June 2002

Microsoft's Grips the Levers, Harder

by Volker Weber

My older, wiser brother Steve asked Bill Gates in a recent Infoworld column to be the bastion against Hollywood's control-freakery.

Microsoft's answer: We're on Hollywood's side.

Microsoft's upcoming operating system, dubbed Palladium (Newsweek), is nothing less than a betrayal of users' rights. When will people wake up?

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TCPA Opportunity?

by Volker Weber

The whole TCPA/Palladium outlook is rather bleak and depressing to me. Makes me want to go out and buy a Krispy Kreme franchise instead of spending all my time sitting in front of computers. For those of you who somehow haven't heard about TCPA and M$ Palladium, read this overview.

But, instead of making donuts or moving to Utah, we could take a positive look at this. It may just be the final straw required for a lot of people to abandon the Wintel monopoly.

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Broadband Block Party

by Volker Weber

Throughout the world, a new kind of network is gaining ground. It's wireless, fast, and easy to use. If the network grows at its current rate, it may soon become the most widely adopted on the planet.

Most community groups base their networks on the enormously popular 802.11b standard (also known as Wi-Fi). It's cheap, fast, and highly interoperable with hardware from different manufacturers. At last count, the Wireless Communities list at the PersonalTelco Web site showed over 150 projects in scores of cities around the world. But what are those projects doing?

Some are providing free or low-cost wireless hot spots, where network patrons can get online from the comfort of the local park or coffee shop. Others are extending broadband Internet access to regions where DSL and cable don't yet reach. Perhaps most ambitiously, some are building networks that are completely independent of traditional, monopoly-held communication lines, and offering free connections to anyone who cares to participate.

Although the ultimate goals may differ, a common aim among wireless network communities harks back to the early days of PCs: the free and easy exchange of information.

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by Volker Weber

Not safe for work >

Schlaumeier wie wir

by Volker Weber

Irgendwie schon wieder in Vergessenheit geraten:

Es ist gar nicht so einfach, eine Firma mit ausgezeichneten Mitarbeitern, guten Kunden und erstklassigem Ruf zu ruinieren. Die US-Führungsspitze von Arthur D. Little, der Mutter aller Unternehmensberatungen, hat’s geschafft. Jetzt träumen die europäischen Partner von einem Neuanfang.

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MS security patch EULA gives Billg admin privileges on your box

by Volker Weber

Microsoft has just assumed the right to attack your computer and surreptitiously install code of its choosing. You will not be warned; you will not be offered an opportunity examine the download or refuse it. MS will simply connect remotely and install what it will, or install it secretly when you contact them. This means MS will have administrator privileges on your personal computer.

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Broken trust

by Volker Weber

Sometimes, Bill Gates' timing is not so good.

Worldcom announces that it overestimated the year's earnings by $3.8 billion. Xerox says it goofed, too, inflating the past five years' revenues by $1.9 billion (and it's such a small number, compared to the Worldcom debacle, that hardly anyone notices). Enron's vaunted revenues turned out to be nothing more than a house of cards. Does anyone trust big corporations anymore?

As if that weren't enough, here's another reason to hate big companies, particularly those that develop bloated, buggy software: A new study shows that software bugs costs us nearly $60 billion every year.

And yet, Microsoft wants you to entrust it with the safekeeping of your computer's processor, memory, and hard drive.

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Managing the connected organization

by Volker Weber

If the knowledge that you seek is not within your network horizon[1, 2, or 3 steps], then you assume it is not available in your organization and you reinvent it or pay for it on the outside. Exasperated with this network horizon in his organization, a former CEO of HP once lamented, "If we only knew what we know".

The natural response in many organizations is to throw technology at the problem. A very poor, yet quite common, solution is to mine the knowledge from employees, codify it, and store it in a knowledge database. Many large consulting firms tried this approach in the early to mid-1990s with usually poor results. They found that people were not always willing to make public their best knowledge and that codifying tacit knowledge was like trying to nail jelly to the wall.

Why not use the power of the network itself to create a solution?

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Coconut beach

by Volker Weber

An ambitious yuppie finally decided to take a vacation. He booked himself on a Caribbean cruise and proceeded to have the time of his life... until the boat sank! The man found himself swept up on the shore of an island with no other people, no supplies... Nothing. Only bananas and coconuts.

After about four months, he is lying on the beach one day when the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen rows up to him. In disbelief he asks her: "Where did you come from? How did you get here?"

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MovableType 2.2 available

by Volker Weber

Version 2.2 was released yesterday and installed here today.

Download here >

Neulich in St. Gallen, CH

by Volker Weber


Die Erfindungs-Maschine

by Volker Weber

IBM will beides: Geld verdienen und Nobelpreisträger heranziehen. Der Balanceakt ist das Geheimnis des großen Erfolges.

Das neueste schlagzeilenträchtige Produkt aus der IBM-Werkstatt trägt den schönen Namen Millipede (Tausendfüßler). Mit Tausenden feiner Nadeln stanzt der Millipede winzige Löcher in einen Plastikfilm, jedes zehn millionstel Millimeter groß. So entsteht ein neuartiges, mechanisches Speichermedium, das eine Billion Bits auf einem Quadratzoll speichern kann - das ist 20-mal so viel wie im besten magnetischen Speicher und entspricht einer Kapazität von 25 Millionen Buchseiten auf der Fläche einer Briefmarke. Nun denkt Nobelpreisträger Gerd Binnig im IBM-Labor in Rüschlikon bei Zürich darüber nach, was die Welt mit seiner Innovation anfangen könnte: Vielleicht wird daraus ein leistungsfähiger Speicherchip für Mobiltelefone? Eines ist für Binnig jedenfalls klar: "Die Nanotechnik braucht endlich ein Produkt."

