Yesterday I completed 3000 days where I closed all my rings on Apple Watch. That is more than 8 years. My longest streak has been more than a thousand days, but then eventually something happens that makes you miss da day. Sometimes it’s a bug in the software, and other times it is a bug in your body.
Counting from the first day that I closed my rings (600 kcal, 30 minutes exercise, 12 hours standing) it took me 3021 days to get to 3000. At the very end, on September 7 it showed 3000 days, did not give me the award, went back to 2999 and only on September 8 it awarded me.
3000 out of 3021, that is 99.3 % success. Being consistent makes all the difference. No matter what the weather looks like, no matter if you are lazy today, just go out and get moving. Many things happened in those eight years. I had surgery, I woke up in an ICU, I got teeth implanted, but I always picked myself up.
My habits have formed, I rarely check if I completed the rings, and that is how I missed 21 days, sometimes by just three kcal. But every single month looks like this calendar view.
2354 and counting…
We have never met, Volker, but this is impressive. I am sure I do not need to say: go on. You will anyways.
Congrats Volker!
still a few days ahead of you 🙂
I reached my 3000’s goal on the second of August. I don’t look at the rings every day anymore either, but sometimes in bad weather it still motivates me.
Ich bin bei 1550. Und es geht weiter, Danke Volker für die Inspiration💜
Hi Volker, du hast es eventuell schon mal geschrieben, aber: Aktivierst du die Trainings-App? Also wenn du spazieren gehst am Anfang oder wenn nach ein paar Minuten das Pop-up kommt?
Oder machst du den Trainings-Ring “einfach so” voll?
Einfach so. Aber den Exercise Ring kriegst du mit Schrittzählen nicht voll. Ich gehe jeden Tag in flottem Tempo mehr als eine Stunde. Mit Schreibtisch zu Regal und zurück kriegst du zwar Move aber nicht Exercise voll.
This is inspiring. Thank you very much.
It’s you who made me buy an Apple Watch and started the idea to close the rings.
Respekt! Wo soll das noch enden? 🙂
2684. Auch von mir: Danke für die Inspiration und die Motivation! Habe mir vor langer Zeit eine Apple Watch zugelegt und Volkers #dontbreakthechain Methode hat den Ausschlag gegeben dazu. Also ich wollte sowieso aber der wirklich nützliche Grund hat gefehlt 🙂