine on their web sites, but it is total crap. The navigation is also a lot smarter than me. Try to find this download page.

Personal Firewall Security FAQ

by Volker Weber

Do Personal Firewalls improve security?

Why do so many people install them, then?
Because those people are all idiots.

Details >

Finally — someone has found simple words to explain this nonsense.

View stylesheet

by Volker Weber

Very cool Bookmarklet

Six Common Enterprise Programming Mistakes

by Volker Weber

I remember my first few years of programming when I knew that I was going to always innovate, always create, never copy, and never need any help. Of course, I later found out that most of my clever "innovations" were poor solutions to well-understood problems, many with established "best-case" solutions. It's absurd to be so egotistical as to refuse to accept help when it's offered.

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Schnurlos auf Draht

by Volker Weber

Der Hot-Dog-Verkäufer am Stand nebenan schaut ungläubig zu. Obwohl die New Yorker angeblich nur selten zu erstaunen sind. Anthony Townsend sitzt auf einer Parkbank am Washington Square im Süden Manhattans und sieht auf seinem Laptop die Nachrichten des Fernsehsenders CNN. Er ballt seine Faust und ruft: "Cool!"Ihn begeistert nicht der Wetterbericht für die Ostküste, der leichte Niederschläge prognostiziert, sein Enthusiasmus hat einen anderen Grund: Die ruckelfreien Fernsehbilder kommen aus dem Internet auf den Computer des 27-Jährigen - und das ganz ohne Kabel und kostenlos.

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AdAware 5.7 released

by Volker Weber

Adware is known by many names--spyware, trackware, or even Big Brotherware. While producers of adware claim its purpose is merely to collect information about Internet habits in order to deliver ads tailored to a surfer's interests, privacy advocates are concerned about the potential misuse of this data. Where does it come from? Most likely it was installed alongside that free software widget that you downloaded just last week, without you even noticing.

Ad-aware identifies and removes these surreptitiously installed applications. Using updateable "reflists," which are sort of like antivirus DAT files, Ad-aware scours your system--including Registry and temporary Internet files--and looks for traces of recognized adware modules. When it's finished searching, it displays a list of what it found and lets you select the items you'd like to remove from your system. And when coupled with its companion program, RefUpdate, you're always assured of using the most comprehensive list of adware to search for. The main drawback is that some ad-supported programs, such as GoZilla Free, will no longer function if you remove their ad modules. If privacy is your main concern, Ad-aware will help keep you anonymous on the Web.

The latest release detects even more adware modules and includes several minor fixes and improvements.

Download here >

Free Domino 6 Hosting

by Volker Weber

ESNA provides free Domino 6 hosting. Lots of strings attached. Read the fine print carefully.

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Windows Inside

by Volker Weber

Bios an Windows: "Los jetzt! Hochfahren!"

Windows an Bios: "Immer langsam mit den jungen Platinen."

Gerätemanager an Betriebssystem: "Ich hab da was Komisches auf dem Schirm."

Antwort von Windows: "Erst mal ignorieren."

Hardwareassistent an Windows: "Der User macht Druck. Ich soll das Ding identifizieren. Könnte eine ISDN-Karte sein."

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Anti-Unix site powered by Unix

by Volker Weber

A Web site sponsored by Microsoft and Unisys as a way to steer big companies away from the Unix operating system is itself powered by Unix software.

The site, dubbed "We have the way out," runs on Web servers powered by FreeBSD, an open-source version of Unix, along with the Unix-based Web server Apache, according to Netcraft, which tracks Web site information. Both pieces of software compete with Microsoft's Windows operating system. The Microsoft/Unisys site solicits names and contact information in exchange for research reports on data center trends.

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April fool

by Volker Weber

Let's collect some april fool tricks in the comments section. Google is hillarious ...

Where did knowledge management come from?


In this article Laurence Prusak (Managing Principal with IBM Global Services, & founder of the Institute for Knowledge Management, IKM) looks at the history of KM and offers insights into what Knowledge Management means today and where it may be headed in the future.

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Old vowe.net archive pages

I explain difficult concepts in simple ways. For free, and for money. Clue procurement and bullshit detection.


Paypal vowe