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Schwerelos im fünften Element

by Volker Weber


Okay, das mit dem Regenrohr war mein Fehler. Aber hätte ich sonst gelernt, dass ein Auto für 69 000 Euro aus Styropor besteht? Na ja, nicht ganz natürlich. Eine Menge Kunststoff, Leder, Holz, Glas ist noch dabei und wohl auch Metall. Aber wenn sich beim Rangieren in der superengen Einfahrt nicht der Flansch vom Zinkrohr im Radkasten verfangen hätte, wäre nie dieses superhässliche Kkkrrrrrkkkk-Geräusch ertönt, wäre der Stoßfänger vorne rechts nie abgerissen, hätte ich nie in ihn hineingucken und auch nicht das Styropor entdecken können. Zwei beachtliche Stücke ruhen da in den Rundungen, stabilisieren das, was früher die gute, alte Stoßstange war, verhindern Vibrationen des Plastikteils bei 250 Stundenkilometern, die der Lexus SC 430 spielend erreicht. Doch davon später. Erst noch ein Wort zum Styropor.

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Von den Ameisen lernen

by Volker Weber

Wissensmanagement ist für die Unternehmen seit Jahren ein Thema. Doch wie Wissen in der Bilanz erfasst werden soll, weiß niemand so richtig. Deshalb schlägt der Unternehmensberater Steven Blythe vor, sich ein Beispiel am Tierreich zu nehmen.

Im Sport besteht die beste Mannschaft nicht aus den besten Spielern, sondern aus den Spielern mit der besten Wechselwirkung untereinander. Ein guter Trainer sieht das. Der ist nicht besser oder schlechter als ein Manager, der die Spieler einkauft, er hat einfach einen anderen Blick. Ein Unternehmensführer muss den Blick des Trainers haben, er muss die Wechselwirkungen der Einzelteile erkennen. Das, was den Wert eines Unternehmens ausmacht, ist das Wissen der Mitarbeiter. Aber das wird nicht gemessen. Und deshalb halten viele Manager es immer noch für eine gute Idee, in Krisenzeiten ihre Leute zu entlassen. Verschrottet man 50 Computer, werden die Investitionen abgeschrieben und als Verlust gebucht. Müssen 5000 Mitarbeiter das Unternehmen verlassen, schlägt sich das als Kostenreduzierung nieder. Das Wissen, das verloren geht, wird dabei nicht erfasst.

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Zwei gegen Microsoft

by Markus Nolte

StarOffice 6 und OpenOffice.org laufen mit ausgereifter Qualität und großem Funktionsumfang auf unterschiedlichsten Betriebssystemen, lesen beinahe jedes Dateiformat - und sie sind unschlagbar billig. Eine Kurzkritik.

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Spint makes fun out of Monday

by Volker Weber


I've Switched from Windows, Now What?

by Volker Weber


Even though I'd never spent that much time on a Macintosh before, I was soon unpacking my first computer from Apple--a svelte 12-inch iBook. But since I'm a full-time Web producer in a tough economy, I had to get up to speed ... and fast!

Like that first middle-of-the-night excursion to the bathroom in a dark, unfamiliar house, there was some clumsiness in getting used to the new iBook/Mac OS X environment. In the spirit of "learn from my mistakes," here's the first in a series of articles that documents the things former Windows users need to know when making the switch to Mac OS X.

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(via Schockwellenreiter)

Was der Desktop über die Psyche verrät

by Volker Weber

Wenn er frisch aus der Verpackung kommt, hat er was von einem Neugeborenen. Abschlecken, würde die Kuh mit rauer Zunge empfehlen. Aber auch so nimmt der Computer einiges von uns an. Brösel, Haare, Hautstückchen, Körperflüssigkeit - Geruch? Fast zwei Gramm Dreck und Abfall im Monat sammeln sich dank Benutzer unter den Tasten an, ergab eine Untersuchung (vgl. [Local Link] Die Geheimnisse der Tastatur). Laut BBC haben Psychologen nun herausgefunden, dass Computer auch unsere inneren Werte aufnehmen und widerspiegeln.

Desktops sagen angeblich mehr über einen Menschen als reale Schreibtische. Dabei sind die Einsichten der Psychologen wieder einmal so originell, dass wir sie nicht verschweigen dürfen.

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PS: Postpaketeausfüllhilfe? Postpaketeausfüllhilfe!


by Volker Weber

Warchalking is a movement to tag an area covered by wireless hot spots. It's a cheap, easy way to indicate public wireless 802.11 access using chalk. Mark-up curbs, walls or sidewalks - wherever you find wireless access. Warchalking is a pun on warwalking - itself derived from wardriving which has it's root in wardialing.

Find a WLAN near you

by Volker Weber

Have you ever asked yourself: "What kind of WLAN signals are available and what is the SSID for the access point?" I thought that the driver software for a WLAN card would tell you, but in fact it does not.

