Matter Updates für Eve Energy, Eve Door & Window und Eve Motion

Wichtiger Hinweis, bevor Ihr Euch ins das Update-Abenteuer stürzt:

Beachte bitte, dass du das Upgrade auf Matter nicht rückgängig und daher deine Geräte nicht wieder zu reinen HomeKit-Geräten machen kannst. Ein Upgrade zu Matter ist dann sinnvoll, wenn du dein Eve-Gerät mit einer zweiten Plattform steuern möchtest. Dazu benötigst du einen Matter-Controller dieser Plattform. Wenn dein Haushalt ausschließlich auf Apple-Geräte setzt, ist das Matter-Upgrade optional und verändert nichts an der Funktionalität oder Performance deiner Eve-Geräte.

Beim Upgrade auf Matter verfällt der HomeKit Code auf dem Gerät. Statt dessen bekommt man einen Matter-Code angezeigt. Und den muss man sichern.

Ich habe ein Eve Energy mit Matter Firmware. Und dort ist der Matter Code aufgedruckt. Das bleibt für Testzwecke bis auf weiteres mein einziges Matter-Gerät.

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AirPods Pro 2: Perfection

I was in a small group of people who checked the AirPods Pro before they were officially announced on October 29, 2019 at 13.00 CET. A year later I was once again blown away by the AirPods Max. Those are still the best headphones I have.

The AirPods Pro became the headphones of choice for lots of people, rightfully so. But when the second generation AirPods Pro came out, I was lagging. After three years, my original AirPods Pro started rattling and Apple had replaced the two earbuds while sending me back the original case. I was good to go for another three years, and besides, could Apple really improve on the AirPods Pro that much? As it turns out, I was wrong.

Fast forward to 2023 and I have now used the AirPods Pro 2 for two months, and they have noticeably improved on all fronts. The transparency mode is even better than the already excellent original AirPods Pro, they filter out more ambient noise, they sound fuller, and they have little benefits I missed on the original. You can finally set the volume without speaking “Hey Siri louder” into thin air. The case beeps when it wants to provide feedback or when you are searching for it, and finally, it warns you through the Find My app when you leave them behind, much like the AirPods Max.

I have many headphones, but if I could only have one, this would be it. With voice isolation, you can even use them for phone calls.

Wer geht, lebt

Ich musste 55 werden, bis ich es gelernt habe. Wer noch jünger ist, kann es jetzt lernen. Gehen ist wichtig. Ausnahme: Querschnittslähmung und ähnliche Einschränkungen. Aber wenn du auf deinen beiden Füßen gehen kannst, dann mache es, so oft es geht.

Ideal wäre eine Entfernung zum Arbeitsplatz von 2 km. Dann gehst du morgens und abends jeweils eine halbe Stunde. Nicht mit einem Tretroller, nicht mit einem Fahrrad. Einfach gehen. Das bewirkt beim Menschen so viel. Arte hat dieses wichtige Video noch mal hochgeladen.

I am not missing Twitter (or Facebook)

The blue checkmark will eventually go away. I did not pay for it, and never will.

I often make decisions based on principle. Years ago, I stopped posting on Facebook and last year I stopped posting on Twitter after Elon Musk bought the platform.

Both decisions may have limited my “clout”, but they have improved my life. When I have something to say, I do it here. Sometimes I post on Mastodon, but these posting are ephemeral.

udoq still going strong

One of my greatest joys is to find my own mistakes. Things that can be made so much simpler than you used to do them. John had the same experience this week. I will just quote from his email:

Some years ago you recommended the udoq Charging Station.  As I was looking for something like that I invested and I have to say I am very pleased with it.  … On Saturday I got an email from them about a Sale.  Great but I don’t need anything just now. However I had a read. 

Wait!  What’s this??  “The Charging connectors can be raised or lowered in case you have a protector on your device.”

I stripped my one down and flipping heck – they’re right!  What’s more it is very easy.  I had assumed that those bits were moulded.

For the last X years, I have been religiously removing and attaching my Device Covers every day before putting them on to charge.  I am feeling a tad stupid right now, I can tell you.

John, you are not alone. Quite a few people do not know this.

udoq with two Lightning connectors, individually set for an iPhone with and without case

udoq is very versatile. We have been using two of them since they came out. The base seems expensive, but it is very long-lasting, and the adapters and cables are rather cheap. It just grows with you. Still highly recommended.

Alex Murrell: The age of average

The interiors of our homes, coffee shops and restaurants all look the same. The buildings where we live and work all look the same. The cars we drive, their colours and their logos all look the same. The way we look and the way we dress all looks the same. Our movies, books and video games all look the same. And the brands we buy, their adverts, identities and taglines all look the same.

But it doesn’t end there. In the age of average, homogeneity can be found in an almost indefinite number of domains.

The Instagram pictures we post, the tweets we read, the TV we watch, the app icons we click, the skylines we see, the websites we visit and the illustrations which adorn them all look the same. The list goes on, and on, and on.

A fascinating read >