“Hide extensions for known file types” needs to die

A long, long time ago, sometimes in the last millennium, a Windows product manager developed Mac envy and made hiding file extensions a default feature, and ever since, every sensible Windows user should go into Explorer Options and unclick this feature. Unless of course you have a managed PC where your admin sets this for you.

3 thoughts on ““Hide extensions for known file types” needs to die”

  1. If I remember correctly, the “I love you” virus took advantage of this default setting. The filename was “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs”, a script file, but appeared to most users as “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT” a text file. It infected over 10 million PC’s in May, 2000.

  2. Indeed. The first setting that I change on every Windows machine that I get my hands on.

  3. Da nutzen wir Intune, aber trotzdem habe ich noch bei jeder Neuinstallation die Einstellung manuell geändert. Danke für den Hinweis!
    Und schön, dass Du wieder da bist. Gute Genesung!

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