So I have been looking for this kind of Windows software for a long time. Yes, I know there is war driving software like Netstumbler but that only supports Orinoco-type cards.

Today I read an article on John Patrick's weblog that struck me:

"Just before leaving I got the impulsive idea to fire up my Boingo software to see if there might be any wireless local area network signals in the air."

Boingo software? Well, you can download it here for free and it does exactly what I was looking for:


Speaking of John Patrick - he is one of the few "wild" internet people at IBM, or I should rather say "was". Because he recently retired from IBM. John still has a homepage at http://ibm.com/patrick but I would rather be following his weblog for a while.

Kleine Aktienkunde

by Volker Weber

Vom Rande der Festplatte:

Wer vor 18 Monaten 1000 Euro in T-Aktien investiert hat, hat sich 18 Monate lang über fallende Kurse geärgert und heute noch ca. 90 Euro übrig.

Wer vor 18 Monaten 1000 Euro in Jever-Pilsener (das Bier, nicht die Firma) investiert hat, konnte 18 Monate lang jede Woche einen Kasten friesisch herbes Spitzen-Pilsener von Welt genießen und hat heute noch (Achtung jetzt kommt's)...

Leergut im Wert von über 200 Euro! Na denn Prost zusammen.

(Kam heute per Mail.)

Groove Tour #3

by Volker Weber

Hugh: "The issue for Groove (...) is how to get this application very widely deployed too." Exactly. Now let's assume that does not work RSN. What are the workarounds?

Hugh: "Have Groove, can travel (and get work done whilst travelling)." Anybody who has worked with Lotus Notes (and has enjoyed doing it) understands the value of that immediately. Hugh has that heritage, I have and many readers of this blog as well. Also, Groove takes away the pain of administration, cross certificates, replication schedules etc. *

It does not take away the burden of YAFC (yet another fat client) that you need to get past the corporate IT police. "I am Mordac, the preventer of IT services."

BTW: Very low tech approach to a quick discussion: Don't use e-mail. Set up the discussion at Quicktopic. No registration required for participants, no security available, free. You get what you pay for.

*) And printing <big evil grin>

Freibier, ähm Freibuch

by Volker Weber

Das erfolgreiche Grundlagenbuch zu Flash 5 von Sascha Wolter bieten wir noch bis Ende Juni kostenlos zum Download an.

Bis Ende Juni, dem Erscheinungstermin des Flash MX-Buchs von Sascha Wolter und Saban Ünlü, bieten wir das erfolgreiche Flash 5-Buch von Sascha Wolter hier zum Download an. Kostenlos.

Download >

(via Schockwellenreiter)

Goooooooooood morning, America

by Volker Weber

Finally someone has found out why you want your own domain. More >

Dilbert made my day

by Volker Weber

You have to see this >

Groove Tour #2

by Volker Weber

This is fun — blog tennis.

Hugh responds with "That's a problem with innovation of all sorts, right?" to my concern that you need to install the Groove client if you want to take the Groove tour. Hugh is the author of the tour and also the developer of the conversation engine that runs the tour. Marvelous work as stated before.

I don't agree with the remark however. Installing the Groove client is not an option for everyone, especially not in thightly controlled environments where the user works as a Windows 2000 restricted user. So how can I collaborate with him? Only through web based technologies like eRoom or Quickplace that do not require a client install. Still there is room for innovation. :-)

The question would be: How do I connect the Groove world with 'the outside'. I assume the anser is Edge Services.

iNotes Login Form

by Volker Weber

This database will help you create a custom login form for your Domino mail server. The user is redirected to their mail database (defined in names.nsf) after they enter their username and password.

If they check the "Enable iNotes" option, they are directed to: .../db.nsf?opendatabase&ui=inotes
(the iNotes client)

If they do not check the "Enable iNotes" option, they are directed to: ../db.nsf?opendatabase&ui=webmail
(the old WebMail client)

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A dyseducational road movie

by Volker Weber

Yes and no — what they did not tell you at driving school >

The Business of Media

by Volker Weber

Many people are under the mistaken impression that the business of media is collecting information or creating entertainment and selling it to the public. This is not true. Information and entertainment is the bait, the "loss leader," which is used to lure large numbers of people into looking at a magazine, newspaper, television show or what have you. The "product" that media sells is you, the audience. Your attention, gained through information or programming, is sold to advertisers whose ultimate aim is to convince you to buy their product.

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First match

by Volker Weber

Was ganz Albernes :-)

Nora-Kette und rosa Lippgloss

by Volker Weber

Einmal will ich in einer Boutique mit Kreditkarte bezahlen. Die Verkäuferin dreht sich weg, und ich höre, wie sie aufgeregt bei der Geschäftsleitung anruft: "Ich hab' hier ein Riesenproblem. Hier steht Thomas Anders mit einer gefälschten Kreditkarte, auf der Bernd Weidung steht. Was soll ich tun?" Da wusste ich, dass ich für die Leute Thomas Anders bin. Und sonst niemand.

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Aufruf: Gebt Möllemann das W zurück!

by Volker Weber


Jens Scholz hat recht — Jürgen W. Möllemanns "W" ist verschwunden. Sollte er eventuell bemerkt haben, daß ein W. zwischen Vor- und Nachnamen zu sehr an peinliche Versprecher eines anderen W.-Trägers erinnert?

