Wouldn’t it be great if you could just copy and paste text from a website into your document and have it look good? Imagine not having to manually remove the source formatting like font size, type, or background color.
You might be familiar with this shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V (Cmd + Shift + V on Mac) — it’s also called “keep text only” or “paste plain text”—because of its popularity in other applications like Microsoft Teams, Word for the web, Google, and Gmail. No matter what you call it, the Paste Text Only shortcut is now available in Word for Windows and Word Mac.
What took you so long, Microsoft?
ctrl-alt-v followed by an arrow down wasn’t so bad – but nice to finally have a direct shortcut.
On macOS, I am using the “Pure Paste” tool. Small and easy.
You can configure in Office (for Windows at least) the default paste options since ages. Under “File” > “Options” > “Advanced” select under “Cut, copy, and paste” the behaviour in detailed granularity (pasting within the same document / between documents / between documents when style definitions conflict / from other programs). I set it up once and it serves me very well. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/control-the-formatting-when-you-paste-text-20156a41-520e-48a6-8680-fb9ce15bf3d6