I like reading books that open my mind to things I know nothing about. Amy Odell’s biography of Anna Wintour is one such example. We gave one book away on Xmas, but I am reading on a new device for me:
This is a Kindle Scribe, which is much larger than my Kindle Oasis. Same metal build quality, very thin and light for a 10″ tablet, same 300 dpi front-illuminated e-paper display, but it has a trick up its sleeve: you can write on it with a pen. This pen is tucked away in the leather sleeve, but it will also hold magnetically to the side.
Kindle Scribe can be your notebook, in the very classical sense. Writing on it really feels like writing on paper, but I have not used it much for writing yet. When you add notes to a Kindle book, it works the same way as on a regular kindle, that it attaches little notes. But Kindle Scribe also lets you write directly into PDF pages that you send to the device through Kindle apps or the SendToKindle service. There are a lot of missing pieces in the software, but this is only the beginning of a journey. Example: you can delete pages from a notebook, but you can’t insert pages into a notebook or a PDF. Also a bit annoying: you can select a stationary for each notebook, but it has to be the same for all pages.
I like this Kindle Scribe, and I especially like the Leather Cover. It lets me prop up the book in front of me. I have been reading hours on end this way. I will get to describe the device later. First, I need to finish my book.
Amy Odell, ANNA: The Biography, 24 € Hardcover, 9 € Kindle Book
Spannend, endlich größer als die kleinen Geräte. Hat es Hardware Tasten zum Blättern?
Nein, aber man blättert seltener.
Ist Amazon aufgewacht weil die Konkurrenz eDisplay Wellen schlägt?