Bigger than Enron

by Volker Weber

On June 15, a Houston jury convicted Arthur Andersen -- the 89-year-old accounting firm once known as the gold standard of integrity in auditing -- for obstruction of justice in the government's investigation of Enron, Andersen's biggest client. With the demise of Andersen, the American business landscape was forever altered. But something else was altered as well: the scandal surrounding Enron and Andersen, together with the wave of other major accounting scandals that have come to light in recent months, has dealt America's markets an unsettling psychological blow. If we can't trust the auditors, investors wonder, whom can we trust?

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Groove Tour

by Volker Weber

In case you have not taken the Groove tour, I would suggest that you do it now. You will be amazed by what you can do with the product. Less by what it tells you but how it is done.

You will also see the main obstacle. If you don't have Groove installed you can't take the tour. That is true for the whole product. If your coworkers don't have Groove, you cannot use it to collaborate. Big difference to other web-based collaboration tools like eRoom or Quickplace. How did Bob Balaban put it so nicely? A telephone does not make a lot of sense if nobody else has one.

The Groove Tour >

Simplifying Tasks

by Volker Weber

An IBM Ease of Use poster with the message Simplifying Tasks.

This poster can be ordered online by going to the IBM Publication Ordering System Web site. Click on the "Country selection" link, then select the country from which you are ordering. Click on the "Search for publications" link, then search the publication ordering system by typing in the publication number. The publication number for this poster is provided below.

Publication Number: G510-1825-00 Large (A2, 16.5" X 23") , G510-1826-00 Small (US Letter, 8.5" X 11")

Sounds easy, huh?

Elise, öffne Dich

by Volker Weber


Ein Roadster aus der englischen Lotus-Automanufaktur, der Elise heißt und in der Traditionslinie des englischen Formel-1-Konstrukteurs Colin Bruce Chapman steht, sollte schon aus Respekt vor dem alten Namen gefahren werden. Er ist ja aus den Taufregistern genauso wie der spanische Vorname Mercedes verschwunden.

Elise also: Wie der traurige Ohrwurm Beethovens ist das seit 1995 gebaute und mehr als zehntausendmal verkaufte Fahrzeug ein recht kurzes Stück: Nur 114 Zentimeter hoch und 3,70 Meter lang. Zu normalen Sportwagen verhält sich Elise wie jene Bagatelle in a-Moll zu Messiaens hoch komplexen Kompositionen. Haben diese jede Menge kompositorisches Beiwerk, so ist jene bar jeglichen Schnickschnacks, sie ist nur technische Melodie: Elise in karg-Dur und poliertem Aluminium.

Die Karosserie als formschön zu bezeichnen hieße, sich den postmodernen Virilitätsfantasien japanischer Motorraddesigner anzupassen. Faustkeilmäßig hässlich ist sie, mit weit vorgezogener Schnauze in der Höhe deutscher Bordsteinkanten, halb Tintenfisch, halb Briefbeschwerer. Kein ABS, keine Klinke, kein Airbag, keine wirkliche Polsterung, kein Fensterheber, ein frühstückstellergroßes Lenkrad, ein paar Druckknöpfe fürs Licht. That's it. Diese Elise scheint gewissermaßen ein schnurgerades Auto zu sein, direkt aus der Matchbox-Serie. Aber das ist es eigentlich auch nicht. Es gleicht vielmehr einem Gokart, der sich bei Drehung des Zündschlüssels als brüllendes Rennauto entpuppt, für Bergstrecken geboren, erdverbunden, schlaglochverliebt.

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Forrester: Innovative IT-Anbieter profitieren vom Aufschwung

by Oliver Tunnat

Nachdem europäische Unternehmen ihre IT-Budgets allein im Jahr 2000 um 33 Milliarden Euro überschritten haben, setzen zwei Drittel aller Firmen in diesem Jahr eher auf sinkende IT-Ausgaben. Für die kommenden drei Jahre erwarten sie jedoch ein Wachstum ihrer Jahresbudgets von 13 Prozent. So lautet das Fazit einer aktuellen Forrester-Studie.

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Weltweit schnellste XML-Datenbank

by Oliver Tunnat

Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer-Institut IPSI in Darmstadt haben nach eigenen Angaben die weltweit schnellste Datenbanksoftware auf der Java-Plattform für die Universalnorm Extensible Markup Language (XML) entwickelt. Die Vermarktung erfolgt in einer konzertierten Aktion mit der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main.

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vowe on tour

by Volker Weber


I am about to leave for the DNUG Conference in Bonn. If you read this weblog and see me there, then introduce yourself. I am happy to meet readers. And hey, the beer is free. You might as well have one on me. :-)

Andersen loses criminal trial

by Volker Weber


After a six-week trial and 10 days of deliberations, jurors convicted Andersen for obstructing justice when it destroyed Enron Corp. documents while on notice of a federal investigation. Andersen had claimed that the documents were destroyed as part of its housekeeping duties and not as a ruse to keep Enron documents away from the regulators.

The verdict will likely be a fatal blow for the 89-year-old accounting firm, which is now operating as a shell of its once-powerful self. The firm has laid off 7,000 employees, sold many of its practices in the United States and has lost more than 650 of its 2,300 public audit clients this year. Thousands more employees in the United States and around the world are likely to lose their jobs as the firm shrinks.

