You may have seen this years ago, but many have not. The Calculator app has two calculators: the standard calculator that you have used all the time, plus a scientific calculator which you get by turning the phone sideways, like you would do with a landscape photo.
What I just learned yesterday is that you have two stopwatches. It’s very difficult to watch progress on the digital stopwatch, but when you swipe to the left you get a beautiful analog stopwatch (with a digital inset).
Can you teach me more of those tricks with built-in apps? Not looking for apps to install but useful features that are not obvious.
Compass app. Point the phone into the direction you are interested in. Tap on the compass. It “locks” the direction and will start to show the deviation of your bearings with a red band.
Compass app. Tap the coordinates and Apple map opens.
Einstellungen quer -> man sieht Menü und Untermenü. Praktisch beim Suchen und Ändern.
Wetter-App: animierte 12 Stunden Vorschau (auf das Faltplan-Icon tippen)
Kalender: Wochenansicht im Landscape-Modus
Fotos: mehrere Fotos auswählen … mit dem Finger über die Fotos streichen, einschl. Auto-Scroll
Nachrichten: Thread nach links wischen um Uhrzeit einzublenden
Cannot activate “stop watch extra” on iPhone Xr / IOS 16.3.1 – maybe hardware is too old? Or my fingers are too fat … 🙂 Anyway: Cool hints! Hoping for more. Thanks to all contributors.
Ooops. Stupid me. Didn’t see the 2 little dots. Sorry – all is ok!
Photos, hold and click for cutout to be copied or shared 🙂
I never knew about the stopwatch – wow. Apple Delight.
Aktivierte Taschenlampe: Im Sperrbildschirm leicht von rechts nach links wischen, um sie wieder auszuschalten
In der Notizen App, bei geteilten Notizen (gemeinsame Bearbeitung), nach rechts wischen, um zu sehen, wer wann was bearbeitet hat. Dann auf einen Namen tippen, um die Änderung hervorzuheben.
The Accessibility settings can be used to make the display emit only red light. This can be useful when using the phone in the dark.
Swipe left in Apple Watch’s flashlight to change from white light, flashing white light, and red light. When in theater mode, the flashlight defaults to red light.
I just tried turning my Android 4.4.2 phone sideways and the Calc app does the same thing. I’ve had this phone for years and I never knew!
Beim iPad lässt sich, ganz ähnlich wie bei MacOS, beim wischen aus der unteren rechten Ecke heraus schnell eine Notiz anlegen!