Logitech bringt heute eine neue ergonomische Maus. Die soll Schmerzen in Hand, Ellenbogen und Schultern vorbeugen. Die tennisarmgeplagte Scheffin sagt, das funktioniert!
It took over a year, but Poly, the company formerly known as Plantronics, managed to fix this one-of-a-kind headset. This month, they have released a firmware update and the release notes for version 513 state two changes:
Updated audio tuning to improve transmit performance
Enable HD Voice by default
“Improve transmit performance” is corp speak for “we are sorry, but it was completely broken and now it works”. The issue was that your voice was no longer transmitted properly. People on the other end could no longer understand you.
I need you to install this update and tell me if your headset is OK now.
Mine was never broken, but Poly changed something in the hardware and newer ones did not work in loud environments. Old and new with the same firmware. Old one worked, new one did not. Then I was told that they changed the hardware yet again, and now it would be OK. I told you that you would be safe now, but you were not.
The 513 firmware changed that. I have multiple reports that 2022 Voyager 5200 are now working properly. To be clear about this, we are looking at three generations of the same hardware and I do not know exactly when they went bad. Old ones which are way out of warranty were never broken. Those bought in 2020 and 2021 had a problem. Newer ones are now as good as the really old ones.
If you have a 2020 or 2021 Voyager 5200 please install the 513 firmware and try to call from a really noisy environment. In a car at 100 km an hour, with the window down. Can people understand you? They should. Let me know.
And the other change? HD Voice should be enabled. Yes, please. Otherwise, you sound like you are talking from the moon.
Mark Zuckerberg may not have wished for any of that. But by rewiring everything in a headlong rush for growth—with a naive conception of human psychology, little understanding of the intricacy of institutions, and no concern for external costs imposed on society—Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and a few other large platforms unwittingly dissolved the mortar of trust, belief in institutions, and shared stories that had held a large and diverse secular democracy together.
Read the whole piece. It explains very well why everything seems so broken.
Bargeldlos einkaufen geht mittlerweile wunderbar. Nur der Einkaufswagen will noch eine Münze. Oder eine Unterlegscheibe nach DIN 9021 für M8 Schrauben. Außendurchmesser 24 mm.
Vor 25 Jahren hat mir mein Freund Henri mal einen Beutel mit diesen Unterlegscheiben vermacht. Das ist die letzte und ich werde nachkaufen. 100 Stück, 7 ct das Stück, Edelstahl. Einfach in alle Hosentaschen verteilen.
I’ve been giving a talk on the importance of learning from failure to every YC batch for last few years. I wrote this post in 2017 but never published it. I dusted it off for the 10 year anniversary of Pebble’s launch on Kickstarter.
Eric Migicovsky, ex-CEO Pebble
tl;dr: lack of longterm vision, driving up OPEX too fast, excess inventory because of overestimating growth.
I loved the original Pebble and was disappointed by Pebble Time. A bland color display just made no sense. Either way, Pebble would have been squeezed out by Apple from the top and cheap Chinese knockoffs from the bottom.
Interesting reading for everybody familiar with Pebble.
Two years into the pandemic, the older generation of executives — even those inside Silicon Valley — aren’t accustomed to managing workforces remotely. “Leaders find it really hard to lead virtually,” Bock said.
And that’s it. Despite an uptick in productivity, it is the inability of managers to adapt. Plus, you cannot project status and perks when everybody is just a Teams avatar.
OTOH, companies will find it hard to attract the best people if they make them sit in traffic.
Ich trinke gerne klares Leitungswasser ohne Kohlensäure oder andere Zusätze. Und ich mag die meisten Flaschen nicht, aus denen man das trinken würde. Ich habe eine ganze Batterie von SIGG-Flaschen mit verschiedenen Verschlüssen, aber das ist kein schönes Trinkerlebnis.
Diese Woche bin ich über das air up System gestolpert, das wie Voodoo klingt. Simpel erklärt: Man hält die Flasche aufrecht und nuckelt an einem Silikonstöpsel, der durch einen eingebauten Halm mit großem Durchmesser Wasser vom Boden der Flasche fördert. Dabei füllt sich der Mund sehr leicht mit einer großen Menge Wasser.
Der eigentliche Clou liegt diesem Ring am Kopf der Flasche:
Dieser Ring enthält natürliche Aromastoffe, die mit Luft gemischt dem Strom des Wassers hinzugefügt werden. Die nimmt man über die Nase wahr. Das Hirn mischt diese beiden Signale zusammen und man denkt, das Wasser habe den entsprechenden Geschmack. Brainfuck!
Die Aromastoffe verbrauchen sich und der “Geschmack” lässt nach. Ein Ring soll etwa fünf Liter halten. Die Ringe gibt es in vielen Geschmacksrichtungen und werden in 3er-Sets verkauft. Ein solches Set kostet zwischen 6 und 8 Euro und hier ist langfristig der Umsatz gesichert.
Ich habe mal ein paar verschiedene Sets auf meine Wunschliste gesetzt, aber ich werde die Flasche auch ohne neue Ringe weiterverwenden. Ich finde die Flasche nämlich auch ohne Aromastoffe super und ich mag den Geschmack unseres Trinkwassers. Die Flasche ist übrigens nur dann dicht, wenn man den Verschluss drauf geschraubt hat. Das ist wenig überraschend, da sie beim Trinken Luft ansaugt. Das System würde mit einer stets dichten Flasche nicht funktionieren und das Trinkerlebnis wäre auch völlig anders.
Today, we’re sharing more about cyberattacks we’ve seen from a Russian nation-state actor targeting Ukraine and steps we’ve taken to disrupt it.
We recently observed attacks targeting Ukrainian entities from Strontium, a Russian GRU-connected actor we have tracked for years. This week, we were able to disrupt some of Strontium’s attacks on targets in Ukraine. On Wednesday April 6th, we obtained a court order authorizing us to take control of seven internet domains Strontium was using to conduct these attacks. We have since re-directed these domains to a sinkhole controlled by Microsoft, enabling us to mitigate Strontium’s current use of these domains and enable victim notifications.