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Rules-of-thumb for monitoring Windows NT/2000 and Domino statistics

by Volker Weber

There are many books and articles available to help you tune your operating systems and Domino, and to explain how to monitor those systems to be sure your server is performing well. But if you're like many Domino and system managers, you spend most of your day solving problems, doing maintenance, planning and executing upgrades, and so on, and have little time to wade through all that great tuning and system monitoring information. You also may have more than one operating system (OS) to support, which makes it all the more difficult to become an expert and "know it all." To complicate things further, even if you have taken the time to read the books and articles, you may still not be sure you have set up the environment optimally because of seemingly conflicting points of view and the complexity of it all.

This is the first of a multi-part series on performance monitoring and performance tuning tips. It focuses on the Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems; other operating systems will be covered in subsequent parts of the series. But this month, we'll attempt to extract the most important Windows NT and Windows 2000 OS statistics and resource usage bottleneck thresholds from the available written information and from our Domino performance engineers. We'll tell you only what you need to know to be sure your system is performing properly and what standard tools you can use to accomplish this. We'll also include some of the more important OS tuning tips as well as a list of references in case you want to dig deeper.

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SIPing with Sametime

by Volker Weber

Your organization recently acquired a new company. Your offices are in Washington, D.C., and the newly acquired company is headquartered in Chicago. The good news is that you're both using Sametime for instant messaging. The bad news is that you have two separate Sametime communities. How do these communities connect with one another so both offices can communicate through Sametime? Until now, that's been a difficult task -- one that can involve having more than one Sametime Connect client. But the ability to connect these disparate communities is finally available. Sametime 3.0 introduces Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Gateway functionality to connect one SIP-enabled community to another SIP-enabled community.

Sametime 3.0 will be available in the near future. In the meantime, this article introduces you to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and provides an overview of SIP support in Sametime 3.0. Knowledge of the Sametime server and some familiarity with basic networking is assumed.

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Creating meaningful K-map taxonomies

by Volker Weber

Among knowledge management professionals, a fine-tuned, easy to understand taxonomy is just about the most beautiful thing in the world. After all, here is a visual representation of that most elusive yet critical concept, what your organization actually knows. With a well-constructed, meaningful taxonomy, users can quickly find the right people and information they need to achieve their goals. It's equivalent to having instant expertise at your fingertips, ready to answer questions you may have at any time. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

Of course, in the real world, it's historically been very difficult to construct a useful taxonomy of corporate information, especially in larger organizations. Indeed, before the advent of computers, it was all but impossible, particularly for major companies where employees came and went and new technical documents were constantly added to the corporate store of knowledge. So in most situations, taxonomies tended to either be superficial and general, or constantly out of date -- often both.

Lotus Discovery Server helps change all that. Now you have a state-of-the-art tool that can keep track of your documents as well as your user's skills, regularly checking for updates and additions. More importantly, Discovery Server uses complex mathematical metrics to analyze the content of your your documents and the experience of your employees, find affinities between them, and place them into categories. These categories comprise a computer-generated taxonomy, or in terms of Discovery Server vocabulary, a K-map.

But no computer program, however sophisticated, can precisely predict exactly how a particular organization may want to structure its content. So to build a truly meaningful, easy to use K-map taxonomy, humans and computers must work together. This requires some time, patience, and creative thinking (on the part of the humans anyway). But if done correctly, the results are more than worth it.

This article offers advice on building useful, robust K-map taxonomies. It presents things to consider when deciding which type of taxonomy scheme works best for your organization and who should be involved in the process. We'll prepare you for all the major steps involved in planning and creating a taxonomy.

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Start using Domino 6 Server Health Monitoring now

by Volker Weber

Who better to announce the significance of Server Health Monitoring than Al Zollar, Lotus General Manager, in the Opening General Session at Lotusphere 2002. Al described Tivoli's new product offering -- Server Health Management and Planning Toolset, including Server Health Monitoring -- as a fundamental change to the way that Domino administrators work. This tool keeps you ahead of your user population by providing greater server up-time, more efficient utilization of your existing resources, and improved Domino server responsiveness. It also helps you reduce your total cost of ownership.

Once you put this tool in action, you can see these benefits for yourself. The good news is, you don't have to wait for Domino 6 to start using Server Health Monitoring; you can implement it now, in your R5 environment. Then, when you migrate to a Domino 6 environment, you'll already have experience with this tool and your servers will easily fit within this monitoring "network."

In this article, you'll learn how you can take advantage of the Server Health Monitoring features in an R5 or Domino 6 environment. This article is for both new and experienced Domino administrator and assumes only basic experience administering a Domino network.

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Keynote-Speech "Das Revival des Notes Clients im e-Business"

by Volker Weber

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Nastansky, Universität-GH Paderborn

Lotus Notes/Domino als Produkt, IT-Plattform und Glaubensrichtung auf dem richtigen Weg zum kollaborativen Arbeiten bleibt seiner widersprüchlichen Rolle treu. Die bevorstehende Markteinführung des 6. Releases "Notes/Domino 6" ist begleitet von einer neuen Welle von Irritationen aus allen möglichen Himmelsrichtungen.

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Memo to Bill Gates

by Volker Weber

Steve Gillmor


I know you're a busy man -- probably the world's busiest man -- but I need your help. And not the help Word offered me when I typed the above salutation, either. "It looks like you're writing a letter," the paper clip announced. "Would you like help?" it continued. "Get help with writing the letter," it suggested redundantly. "Just type the letter without help," it offered unhelpfully.

