New Teams app for Windows hits preview; GA slated for June

I suggest you read Mary Jo Foley’s analysis. She is always on top of things. My own findings:

  • The Windows client is a complete rewrite. Users will be able to switch back and forth, for a while.
  • The new Teams up looks akin to the consumer version of Teams, that already has been made available in GA.
  • Microsoft claims twice the speed and half the memory requirements. Here is your incentive to move soon.
  • The rewrite moves the architecture from Custom HTML/JS on top of Angular on top of Electron to a new stack based on Microsoft WebView2. It contains three layers: Fluent, React, and a client data layer.
  • There is now a multitude of for-pay options like Teams Premium, or a Teams Copilot. You can make it as expensive as Microsoft desires. I see some contract work coming up.
  • Not important for most users, but a must-have for almost all IT guys: multi-tenant login with notifications from all tenants. Hooray.

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