No, I'm looking for some help in your role as Chief Software Architect. I need your word that you will do everything within your power to protect the freedom of the Internet from the attack of special interest groups, most notably the Hollywood studios and media companies.

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by Volker Weber

Das Heck in uns allen

by Volker Weber

Das Experiment begann an einem lauen Vorsommerabend, als Nikolaus zu Besuch war. Wir gingen essen, und auf dem Rückweg parkte ich noch schnell den Wagen um. Nikolaus und ich hatten so viel zu besprechen, dass ich völlig vergaß, ihn darüber aufzuklären, dass es sich um einen Testwagen handelte. Danach war Nikolaus sehr schweigsam und zog sich mit der Bemerkung zurück, er sei müde.

Ich wusste, was los war. »Das Experiment«, sagte ich zu meiner Liebsten, und ich meinte das Opel- Astra-Cabrio.

More >

J2EE Form-based Authentication

by Volker Weber

Implementing security for Web applications is a mandatory task for architects and Web application developers. In J2EE, the Web containers have support for built-in security mechanisms for their applications.

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by Volker Weber


Ballmer's Microsoft

by Volker Weber

How CEO Steve Ballmer is remaking the company that Bill Gates built

There isn't another company in the world as closely identified with its leader as Microsoft Corp. (MSFT ) has been with William H. Gates III. When the PC revolution erupted in the mid-1980s, it was Gates who emerged as chief pitchman for the clunky machines that suddenly appeared on many desktops. When tech stocks soared to unimaginable heights, Gates's multibillions landed him atop the lists of the world's wealthiest. And when Microsoft found itself in the crosshairs of federal antitrust regulators, Gates personified the abuse of market power. He was lord over a software behemoth that in 27 years has racked up nearly $50 billion in profits and that calls the tune for one of the world's most crucial industries. Gates is to our era what Rockefeller and Carnegie were to theirs.

But Gates no longer runs Microsoft. He gave up the chief executive role 2 1/2 years ago to his best friend and longtime management sidekick, Steven A. Ballmer. The burly, eats-nails-for-breakfast Detroit native thrives on the discipline of organizational management the way Gates thrills to the intricacies of technology. In 2000, Gates gave his pal free rein to restructure the way Microsoft manages finance, sales, product development, marketing, even strategic planning. And Ballmer took him up on it, big time.

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Knowledge Networks - Mapping and Measuring Knowledge Creation and Re-Use

by Volker Weber

No one doubts that better management of knowledge within the firm will lead to improved innovation and competitive advantage. Everyone agrees on the goal -- better utilization of internal and external knowledge. It is the approach to this goal that is hotly debated. Many vendors and consultants push a technology-driven approach. "Buy our state-of-art knowledge storage system and you will never again lose knowledge that is vital to the company!", they exclaim. Other consultants emphasize the soft-side of Knowledge Management. "Create a learning culture, that rewards sharing, and knowledge management will take care of itself!", they postulate. There are no silver bullets. Not from the technologists. Not from the culture prophets.

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Why Argentina fell out of the Worldcup

by Volker Weber

Mehr vom Ziegelsteinseiltänzerleser

by Volker Weber

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Aus einer IBM Bedienungsanleitung

Bestellte Studie gegen Open Source?

by Markus Nolte

Auftragsstudien sind so eine Sache, vor allem dann, wenn der Forschende nicht verraten will, wer die Rechnung bezahlt. In den USA warnt ein Think Tank Regierungen vor dem Open-Source-Einsatz. Zu den Förderern des Instituts gehört Microsoft.

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vowe on tour

by Volker Weber


I am about to leave for the IBM Software Symposium in Vienna. If you read this weblog and see me there, then introduce yourself. I am happy to meet readers. And hey, the beer is free. You might as well have one on me. :-)

Groove 2.0: Success by design

by Volker Weber

With the release of version 2.0 Groove has sent out a signal to every business, big or small - this is the way collaboration is going, are you?

Not just a client side application anymore with the cutest tools going, but a full blown collaboration platform with specialized tools for backend integration, enabling communication to any hand held device and a set of services that allow an administrator to manage thousands of Groove users, from one central control point - this is not just a product, but a tour de force that integrates the best thinking and technologies of the day.

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Wi-Fi Changes Meeting Dynamics

by Volker Weber

When you have Wi-Fi, plus journalists, plus Web logs, it can be very powerful. It's going to change the dynamics of communications.

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Drucker- und Servermarkt schwächelt

by Oliver Tunnat

Laut einer aktuellen Studie von Gartner Dataquest verzeichnete der Drucker-Markt in Europa, im Mittleren Osten und Afrika (EMEA) im ersten Quartal 2002 einen Umsatzrückgang von sieben Prozent, in Westeuropa waren es sogar 13 Prozent. Insgesamt wurden in der EMEA-Region knapp sieben Milliarden Geräte ausgeliefert.

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Milliarden-Sonderbelastung bei IBM

by Oliver Tunnat

IBM wird Vorsteuer-Sonderbelastungen von 2 bis 2,5 Milliarden Dollar für Stellenstreichungen, den Ausstieg aus dem Festplatten-Geschäft und Abschreibungen im Mikroelektronik-Bereich verbuchen. Sie werden vor allem im zweiten Quartal anfallen. Dies hat der Computerkonzern am Dienstag nach Börsenschluss mitgeteilt.

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Email Anti Virus and Security Testing Zone

by Volker Weber

The most deadly viruses, able to cripple your email system and corporate network in minutes, are being distributed worldwide via email in a matter of hours (for example, the LoveLetter virus). Email worms and viruses can reach your system and infect your users through harmful attachments. But that's not all! Some viruses are transmitted through harmless-looking email messages and can run automatically without the need for user intervention (like the Nimda virus). Are you covered against such threats?

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The Knowledge Management Payback

by Markus Nolte

Knowledge management, an extremely broad term that was first heralded in the mid-'90s as the solution for companies looking to improve business processes, had its reputation tarnished as many companies that invested in knowledge-related technologies had little to show in return. Today, however, knowledge management (KM) seems to be in its renaissance as companies are now showing results.

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by Volker Weber


Gerade einen Smart bestellt. So soll er aussehen.

Finally - Mozilla 1.0 is out

by Volker Weber

Get the lizard here >

Top 10 portal pitfalls--and how to avoid them

by Volker Weber

Meta trend: During 2002/03, organizations will exploit portal architecture and Web services principles, layering component interfaces onto applications and data via different object models (EJB, .Net) and XML. Through 2003, Web teams will evolve as best-practice advocacy groups (e.g., Web site globalization). Through 2006, Web architects will adopt a platform approach, in which applications leverage common services that are connected, aggregated, and personalized via portal frameworks.

The enterprise portal market will be three years old in 2002. This has provided a sufficient history of portal framework implementations to reveal common problems encountered by these projects.

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German gov deal offers Linux great leap forward in Europe

by Markus Nolte

The German Ministry of the Interior's agreement with IBM to deploy Linux-based software gives the open-source movement an immense boost. The combination of government resources and IBM solutions could threaten Microsoft with a lockout from the lucrative German administration. [The Register]

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StarOffice 6 im Eigenbau

by Markus Nolte

StarOffice galt bislang als kostenlose Alternative zu Microsofts Office-Paket. Bei der neuen Version 6.0 will Hersteller Sun mitverdienen. Doch mit einem Trick bekommen Sie StarOffice weiterhin gratis - dank OpenOffice.

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Still my favorite T-shirt

by Volker Weber

ThinkGeek :: i read your e-mail.

Personal Toolkit

by Volker Weber

Teamwork is the nature of knowledge work today. But we're not talking about stable, permanent groups with comfortable relationships and defined roles. More likely we collaborate from day to day in ad hoc, overlapping groups with peers, superiors and subordinates from our own companies (if we have one), customers, partners, suppliers and all manner of miscellaneous consultancies and constituencies.

Working effectively in such a situation requires a readiness for just-in-time collaboration that relies on both social skills and information tools. Unfortunately, most collaboration platforms offer either robust knowledge-sharing functions for a select group of inside-the-firewall employees or thin messaging and document posting capabilities for the masses.

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by Volker Weber

... Wahrscheinlicher aber ist, dass der Niedergang des Guccione-Reichs darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass der alte Mann die Grundsätze nicht mehr begreift, die ihn einmal haben groß werden lassen. Seine Herrschaft, hat er Michael Korda, Cheflektor bei Simon & Schuster, einmal gesagt, beruhe auf dem Prinzip Familie. Er behandle jeden Mitarbeiter so interessiert und fürsorglich, als ob er mit ihm verwandt wäre. Es ist Gucciones Pech, dass ebensolche Väter heute nicht mehr besonders gefragt sind.

Sehr lesenswerter Artikel auf Spiegel Online >

Netcraft Web Server Survey

by Volker Weber

Remarkably, this month Netscape-Enterprise has been replaced on netscape.com. Although Sun and AOL have dissolved their iPlanet joint venture, and netscape.com is wholly owned by AOL, the move still seems likely to create useful marketing collateral for Microsoft, and indeed, Covalent and Red Hat too, as they sell to enterprises where Sun/Netscape is the present incumbent. Looking more carefully, Netscape-Enterprise had already been replaced on some of Netscape's European sites. For example, netscape.co.uk now runs Apache, while in France netscape.fr runs Microsoft-IIS. It may prove challenging for Sun to convince people that they should not migrate away from Netscape-Enterprise when the Netscape sites themselves have done precisely this. People can experiment further with the Netscape sites here.

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Und nun die Werbung

by Volker Weber

“Die Geschichte der Menstruation ist eine Geschichte voller Vorurteile,” erklärt die freundlich lächelnde Dame im Laborkittel, “von denen wir die weitverbreitetsten aufklären möchten: Die Regel passiert nicht in der Hand, und Menstruationsblut ist auch nicht hellblau...”


“Lieben Sie das Gefühl frischgewaschener Wäsche auf ihrer Haut?” Eine junge Frau streichelt selbstverliebt über ein nasses T-Shirt. “Dann besprühen Sie Ihre Wäsche mit Klamm (TM), und ihre Kleidung wird sich den ganzen Tag feucht und ungebügelt anfühlen!”


“Kaufen Sie Kinderkeks, denn Kinder liiiiiiiiiiiieben Kinderkeks, und Ihr Kind wird sie liiiiiiiiiiiiiiieben, wenn Sie ihm Kinderkeks geben, und andere Kinder werden Ihr Kind liiiiiiiiiiiiiieben, wenn Sie ihm genug Kinderkekse kaufen, damit es mit ihnen liiiiiiiiiiiiiiieb teilen kann, und Ihr Kind wird überhaupt ganz liiiiiiiiiieb sein, wenn Sie ihm Kinderkeks kaufen. Wenn Sie Ihr Kind liiiiiiiiiiiiiiieben, kaufen Sie ihm Kinderkeks. Neu: Jetzt mit ganz liiiiiiiiiiieben “Ich hab Mami liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieb” Aufklebern in jeder Packung!”


“Schlappi: Das Hundefutter für den anspruchsvollen Hund. Eine ausgewogene Mischung feinster Fleischsorten, angereichert mit wertvollem Eiweiß, lebenswichtigen Mineralien und Vitaminen, in siebenunddreißig Geschmacksrichtungen. Alle Tiere, die für Schlappi geschlachtet werden, stammen aus kontrollierten und garantiert BSE-freien deutschen Beständen. Jede Dose Schlappi wird von staatlich vereidigten Lebensmittelprüfern vorgekostet. Wir wissen, daß Ihr Hund etwas besseres verdient hat als den Fraß, mit dem eine Millarden Menschen in der Dritten Welt jeden Tag auskommen müssen.”


“Wir bringen Menschen zusammen, deren Leidenschaft Kaffee ist: Den alleinerziehenden Endzwanziger und Konzernchef, dessen wesentlicher Lebensinhalt im Verständnisaufbringen für seinen Knirps besteht. Die übernächtigte Tippse, die seine Firma und sein Vermögen verwaltet. Den Lagerarbeiter, der voller Hingabe die Kaffeebohnensäcke in die Mahlerei bugsiert. Die fanatisch kaffeesüchtige und unterbezahlte phillipinische Schiffsbesatzung von dem Seelenverkäufer, der die Säcke aus Ostafrika nach Hamburg bringt. Die begeistert erntehelfenden Kinder auf den Feldern der Cash-Crop-Plantagen. Sie alle sind voller Leidenschaft dabei. Denn sonst schmeißen wir sie raus. Und jetzt ganz neu: Ganzfair-Kaffee aus garantiert negerfreundlichem Anbau.”

Das Heise Forum kann auch mal unterhaltsam sein. More >

My Blog, My Outboard Brain

by Volker Weber

I consume, digest, and excrete information for a living. Whether I'm writing science fiction, editorials, columns, or tech books, whether I'm speaking from a podium or yammering down the phone at some poor reporter, my success depends on my ability to cite and connect disparate factoids at just the right moment.

As a committed infovore, I need to eat roughly six times my weight in information every day or my brain starts to starve and atrophy. I gather information from many sources: print, radio, television, conversation, the Web, RSS feeds, email, chance, and serendipity. I used to bookmark this stuff, but I just ended up with a million bookmarks that I never revisited and could never find anything in.

Theoretically, you can annotate your bookmarks, entering free-form reminders to yourself so that you can remember why you bookmarked this page or that one. I don't know about you, but I never actually got around to doing this -- it's one of those get-to-it-later eat-your-vegetables best-practice housekeeping tasks like defragging your hard drive or squeegeeing your windshield that you know you should do but never get around to.

Until I started blogging.

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CW extraKT: Vernetzte Kommunikation zum Nulltarif

by Volker Weber

Mit Hilfe von Weblogs lässt sich unmittelbar mit Kunden, Lieferanten und Mitarbeitern kommunizieren - der Community-Gedanke lebt wieder auf. Für das Kunden-Management bietet sich dadurch eine direkte und offene Ansprache.

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by Volker Weber

FieldControl is a Notes application that allows quick viewing, modifing, deletiting and creating fields in Notes documents in a convenient way. The main purpose of FieldControl is to modify fields that cannot be modified via existing forms. Generally, such fields require writing an agent/action or modifing an appropriate form. Using FieldControl you shorten DB/application maintenance or development time. You save your time viewing all the fields at once. Just make a hardcopy of FieldControl before designing a new view. You can consider FieldControl to be an "extended" properties box for documents. In addition, FieldControl can change "design documents" (such as an agent, a view or a form), for example any personal agent can be converted to a shared agent by this tool.

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Heimliche Diener

by Oliver Tunnat

Von wegen Servicewüste - Deutschland ist auf dem besten Weg zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft. Vor allem die Industrieunternehmen treiben den Wandel voran.

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710er Deckel

by Volker Weber

Aus meiner E-Mail:

Vor ein paar Tagen war ich beim Autohändler, um mir ein paar neue Modelle anzusehen. Zufällig kam zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine andere Kundin und fragte den Verkäufer nach einem 710er Deckel. Die Verkäufer und auch einige Kunden im Autohaus sahen sich fragend an, da keiner dieses Teil kannte. Die Frau bestand darauf, dass es ein Teil des Motors sei, es irgendwie verlorengegangen sei, und sie jetzt ein neues brauche. Schliesslich fragte ein Verkäufer, ob sie eine Skizze davon machen könne. Sie nickte, zeichnete einen Kreis von etwa 8 cm, und schrieb "710" hinein. Dieses Bild zeigt das benötigte Ersatzteil ...

OK, OK, fünf Magg in die Schowikasse.

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